Beginners and Beyond


Sooner rather than later SunDAILIES (Read 31 times)


Run to live; live to run

    I actually meant I was driving and missed my exit off of the freeway, not running.  Anyhoo, 14 miles done that seemingly took forever.  I even wore headphones to help with the boredom or it would have been worse.




    Do anything else to entertain yourself during the run?  Not like you to not do anything else during a run. I expect one day to see videos of your entertaining yourself running on you tube.



      Stopping by quickly before I head for a shower, and a bit later to our local pub for a juicy burger, a salad and a margarita (it's my own tradition after each 20 milers ). 20 miles, 7:50 mpm avg, including 12 @ MP and the rest too fast for my own good.


      Now for a hot shower. See you guys later!

      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



        Do anything else to entertain yourself during the run?  Not like you to not do anything else during a run. I expect one day to see videos of your entertaining yourself running on you tube.


        Like this?


          Hi dailies:


          Rick - sweet, enjoy the wine and movie


          Free - gotta get it done when you can


          Basya - taper tantrum, good term.


          Oski - Sad


          Baboon - Staying under warm blankets with no hurry to get out of bed  -- a luxury indeed.


          D - have a good ride


          Lily - mud instead of snow is just fine.  Great LR!


          Tom - Running biathlon -- I know they do these somewhere.  I would totally be in.


          OOTB - yum


          Scotty - be safe in that weather


          Marjorie - good runs and chores


          Ric-G - oh, for "too warm"


          DaveP - yes, this whole outdoor running thing is pretty cool!


          Hey Old Man Winter:  I saw my first robin of the year today, so shut it down.



            FreeSoul87, brava on exceeding your distance goal for today's run.


            Marjorie, great runs.


            Rick, fantastic fourteen.


            Ric-G, bravo on the 5.5.


            DaveP MI, sweet seven and yoga.


            Lily, amazing twenty.


            Jay, I hope that OMW listens to you.


            10.0 on the TM in 1:39:23. 9:57 pace. Pretty cozy. I've already packed meds (Zyrtec, Albuterol, and a cough suppressant). I asked the doctor to make sure that everything except the Albuterol is in pill form, so that I may stash it in my backpack.

              Oh yeah, today's runs:


              7.18 easy

              3.1 at 5K pace

              7.19 recovery


              Big grin



                Strangely enough, after my bath soak in my Village Naturals Therapy bath soap and salts, I am not feeling too sore. I was expecting to feel sore most of today and tomorrow morning.

                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                  13 done.  Last week at peak mileage for my plan, and let me tell you that it is not a moment too soon!  In happier news, my LRS finally got in the salted caramel gu, and I tried one today, and that stuff is seriously the nectar of the gods!


                  OOTB, that 2 x 2 at 10K sounds like a perfect substitute workout since the plan has been building longer intervals at 10K pace anyway.  It sounds tough, but doable.  I hope it went well!


                  I think that I am not going to substitute for the second tune up race that I am not doing, since my first tune-up race is 10 miles instead of 10K.  Instead, I am just running easy miles the week after my 10 miler, and then pushing the remaining speed workouts all back by one week.  So the week of the second tune-up race, I'll still have a workout left.


                    Hello, all! I got in a 5-mile recovery run today to end the week at 60 miles. Legs didn't feel too bad, but tomorrow with either be SRD+yoga, or just a very short run to check on how the melting/freezing is going on the route where I would like to do hill repeats Wednesday.

                    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                      Well I got out to the track -- it was sunny and 73 degrees and humid as a warm front is moving thru -- so I wasn't sure what to expect.   I did the first  2 miles of my planned workout.  It didn't feel awful, and so I had one of those "what the heck" moments.  I decided to keep on going for the full 10,000 meters just to see what would happen.  I started having some regrets around mile 4.  It was lonely out there and the loop after loop after loop was mentally a grind.   I found myself missing all those things I normally find annoying at races.  The chatter boxes, the elbowers and even the spitters.    I ended up with 54:10, which was 20 seconds better than my race of two weeks, so I was pleased with that.  Of course I didn't have to weave around anyone, so I probably didn't run as far as I would have in a race.


                      One thing I learned for sure, is that a garmin (except for the stop-watch part) is useless on a track.  According to my garmin I ran 49:30 10K  Lol, I wish.

                      Life is good.


                      Run to live; live to run

                        Haha Dave gets it for entertaining ones self on a run



                        Former Bad Ass

                          14.11 biking miles with hubby.



                            Hubby wants us to do the Vancouver HM.  With 12 weeks to train (it's in 14-15 weeks, I think), best bet would be make my own plan with Daniel's, right, LRB?


                            I would think with your knowledge and experience you would write your own, that's what I did using the training plan feature on RA.  That thing is awesome!


                            Marj, funny you said that.  I am usually able to go someplace in my head while running and often will live an entirely different life while at it!


                            Dave whatever happened to that chick?  Congrats on the mileage!


                            Impressive run there Blue!  It is incredibly difficult to dial up a sustained race pace while training.  It speaks to your determination and drive that you were able to do that.


                            Z, this was my mileage peek week but I only have one of them.  I know, I know, I am a slacker.


                            Jay, the robins around here did not get the memo, they have been here all winter.  First time that has happened in my life - doh!


                            Welp, I had the tastiest of pizzas and chased it down with some yummy Cabernet, which of course knocked me the hell out for about five minutes of the movie!  lol


                            The movie was okay and there was blood.  Lots and lots of blood.  Think Kill Bill 1 on steroids!

                              Jay, wonderful runs.


                              FreeSoul87, I'm glad that you're feeling OK.


                              Zelanie, brava on the thirteen.


                              Shari, beautiful five-miler.


                              outoftheblue, great job finishing. My sanity would have left me around mile 1.25.


                              Damaris, excellent ride.


                              Rick, Kill Bill 1 on steroids? That's serious bleeding.


                                Rick, Kill Bill 1 on steroids? That's serious bleeding.


                                Right?  And in 3-D!


                                You in taper yet?
