Beginners and Beyond


Full of Doubt (Read 168 times)

Trail Monster

    My first 100 (well, third attempt but first finish right?) is in 18 days. I was feeling really good about this time until this last week. I averaged almost 50 MPW the last 5 weeks. I had peak weeks of 85 and 80 miles. I have stayed healthy and injury-free. I have been doing multiple long runs or back-to-backs each week. Last week I ran 21+ on Wednesday overnight and then ran 20+ yesterday in the heat of the day.


    The problem is that I did both of those long runs on the course with other people who are doing the hundred. Both times I was one of the last people to finish the training run. I thought maybe I was the smart one, not pushing the pace and taking walk breaks on the steeper hills. Then I talked to a few of the guys around me and learned they are all 3 hour marathoners and sub-18 5k runners. One guy actually exclaimed, "OMG!" when I told him my marathon PR is 4:33. (I fully believe I am capable of at least 4:15 if not 4:10 but had a craptastic spring race.) He acted like I was nuts for even thinking I could attempt this hundred.


    Now that is eating into my confidence. I have 8 ultras under my belt: 1 50k, 1 35 mile, 4 50 milers, 1 100k, 1 24 hour race (85.57 miles), and 2 DNF attempts at 100 miles (57 and 63 miles respectively). Why I am letting this get to me I don't know. But I need either reassurance or the kick in the pants to wake up and realize I suck and shouldn't be doing this. So which is it?

    2013 races:

    3/17 Shamrock Marathon

    4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

    7/27 Burning RIver 100M

    8/24 Baker 50M

    10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


    My Blog


    Brands I Heart:



    Altra Zero Drop


    flashlight and sidewalk

      Are you tapering? It sounds like you are tapering...


      Spend some time thinking about your recent 24 hr race...maybe re-read the race report.  Don't second're going to run it and you're going to be fine.


      **Ask me about streaking**



      Refurbished Hip

        That guy was a moron.


        I'll never run under a 4 hour marathon, but that won't stop me from running 100 miles.  And an 18 minute 5K won't help that guy at mile 90 anyway.


        Burning River is a great race with fantastic support.  Third time is the charm!

        Running is dumb.


          You got this.  Just keep moving forward....... Cool


          Runners run

          Jess runs for bacon

            Have they run the 100 or another before?


            Go figure

              No need to worry about other people's race times, just like there's no need for them to worry about yours.  There are always going to be faster runners, and there will be slower runners too.  There are TONS of fast, strong runners that don't have what it takes to cover the races you've already run or the race you're about to attempt.


              Yes, there are people out there that do 100s on more mileage than you've done, but others are successful on smaller mileage as well.  There's a point in an ultra where your preparedness doesn't matter anyway - it's about how much you want to keep moving, despite the pain.  You know that, and you've proven you can overcome the pain.


              You're gonna be fine.  And if I see you out there and you're struggling, I'll give ya a good kick in the pants and get you moving right along.

              Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


              Are we there, yet?

                Maybe you should refer them to RedSparkle, aka Katrina. I think she's run 3 100s this year while in the process of improving her marathon PR from something over 5 hours to somewhere around 4:15.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K
                      05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                Village people

                  You got this.  Just keep moving forward....... Cool


                  ^this! You can do this!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    What everybody has said.  You will do it and do it well.  I can't wait to read your updates in FB!


                    Good luck!


                    And yes, you're in taper madness. STOP!



                    Skirt Runner

                      I know nothing about ultra training but it sounds like  you have worked hard to prepare and didn't just wake up and try to run 100 miles one day. Have you PMed RedSparkle? I know she does many of these and if very connected in the ultra community, so she may have some helpful advice!

                      PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                      I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

                      Will run for scenery.

                        I feel very odd saying "You can do this!" to someone attempting100 miles.  It's just a mind-boggling  concept.  But when it comes down to it, I think that's the biggest challenge : not letting your mind get boggled.  It looks like you have a very good base of successful ultras under your belt, so you've obviously figured out the nitty-gritty details about how to do this.  And it seems to me (non-ultra runner) that the kinds of training you have done are very relevant and focussed for this event.  So as they say "Trust your training."

                        Stupid feet!

                        Stupid elbow!


                          That guy was a moron.


                          I'll never run under a 4 hour marathon, but that won't stop me from running 100 miles.  And an 18 minute 5K won't help that guy at mile 90 anyway.




                          I love this. Just run your own race, trust your training and try to have fun somewhere along the line.

                          Trail Monster

                            Thanks all. I'm sure it's mostly taper madness getting to me. And I follow all of Katrina's (RedSparkle) adventures. Were FB friends and I know she has a similar background to myself and has been successful. I just can't seem to convince myself that *I* can do this since Wednesday's run. It really sucks because I know I can do this. I did 85 miles in 24 hours. It's only 15 miles further in 6 more hours. And this time I will have more training under my belt and I won't be in such sucky conditions (snow, rain, high winds, etc). I just keep wondering what's wrong with me that I'm not running times like these guys and they're kicking my butt on the trail and some of them have half the training I do going into this..... Ugh. I know I shouldn't compare but it's just so hard!

                            2013 races:

                            3/17 Shamrock Marathon

                            4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

                            7/27 Burning RIver 100M

                            8/24 Baker 50M

                            10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


                            My Blog


                            Brands I Heart:



                            Altra Zero Drop


                              I have 8 ultras under my belt: 1 50k, 1 35 mile, 4 50 milers, 1 100k, 1 24 hour race (85.57 miles), and 2 DNF attempts at 100 miles (57 and 63 miles respectively).


                              Yeah, and what exactly has he done that can measure up to that?  : : insert cricket mating call : :  Case closed!


                              Smaller By The Day

                                You mentioned their marathon and 5k times.  Have they ever run 100 miles?  Have they ever done the distances that you have?  Bolt may be the fastest man on the planet, but that doesn't mean he could hang with you in an Ultra.  That's a crazy distance, which is why I think you'll be fine :-)


                                Weight 100 pounds lost

                                5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                                10K 48:59 April 2013

                                HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                                MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013
