Beginners and Beyond

Spooktacular Dailies (Read 34 times)

From the Internet.


    Former Bad Ass




      Super B****


        of course. It's a downhill course. You can coast to a PR. 


        Ah, yes, because that worked out SO WELL last time...

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


        Former Bad Ass



            It was cold, it was dark, it was wet and windy, it was raining, I'm sick...


            So I ran 6 miles! 


            I probably should've called it a rest day but decided to just get it over with. I actually didn't know it was raining until I stepped outside!


            As I became drenched from head to feet during the stupud thing (which included cold soaked gloves!), I came to view it as a cleansing of sorts of my past marathon failures, making it appropriate for my last run in the Big Mitten. Now, I'll show up Sunday with a clean slate, ready to start the next chapter of my marathon exploits.


              It was cold, it was dark, it was wet and windy, it was raining, I'm sick...


              So I ran 6 miles! 


              I probably should've called it a rest day but decided to just get it over with. I actually didn't know it was raining until I stepped outside!


              As I became drenched from head to feet during the stupud thing (which included cold soaked gloves!), I came to view it as a cleansing of sorts of my past marathon failures, making it appropriate for my last run in the Big Mitten. Now, I'll show up Sunday with a clean slate, ready to start the next chapter of my marathon exploits.


              wow, you really found a way to put a positive spin on that one!



                wow, you really found a way to put a positive spin on that one!


                I'm a dreamer! #annoyingglasshalffullguy



                  LRB...hope you got to the Zinc!



                  I did! Some sugar coated (I guess?) chewy things. I ate two and dropped 2 grams of vitamin C, a B complex vitamin, a multi then ate a salad made with kale, shredded beets and beet greens!


                  What's going on with you and the cough?


                    Trick or treat and GIVE ME CANDY.  Speaking of which, I had a dentist appointment this morning to take care of a cavity.  WORTH IT.  Now the right side of my face is numb, which is very annoying.  Anyway, I jogged five miles before work in the rain.  Headlamp and nuke vest needed.  Tempo run tonight, which will most likely also be done in the rain.


                    Do you eat candy corn mixed with peanuts? They were swearing by it on the radio this morning.


                    Go figure


                      I did! Some sugar coated (I guess?) chewy things. I ate two and dropped 2 grams of vitamin C, a B complex vitamin, a multi then ate a salad made with kale, shredded beets and beet greens!


                      What's going on with you and the cough?


                      That ought to cover it! The cough is just the bronchitis remnants. I'm not sure how long its going to stick around. Running isn't probably the best thing for it, but I'm stubborn and not too smart, so at this point I'm committed to just running through whatever is left of my ailment.

                      Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn



                        That ought to cover it! The cough is just the bronchitis remnants. I'm not sure how long its going to stick around. Running isn't probably the best thing for it, but I'm stubborn and not too smart, so at this point I'm committed to just running through whatever is left of my ailment.


                        You're amongst friends!


                          7 miles. Less than a week ago it was one of the warmest days of the year (95) and this morning was one of the coldest (45). I was wishing I had one of Onemile's wazzie-super-doo wools to keep me warm.


                          LOVE trick or treating here compared to my childhood in cold, usually wet PA. Of course, I didn't have to worry about getting THC candy in my basket so gots to check DS's stuff carefully. Honestly, I usually throw out or take into work half of his...and then the rest gets slowly eaten from now until Christmas.


                          SIAR-- MrW was sick the first week of October and he is STILL coughing. Just an annoying cough but its still lingering on. Hope yours disappears sooner than later.


                          Docket--that didn't take long for your winter introduction. I do not miss driving in snow (it has been over 10 years for me!)


                          LRB--safe travels!!


                          Super B****

                            LRB, you flying with one of these??

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog


                              On the topic of marathon pains, yesterday my hip was killing me, to the point that it hurt to walk.  I felt nothing in any runs, but then I woke up yesterday with the sharp pain, enough to make me think something was wrong.  But then I jogged just fine this morning, and now it doesn't hurt at all.  What the hell??


                              Pretty sure we've all had that. Can't explain, but I'll always take any aches & pains while not running, if they're not there when running.


                              6 miles, easy but at a surprisingly brisk pace considering yesterday's workout.



                                LRB, you flying with one of these??


                                Better make it this, to be safe.

