Beginners and Beyond


Super Bowl Sundailies (Read 33 times)



    I just wonder if the specific plan really matters or if we would improve regardless, as long as we are doing something.  But you can't really know. Is it the specific workouts? Or just training through another cycle?  Personally, I just like having someone else tell me what to run and don't want to do the planning. I guess.



    Yes, all this. Although I haven't had enough success to know one way or the other.




      I just wonder if the specific plan really matters or if we would improve regardless, as long as we are doing something.  But you can't really know. Is it the specific workouts? Or just training through another cycle?  Personally, I just like having someone else tell me what to run and don't want to do the planning. I guess.


      Do you have a finish time goal in mind?  sub-3:10?


      Having a coach is probably the best of both worlds, but I have not passed that barrier (yet?) I'm actually considering asking a coach how much he charges... but still have not made a move


      Right now sub 3:10 is my A+ goal. I'll go out at that pace and see how things play out. After a few miles I may drop to my A goal, that should be sub 3:12


      MTA: And maybe Dave and you are right and the improvement is more from stringing cycles than the exact workouts or plan themselves.


        I ran the NYRR Gridiron Classic 4M today, during which runners can choose a lane to predict the Super Bowl winner.  I believe I chose the Panthers, which makes sense, since the Broncos won, and as I don't give a shit about football, I always choose the emptier lane.


        I got a nice PR, BTW... something like a minute.  And then I ran 11 miles home, so I wound up with 15.19, which is farther than I've run since last summer when I got lost and turned 12 miles into 16.


        I don't know which is more impressive; shaving a minute off a 4 mile race distance, or the long run for a cool down! That's nice, twice.


          I ran 11.  The first 5 with the bf.

          Rough going today. I'm not sure why.


          Just one of those days probably, it happens.


          Former Bad Ass

            It was 60F but wind gusts of 25mph, so I did what was best for my flimsy lungs.  Ran 13 on the TM, with 3 easy, 10 at MP + 10% and the last 3 at MP.  Take that, lungs.  I was coughing for the 5 minutes after I stopped but the prednisone helped.



              4 at the indoor track. 30mph gusts here today. My lungs feel the same way about that as yours do, D.


                Wasn't Slymoon racing this weekend?


                And also, what happened to Danny?


                  Sly was racing a 10k IIRC

                  Slymoon Runs

                  race obsessed

                    Sly was racing a 10k IIRC


                    Sly did ok and did PR - but not quite per his expectations!

                    Will RR soon.


                    5 easy today with 5x200 70% effort to stretch the legs!
