Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #198 (Read 23 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Not sure how they are going to get away with it but the 8 hour race this weekend has 435 registered participants. Our gatherings are limited to 250.


    Half Crazy K 2.0

      Not sure how they are going to get away with it but the 8 hour race this weekend has 435 registered participants. Our gatherings are limited to 250.


      Claim they are socially distanced throughout the race so it is ok?


      How long is the course? I guess if it's long enough, they will be spread out. Aside from those who decide to run together (defeating the whole point).

      Half Crazy K 2.0


        There are some pretty crazy Twitter allegations out there, including Dan Snyder having direct ties to Jeffrey Epstein's crimes.


        It's weird, there is hardly any mention of this on the local Baltimore news stations. Usually they love bashing the Redskins, especially the owner.


          There are some pretty crazy Twitter allegations out there, including Dan Snyder having direct ties to Jeffrey Epstein's crimes.


          I had no idea. Jason La canfora, who was always a straight shooter when he wrote for the Detroit Free Press, suggests what's coming is "sickening".


            Not sure how they are going to get away with it but the 8 hour race this weekend has 435 registered participants. Our gatherings are limited to 250.


            When you say “get away with”, if you mean “avoid giving a whole bunch of people the coronavirus”, they might not.




              If it boils down to the team owner is an asshole, that was a well known fact from the start.


              This is very true, so nothing would surprise me too much. Combine that with people being able to get away with anything if they are very wealthy or part of the NFL. And even more so if both.


              Half Crazy K 2.0

                Docket, does the 435 include teams? I wonder if the idea is only 1 person will be on the course at any point in time?



                  There are some pretty crazy Twitter allegations out there, including Dan Snyder having direct ties to Jeffrey Epstein's crimes.


                  Do Twitter allegations = conspiracy theories? Or actual facts?


                  No idea what is going on but I cringe when anyone references Twitter.


                  delicate flower


                    Do Twitter allegations = conspiracy theories? Or actual facts?


                    No idea what is going on but I cringe when anyone references Twitter.


                    Well mainstream media is widely reporting some serious shit is about to go down, and Twitter is discussing alleged/rumored/speculative details.   The Washington Post is supposed to release their story at some point today.



                    Are we there, yet?

                      Docket, does the 435 include teams? I wonder if the idea is only 1 person will be on the course at any point in time?


                      The supposed limits are 150 solo, 50 teams (I see 37 registered, 5 or 6 on a team), and 75 in a 5K with a separate start.

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                      Former Bad Ass


                        Claim they are socially distanced throughout the race so it is ok?


                        How long is the course? I guess if it's long enough, they will be spread out. Aside from those who decide to run together (defeating the whole point).


                        It's an 8 hour race so loops.


                        I know the governor added an "exception" for gatherings that wanted to exceed 250 but it had to be by permission and it does not start until next week I think. These are the same RDs as the Carmel Marathon so I wonder if they pull some strings.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Docket, does the 435 include teams? I wonder if the idea is only 1 person will be on the course at any point in time?


                          Yes, it's 150 solo runners and the rest is teams of 5-8. And I guess that will make it less likely to exceed 250 if each team has to be out for X time before the next member goes up. That makes me feel better about the event occurring. Most of my running group is doing it.  This is the same race that gave out that covid waiver I mentioned.


                          They asked for volunteers but I was like FTS.



                          Former Bad Ass


                            The supposed limits are 150 solo, 50 teams (I see 37 registered, 5 or 6 on a team), and 75 in a 5K with a separate start.


                            I think that would almost put it at 250 at any given time but not go above, I think. Especially after the 5K is done.


                            Half Crazy K 2.0


                              It's an 8 hour race so loops.


                              I know the governor added an "exception" for gatherings that wanted to exceed 250 but it had to be by permission and it does not start until next week I think. These are the same RDs as the Carmel Marathon so I wonder if they pull some strings.


                              With the teams, it sort of makes sense, at least if you look at it in terms of people on the course at any 1 point. If you filled all the teams, you'd have 200 team runners on the course at any time, plus the 75 5kers. So really, seems like there will be 275 for a period of time.


                              I'm sort of surprised the team aspect is allowed. I looked on the race webpage and it mentioned team tents (you are supposed to wear a mask while in them). That seems like a nice way to spread germs.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Oh, I can assure you my running group, which comprise most of the 37 teams will be all in one or two tents, rather than separate.

