Beginners and Beyond


Wake Up Saturday Penguins! (Read 31 times)


Skirt Runner

    Can't copy and paste our intro on my phone. So....Penguins are for everyone. Slow runners are cool. But some Penguin posters aren't that slow, but we let them stay. The End.

    PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


    I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


    Skirt Runner

      Happy Saturday!



      Missed checking in yesterday... But I did 4 miles and then  accompanied my friend who just started C25K on a 30 min run/walk.


      At my boyfriend's this weekend. The doggie and I had a great 4.5 mile trail run this morning.

      PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


      I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I have 5 miles tonight.


        From the Internet.

          Morning guys!


          Kristin - Haha I love your summary of the usual starting post Smile Nice way to start the day, I wish my dog would run with me! I tried to teach her to run last spring when I was still walk/running but she wouldn't have any of it, haha.


          5.1 miles in ~51 minutes and change this morning. My longest run ever, pretty happy that i stuck to my goal pace instead of going too fast and paying for it later - it's still a new distance and I'm feeling it a little bit, but if I'd settled into a rhythm at 9:30ish pace like I usually do I think I'd be feeling pretty beat up. I ditched my shirt at my car and just ran in my sports bra, it was so much more pleasant and I'm totally doing that more often! I planned my route to pass my car at mile 3 for a water break and I really needed it in the heat and humidity this morning.. Going belated birthday shopping with my parents tomorrow, I think I may get some kind of handheld bottle or hydration belt so I can have water on demand as my long runs get longer.

          From the Internet.

            OH. And I didn't check in yesterday because DD managed to fall out of a chair at preschool and totally rip her chin open, so we had to spend a few hours at the ER. Poor kid got 8 stitches!


            Former Bad Ass



              Nice 5.


              OH. And I didn't check in yesterday because DD managed to fall out of a chair at preschool and totally rip her chin open, so we had to spend a few hours at the ER. Poor kid got 8 stitches!



              Return To Racing

                Congrats on the LR PR, Lauren.  Take care of DD chin.  Better chin than teeth.


                Bin Running

                  Lauren, sorry abt DD fall. Glad they patch her up.


                  10M in the morning done

                  2015 Races

                  2XU HM - 29 Mar


                    Hey, penguins, help me plan my race schedule!


                    My next HM will be on Nov. 24.  But I am itching to race, and I'm pretty sure that both my 5K and 10K PRs are soft.  In the case of the 10K, maybe over a minute per mile soft, even.  I found two races that I want to do, and they both offer a 5K *and* a 10K.


                    Race #1 is Sept. 29.  Race #2 is Oct. 12.


                    Normally, it would make sense to do the 5K first, and do the 10K closer to the half.  But, I ran race #1 last year, and it is the only 10K I've run so far.  If I run the 10K this year, it's realistic to think that I could get a 6:20 or better PR on the same course.  And that would be a ton of fun.  The 5Ks both look like I would have a chance for an AG placement, the 10Ks, not so much.  Not that it matters, I suppose, but it is fun to win stuff, yes?


                    So, should I just run the 10K for both races?  5Ks are a dime a dozen and I might be able to pick one up at another date.  Or do the 10K for race #1, and the 5K for race #2?  These races are nice because they are both on Sundays, so I don't have to try to get a Saturday off like I usually would.




                      Now on to my regular post for the day.  I am headed to work in a bit, but will run 5-6 afterwards.  The temps really don't get close to the daily high until about 4-5 PM, so I have found that running at 11-12 AM is still pretty pleasant.


                      My dog Mia seems to be on the mend, so we all actually got some sleep last night.


                      kristin- Love the thread summary!  Glad you got a nice trail run in with the dog!


                      D- Hope the 5 go well!


                      Lauren- Hooray for getting some distance back and for the sports bra run!  I just have a 12 oz. amphipod bottle for long runs and at least in our weather it seems to do the trick without being too cumbersome.  It has a little pouch that can hold a gel or two, also.  How scary for your DD!  Mine got 5 stitches in her forehead the summer before Kindergarten.  Now she has a Harry Potter scar. Wink


                      Jerry- Morning!  Hope you have a nice walk or trip to the gym, or wedding planning, as the case may be. Smile  When is the big day?


                      Bin- Nice mileage!


                        Kristin, thanks for the start! I used to be slow, then got fast, and am slow again, so can I stay a while longer? Haha


                        D, enjoy the 5.


                        Lauren, congrats on joining the Damaris and Margo club. I have a 22 oz water bottle that I forced myself to start carrying. I had bought a 12 oz, but thought it would be too small. Good job on the distance PR. Last year my grandson fell and broke his arm, definitely no fun seeing the little ones get hurt.


                        Hi Jerry and Bin.


                        Zel, I would race the 1st 10k if it were me, and do the 5k on the second one. Another option would be to race the 1st 10k, and do the second 10k but add some miles to make it more of a LR.


                        My foot is still aching today, so I will be resting. I have a feeling that this PF is going to be a long time healing injury. And that really stinks!


                          Kristin - the trail run sounds like fun.  Our dog isn't good to run with; he gets too hot and is very easily distracted.


                          Lauren - congratulations on the distance PR.  It always feels so good to do a new distance well.  Sorry about your daughter.  One of the hazards of children is you can spend a lot of time in the ER with some of them.  I rarely went, but some of my siblings spent a lot of time there.


                          Damaris - enjoy your 5 tonight.  Is your DH running again?


                          Jerry - how's the hip today?


                          Bin - good job on the 10 this morning. Indoors or out?


                          Zelanie - I'd do the 10k then the 5k or both 10ks.  As you said, there are a lot of 5ks out there.  Hope your run today went well.


                          Mitch - have you seen a doctor or PT?  I know PF can be ridiculously slow to heal, so it seems like early intervention might be a good idea.


                          AFM:  Rest day today.  I don't really want to, since it's overcast and I could run outside, but I want to be rested before my next LR.  We got rained on while walking the dog and it felt so good!  Tomorrow the heat wave is supposed to break.  Will 88 really feel cool?  I'm hoping so.


                          Return To Racing

                            5 mile Run/Walk (.1/.2).  No problem hip problem at all.  Nice and warm today, but not oppressive like rest of week.  Both HRM and FR10 crashed, but HR was between  125 and 95 for the most part and speed was between 13:00 and 18:00, so I was taking it pretty easy


                            Mel, if it were me, I'd do both 10K's, just because I would be afraid of breaking something at a faster pace.  Just my uninformed opinion.  You train much more structured than me, so maybe there is a better strategy.  Regardless, you'll do great.  And thanks for the rehab inspiration too.



                            Former Bad Ass

                              Ginny, he is still on the down low.  I'm trying to convince him to restart soon but he might give it another week.  We'll see.



                                Quick check in! I'm having a lot of issues with my ears, and it's making running near impossible. I had hearing bones removed in my first surgery, and the instability of my middle ear is causing horrible vertigo. I want to throw up when I try to run, and I've only ran 8 miles this week. The vertigo has happened before, and it usually passes. I'm going to try a short run today and see how it goes.


                                Lauren- Sorry about your little ones chin, that sounds like one heck of a cut!
