Beginners and Beyond

If it's Tuesdailies, this must be Belgium. (Read 58 times)


     Looks familiar!


    It should, you ran a million of them leading into Chicago 2013!

    Hip Redux

      It started snowing as soon as I turned the final corner to my house.  Couldn't have timed it better.  :P



        It started snowing as soon as I turned the final corner to my house.  Couldn't have timed it better.  :P


        The snow is dirty, the sky is grey and it's dank out. I will probably not look outside again till morning!

        From the Internet.

          Thanks for the input onemile!



          That's all goodness right there!


          You will notice Lauren these workouts are much longer than the typical intervals we run for 5 and 10k training, and rightly so.


          Yup, duly noted. It's kind of hard to wrap my head around those kind of workouts since the first serious training I've ever done was for 5-10K last fall, but then again it's not as intense as running at 5K pace or faster so it makes sense that one could do a fair amount more volume at that pace on a weekly basis.


          I'm in the process of working my way up in length for HMP miles now - I decided to make them part of my midweek MLR once my IT band was cooperating again, did cruise intervals 2 weeks ago and 3.5 at roughly HMP last week, coach suggested I try to add another mile to the quality portion of that workout this week.


          Long run this weekend will probably be a mostly-easy 13 miles (that gets tedious on the treadmill so I may do a couple miles MP toward the end so as to be done sooner). I tend to be kind of wary of trying to incorporate quality into the long run when I'm at the edge of my ability distance-wise. Next week, however, I'll be cutting back so I'll only do 9-10 for my long run, but I think I'll see how many of those I can do at MP now that I have a handful of 11-12+ milers under my belt and that will let me see how I recover from that too, so maybe it won't be such a big deal incorporating more MP into my longer long runs too.


          5K Specialist

            I am starting to get the urge to race again. I am going to wait until I can run a decent time. Mid-April at the earliest.

            Personal Bests:

            800M - 2:38 (5/28/13) | 1 Mile -5:54 (5/28/13) | 3K - 11:55 (12/29/12) | 2M - 13:00 (12/1/12) | 5K - 20:00 (4/12/13) | 13.1M - 1:37:24 (2/3/13)

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              Interval workout on the treadmill. Plan called it a ladder, it was 1-2-3-2-1-2-3 minutes with 2 minutes rest between intervals. The minute was supposed to be the fastest pace (5k) then 10k and HM. Did them by effort instead. Maybe sometime soon I'll be able to actually run outside more frequently than once every 10 days.


              Freezing rain right now. Then warming to 50 for rain. And calling for 4-7 inches of snow on Thursday. FFS, as much as I like snow days, I want my days spread out. Not use 'em all for the YEAR in 3 weeks.


              Are we there, yet?

                It started snowing as soon as I turned the final corner to my house.  Couldn't have timed it better.  :P


                My timing wasn't quite so good. The sleet arrived a couple hours earlier than I expected, so I had an interesting time running fartlek over rolling hills while the wind blew sleet into my face.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                delicate flower

                  It started snowing as soon as I turned the final corner to my house.  Couldn't have timed it better.  :P


                  +1.  Except when I got to my car, since I parked where I could run flat miles.  Four hilly runs in a row was enough.  60 minutes, 7.8 miles.  I am tired of cold runs in the wind.  I just want to run outside in shorts again.


                  Half Crazy K 2.0


                    +1.  Except when I got to my car, since I parked where I could run flat miles.  Four hilly runs in a row was enough.  60 minutes, 7.8 miles.  I am tired of cold runs in the wind.  I just want to run outside in shorts again.


                    The guy in the "This Guy is Crazy" thread has no issue wearing shorts in the winter.


                    At this point I'll settle for only needing 1 layer of clothing.


                      My timing wasn't quite so good. The sleet arrived a couple hours earlier than I expected, so I had an interesting time running fartlek over rolling hills while the wind blew sleet into my face.


                      Running in sleet absolutely blows, it literally hurts your face.


                         The guy in the "This Guy is Crazy" thread has no issue wearing shorts in the winter.


                        He wears oven mitts instead of gloves when running in the cold. And yes, I actually thought about it for all of a millisecond before shaking my head no.


                        Run to live; live to run



                          5K Specialist

                            4 miles done in the misty rain. I hate running in rain, but it is supposed to get icy tomorrow. Ran is better than ice.

                            Personal Bests:

                            800M - 2:38 (5/28/13) | 1 Mile -5:54 (5/28/13) | 3K - 11:55 (12/29/12) | 2M - 13:00 (12/1/12) | 5K - 20:00 (4/12/13) | 13.1M - 1:37:24 (2/3/13)



                              From the Hudson plan I used last year, I really liked this build up:

                              4 at MP, 5 minutes easy, 4 at HMP (plus warm up / cool down, totaling around 12 miles)

                              4 at MP, 4 at HMP (same but without the 5 minutes recovery)

                              2x4 at HMP (with 5 minutes recovery).


                              Also, stuff like this I like:

                              5 x 1 mile at 10k pace, with 1-2 minutes recoveries

                              3x2 miles at HMP + wu/cd

                              2x3 miles at HMP  + wu/cd


                              Lauren mentioned in the Penguin daily that you all were discussing this here; I'm very interested in the topic since I want to focus on improving my half marathon starting next month.

                              Question about the bolded workout:  How long is the recovery between the intervals?  Also, a technical question; how do you keep track of runs like this using a garmin?  Do you just hit the lap button every time you make a change?  I'm afraid if I did that I'd have to do a lot of mental math to keep track of what pace I should be running for every interval.

                              Half Crazy K 2.0


                                Lauren mentioned in the Penguin daily that you all were discussing this here; I'm very interested in the topic since I want to focus on improving my half marathon starting next month.

                                Question about the bolded workout:  How long is the recovery between the intervals?  Also, a technical question; how do you keep track of runs like this using a garmin?  Do you just hit the lap button every time you make a change?  I'm afraid if I did that I'd have to do a lot of mental math to keep track of what pace I should be running for every interval.

                                What Garmin do you have? I have a 405 CX and either use the interval function on the watch or build the workout in Garmin Connect & transfer it to the watch. If the intervals are the same, I just use the interval workout function on the watch. For the w/u and c/d, the 405 doesn't give you indicators when a mile is up, so you have to just look at it. If you use the Garmin Connect, you could program it  exactly and then the watch will chime at each interval.


                                I think the recoveries are in the 2-4 minute range in the Hudson book. Mine's sitting upstairs and I am too cozy on the couch. I know the workout I modified last week was supposed to be 2 x 2 miles @ HM pace with 4 minutes recovery.