Beginners and Beyond

WEDNESDAILIES: Where the Rubber Meets the...TM (Read 42 times)

Little Blue

      Peach looks very much like the fuzzball asleep next to me.  Everyone should have a dog for a friend.

      Everyone should have a cat for a friend.


      From the Internet.

        Everyone should have multiple cats for friends.


        Fixed Jay's fixing of your post!

        Little Blue


          Everyone should have a cat for a friend.


          That works too.  I'm an equal opportunity fuzzball lover.


            I got cat friends too!


            It's Kittie, the stray we adopted who was able to tell us what her name was.  I don't know if she spelled it that way, though.


            From the Internet.

              Oh and I ended up with 4 easy on the treadmill, core stuff and a bunch of stretching afterward. Felt good, I'll spend some quality time with my foam roller tonight and hopefully get in some kind of a workout tomorrow, or maybe just do my 8 at an easy pace if legs are still feeling tight.


              Former Bad Ass



                Barking Mad To Run

                  <----   I love my new avatar!  It's Peach, a friend of mine.  I have friends who are dogs.


                  Some of my best friends are dogs.

                  "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                  Barking Mad To Run


                    I sleep on average 4-5 hours a day, but most of the time I sleep 1 hour, wake up, 1 hour, wake up.  Grrr.


                    +1.  Except that I'm on the every 2 hours wake-up shift

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                      Marjorie, brava on the 4.2.


                      Jay, why not do the 5K?


                      B-Plus, sweet six.


                      Jack K., have a terrific twelve-miler. Feel completely well soon.


                      Zelanie, I'm glad that you returned home safely. Have fun doing whatever you do.


                      Cyberic99, bravo on the thirteen.


                      DaveP MI, nice nine.


                      FreeSoul87, wonderful gym workout.


                      Little Blue, feel well soon.


                      Phil, enjoy the easy run.


                      scottydawg, have a great hilly run.


                      Damaris, have fun running six.


                      cjones1, enjoy your snowy seven-miler.


                      Rick, I hope that you red cord session went well.


                      Burlingame, I hope that you ran and ran well.


                      Lauren, fantastic four on the TM+core workout+stretching.


                      I did thirty minutes in the TM. My intervals were even longer today. Yay.


                         All of my best friends are dogs.



                          delicate flower


                            It's a dog's world and I'm wearing Milk Bone underwear.


                            Hip Redux

                              I have no trouble sleeping, it's my ability to stay awake that is problematic.  In fact, I slept through the night as a 2 week old newborn.  My mother likes to tell people that she had to check on me to be sure I was still breathing.  My ability to fall asleep at anytime or anyplace is legendary.


                              PT work done at lunch.  Something cardio this evening after work, not sure what, likely the elliptical.



                              Former Bad Ass


                                Dog's think it's a dog's world but cats are smarter than dogs.
