Beginners and Beyond


SunDAILIES (Read 33 times)




    I'm sitting in Starbucks enjoying my Sunday morning brew and a spinach and feta egg wrap. In a few minutes, I'll head over to the trail and jog for 8 miles.


    I did not run yesterday so I am hoping this will be a decent run.


      Oh, and my eyeball popped wide open at 12:32. I wonder if any of the resident insomniacs can top that.


      Former Bad Ass

        Well, I was still awake at 12:32, does that count?  Woke up only 5 times through the night.  Yay me.


        I have 14 miles today.



          Addie gave me the day off today but I think I am going to switch with tomorrow. Because a day off on Monday will be much nicer.

          No more marathons

            Not running today - might get a couple of miles walking in.

            And according to my garmin I got 9 hours of sleep last night - 5 hours of deep and 4 hours of light.

            That's about 1.5 more than normal and I feel like a slug now.

            Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

            Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

            He's a leaker!


              Oh, and my eyeball popped wide open at 12:32. I wonder if any of the resident insomniacs can top that.


              Nope, 1:38 for me. Was able to get back to sleep eventually. To finally wake up at 5:47. OK then.

              Something probably in the MLR category later (LR for bluesky).


              Good luck TriBoon on the HIM!



                Addie gave me the day off today but I think I am going to switch with tomorrow. Because a day off on Monday will be much nicer.


                I know a little something about that. It is.


                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  7 with 5 x 5 minutes tempo.


                    I did my Sunday streak mile at 1:32 AM, does that count? Then I went to bed. I'm up and heading to San Francisco for work today.


                    Those spinach feta wraps are good. I always try to get them for lunch but they run out.


                      I did my Sunday streak mile at 1:32 AM, does that count? Then I went to bed. 


                      I think it was B Plus (and it might've been you, too) who started a run before midnight and finished after it once and was trying to figure out which day to log it on. 


                        I feel kind of like I'm cheating since I hadn't slept yet. RA actually counts a run for both days for the streak if you run over midnight, but mentally I count a run based on when it started.


                        I did do a New Years Eve run that was maybe 3 miles before midnight and 3 back after. I could have started a new workout to get it to count for both days, but IIRC I just went out and ran on Jan. 1 anyway.


                        If I was traveling with family I probably would have run the streak mile later today but with coworkers I wanted to be able to hang out and explore a little this afternoon without worrying about what the neighborhood would be like to run in after dark if it comes to that.


                        The streak is coming up on 1 year at the end of the month.


                          Went to sleep around 4 a.m. and got up at 7. I'm ready for a nap now, but we have company visiting who will be returning to the house in an hour or so. I may do a run after they leave if I can find the energy.


                          Super B****

                            Went to sleep around midnight, woke up at 2, 4, and 6.  At least I'm consistent?


                            14.1 miles (good thing too since Strava rudely stole that last .1 again), ending with ice cream.  I got lost.  What else is new?

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog


                              It was mid-60s and sunny, and there was a guy out running in jacket, pants, gloves, and a freaking scarf around his neck. I was generating extra sweat just looking at him.


                              14 miles, my longest since the marathon. Respectable (for me, for where I'm at right now) 8:47 pace.


                              54 for the week. My first post-marathon 50 week. Helped that I ran 7 days. Haven't decided whether I want to make a habit of that.


                              Going to walk down to our little town street festival shortly. Should have some good stuff to shovel into my pie hole.


                              Any word from Baboon? Is there any kind of tracking?



                              delicate flower

                                70.3 in 5:13.  #dropthemic

