Beginners and Beyond


TueSlowDailies (Read 31 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Oof it was like stepping out into a vat of soup this morning  90 minutes easy-ish (the -ish mostly because I can't keep my flipping HR down when it's sunny and humid. Give me one or the other but not both!!).


    Always take the sun, not the humidity. Trust us.




      Always take the sun, not the humidity. Trust us.


      Speak for yourself. I'd take cloud cover and humidity over straight sun all day, every day and twice on Sunday. The sun is my kryptonite. I lose every time.

      From the Internet.


        Always take the sun, not the humidity. Trust us.


        I mean, I'd rather have NEITHER, lol.


        Are we there, yet?


          Speak for yourself. I'd take cloud cover and humidity over straight sun all day, every day and twice on Sunday. The sun is my kryptonite. I lose every time.


          I'm with you on this.  Direct sun in the heat is my nemesis.  That's why I bailed after 5.7 miles today.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles





          Former Bad Ass

            LOL, and then I say, you are talking about "humidity" not humidity.  Wink  Try 80 dewpoint and cloudy and check back.


            By the way, sun kills me too.  But humidity kills me more.  My humidity.

            Lauren, I rather have neither either. Big grin



            Former Bad Ass

              You just reminded me of this, lol:


              Humidity in the South



              Former Bad Ass

                They opened my position today.  Sheesh, they are working fast to get me out of here.  That's light years in government terms.



                  LOL, and then I say, you are talking about "humidity" not humidity.  Wink  Try 80 dewpoint and cloudy and check back.


                  No, we're not. Weather extremes are relative, so trying to compare numbers from different climates doesn't work. So when someone says it was hot, where they live, It. Was. Hot.


                    They opened my position today.  Sheesh, they are working fast to get me out of here.  That's light years in government terms.


                    Thank God. The entire internet is waiting for you to get the hell out of Miami so we can discuss how hot WE are. 


                    Former Bad Ass


                      Thank God. The entire internet is waiting for you to get the hell out of Miami so we can discuss how hot WE are. 




                      I don't mind switching to bitching about how cold I AM.


                      Someone asked me today why did I want to move to the cold since we always have nice running weather.  WHAT THE FUCK, NO.




                        Thank God. The entire internet is waiting for you to get the hell out of Miami so we can discuss how hot WE are. 



                          1.78, middle right ham said no. Felt okay before I started.   Then an hour later I tried to pool run and that was worse, I couldnt make it one length.  Very odd pool running worse than asphalt...  a bit puzzled


                            I ran 5-ish. This morning I was thinking how I'm looking forward to cold weather again. But today is pretty decent here - humidity dropped last night and we are in the 70s all day





                              I don't mind switching to bitching about how cold I AM.


                              Someone asked me today why did I want to move to the cold since we always have nice running weather.  WHAT THE FUCK, NO.


                              I had a friend from Florida visit in AUGUST one year and they were fareeezing!


                                1.78, middle right ham said no. 


                                I thought about you during my massage last night...


                                Not like that ya goof.  My MT was massaging my hamstring fibers individually, it was weird. I remembered you mentioning that you've done something like that. It was a first for me and hopefully it works.
