Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #194 (Read 25 times)


    Good morning!


    I ran 8.3 with my SIL this morning. I still hate humidity.


      7 miles. Gross here too.


      Heading to the beach early before the crowds.

      Half Crazy K 2.0

        5.7 miles. 8:30 was way too late to start, even with lower humidity.


          I ran 8.3 with RRP this morning.  First time we have run together in about 6 weeks. He had been sober for 2 years and a few months ago decided it would be ok to just smoke marijuana.  Bad idea. Anyway he's back to attending meetings and wants to get back to running and training again 


          Former Bad Ass

            I have 8 with a 6 mile time trial (from my July 4th Firecracker 6 race gone virtual).



              I have 8 with a 6 mile time trial (from my July 4th Firecracker 6 race gone virtual).


              Aw shit. 


              Former Bad Ass


                Aw shit. 


                Sadly it will be on the TM unless there is another storm cooling this shit out, but excited to see where I am after my last 10K TT.



                  I ran 6.


                  I jacked up my back whilst impersonating a 12 year old at a backyard party yesterday, but was able to head out after a 12 hour regimen of ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin. I'll be on light duty for the rest of the day.


                  I wore an older singlet with the shiny fabric (I think it's called type A polyester or A4) and that thing was drenched and weighed 5 lbs after only a 53 minute run.


                  UM 45 Ohio 23

                    Ran 8 this morning then spent most of the last few hours working in the yard. Now it's reward time with some chow! Brown rice, black beans, sauerkraut, chopped spinach, avocado, fresh blueberries mixed in and topped with three fried eggs! And a side of bacon...sounds a little gross but it's delicious! 


                      ^ that sounds...interesting. I’d try it, I eat anything. I’d just be afraid the sauerkraut would overpower everything else. 

                      10.3 miles with some drizzle. 
                      62.5 for the week.



                      UM 45 Ohio 23

                        ^ that sounds...interesting. I’d try it, I eat anything. I’d just be afraid the sauerkraut would overpower everything else. 


                        it's pretty mild sauerkraut so it tends to work pretty well. gives it some salty to go with the sweet from the blueberries. I'm in the same camp; I'll try just about anything



                          it's pretty mild sauerkraut so it tends to work pretty well. gives it some salty to go with the sweet from the blueberries. I'm in the same camp; I'll try just about anything

                          So many times I’ve been to a restaurant and seen a menu item with combinations that make you go “...really??” But I‘ll take a chance and more often than not it turns out to be amazing.





                              What's wrong? Are you missing the rain?


                              Super B****

                                I ran 16 on the AlterG — wanted 18 but only willing to sacrifice so much sleep! Drove up to Alexandria Bay and made it in under six hours, even with a couple of stops.

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog
