Beginners and Beyond

Now then; WednesDAILIES! (Read 46 times)


    Just watched Usain Bolt, the movie. He looks like a cool dude!

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      I went to the track for the first time in a while. Last year I went on Fridays after work and there were maybe 2 other people there. Way different crowd on a weeknight. Got to see the behavior that makes runners ready to lose it. Anyway, a little over 6 miles. 1 mile easy, 1 mile HM pace, then intervals of 6,5,4,3,2,1 minutes with 2 minutes between each. Each interval was faster than the last. Then did 5 short hill sprints.


      DH and I both think the other is hard to shop for. And we both have birthdays right around Christmas.


        In honor of you guys, I ran a 3.4 mile warmup at the track tonight, and a 4 mile cooldown.  I even did a few intervals in the middle. 







            Torture is waiting for my 610 to figure out that it can sync with the ANT stick.