Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #111 (Read 28 times)



    Onemile--are you only base building right now? Or working toward a TT in the coming months?

    I have zero interest in doing a time trial



      But what a genius move it turned out to be, to squeeze in a marathon in January


      who would have thought that'd be the only chance for marathoning this year?


        The current standings.

        2 Cyberic 1151.3 mi 157:45:54.33
        5 DavePNW 935.59 mi 129:17:51.15
        6 onemile 932.93 mi 130:32:44.5
        10 LRBAdministrator 814.92 mi 122:06:11.2
        11 bluerun 790.8 mi 98:33:11.52
        13 BaboonAdministrator 758.2 mi 93:39:24.93
        15 Docket_RocketOwner 719.43 mi 138:58:22.7
        18 wolvmar 699.01 mi 105:48:48.43
        20 GinnyinPA 671.2 mi 104:30:20.8
        21 wcrunner2 644.6 mi 141:51:14
        23 sdWhiskers 624.9 mi 108:53:33.46




          who would have thought that'd be the only chance for marathoning this year?


          Absolutely no one. Better to be lucky than good.




            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

              My first pot of coffee lacked water, let's try this again...


              My trick, which I do every 4-5weeks is to pour the water into the coffee maker but then not properly seat the pot on the burner... so I have coffee flood at 5 in the morning😡


              6.5 combined, 4 easy on dirt with bumps this morning then 2.5 on flat mostly paved, mostly elevated just now.

              Half Crazy K 2.0

                Did a core workout, now debating if I want to run.


                Bluerun, hugs from a physical distance. That's got to be hard having family as first responders right now.


                LRB & Daffy, I just had a coffee flood this afternoon. Guess I added water twice.


                Super B****

                  Glad to hear from you, Blue. Are you still able to run outside as much as you'd like?



                  Pretty much -- my routes are weird and repetitive because I'm staying away from the jammed park out of fear of bringing something back to my parents, which is super annoying because a lot of times I don't want to stop for traffic and now I have no choice. There's not as much traffic as usual, though, so I guess that's good. I ran over a couple of bridges yesterday and won't be doing that again; I'd rather just move the requisite distance from people than keep touching my face to cover my nose and mouth when the only place to go to get away from others is jumping off the bridge. (A not-unappealing option at the moment, I must admit.)


                  At least I didn't have to deal with a taper! That would NOT have been good. My mileage was reduced the past couple of weeks anyway because of Passover, as if that wasn't enough of a disaster, but otherwise ... I am so beyond thankful I have an AlterG. Having motivation to run isn't a problem at all for me; I can't manage without it. I just can't run very fast, is all. But I'm far too appreciative that I can run in the first place to worry overly much about speed, or lack thereof.


                  Honestly, I'm pretty skeptical Boston will be happening in September. Or even NYCM.

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog




                    Blue, so nice to hear from you. I've also been wondering how you're doing. I'm so sorry about your neighbor. And also your brothers being on the front line--that's got to bring about a different kind of anxiety all together. Hugs.


                    KC & Docket, I assume I probably missed something from the last few days regarding the TM settings (if I didn't and it was done via messenger--could you shoot me a DM about what those settings were, too?). If I ever get home (we are still in WI) I may do some monkeying around too.


                    Today is 3 sets of prehab/rehab, and a 30 min walk. 1 set down, and the walk is done. Now onto more rehabbing and maybe some strength, if I can motivate myself to do it. 


                      I use a Keurig, so relatively idiot-proof. Pro tip: make sure to put a cup underneath. Although the base can capture approximately one cup of liquid. Ask an idiot how he knows. 

                      7 miles which did not transfer to RA.



                         Honestly, I'm pretty skeptical Boston will be happening in September. Or even NYCM.


                        Or even anything. At least in the sates anyway.


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Yeap. I think we will cheer all race long to whoever gets to marathon in 2020.


                          You can tell it's Spring here again because my throat is sore and swollen. Of course, I had to check my temp because I sneeze, cough, or whatever and I'm like Rona, is that you?


                          We are almost at 12K cases here today. Sigh.


                            6 yesterday. 10 today. 

                            Yesterdays uploaded today and today’s is mia. I still can’t figure out how to do any run I did before March.


                              Just ended a Zoom meeting thingy. Looks like we'll be back to work on May 4th. Staggered start times, filling out a daily health screen, taking your temperature before and during your shift and the wearing of masks are just some of the things that await us. Yipee.


                                6 yesterday. 10 today. 

                                Yesterdays uploaded today and today’s is mia. I still can’t figure out how to do any run I did before March.


                                wow, you run fast