Beginners and Beyond

Spooktacular Dailies (Read 34 times)


delicate flower


    Do you eat candy corn mixed with peanuts? They were swearing by it on the radio this morning.


    Candy corn is just perfect the way it is.  So no.



    Go figure

      7 miles. Less than a week ago it was one of the warmest days of the year (95) and this morning was one of the coldest (45). I was wishing I had one of Onemile's wazzie-super-doo wools to keep me warm.


      LOVE trick or treating here compared to my childhood in cold, usually wet PA. Of course, I didn't have to worry about getting THC candy in my basket so gots to check DS's stuff carefully. Honestly, I usually throw out or take into work half of his...and then the rest gets slowly eaten from now until Christmas.


      SIAR-- MrW was sick the first week of October and he is STILL coughing. Just an annoying cough but its still lingering on. Hope yours disappears sooner than later.


      Docket--that didn't take long for your winter introduction. I do not miss driving in snow (it has been over 10 years for me!)


      LRB--safe travels!!

      Hmm, I have a feeling mine will linger about as long as MrW's the way it's going. I think it's more annoying to everyone around me than it is to me though, so that's a plus. Good luck plucking out the THC candy lol.


      As for the random pains, I definitely get them too. For the most part I'm of the opinion that they can just be ignored. Once they start to pop up repeatedly in the same spot or linger for more than a few days I'll start to take notice.

      Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

        2.5 road crown gutter hill, this is boring,

        this is boring


        All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy


        All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy


        All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy 


        All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy 


        Go figure

          Any Maurten users in here? Apparently the company has promised data that has never materialized, and some studies are starting to question the product's usefulness. I guess it's one of those things that if I were using it and it was working, I wouldn't switch from it even if the company's claims were overblown.


          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


          Former Bad Ass


            Do you eat candy corn mixed with peanuts? They were swearing by it on the radio this morning.


            It is delicious.




              As for the random pains, I definitely get them too. For the most part I'm of the opinion that they can just be ignored. Once they start to pop up repeatedly in the same spot or linger for more than a few days I'll start to take notice.


              Me too.


                Any Maurten users in here? Apparently the company has promised data that has never materialized, and some studies are starting to question the product's usefulness. I guess it's one of those things that if I were using it and it was working, I wouldn't switch from it even if the company's claims were overblown.




                I used Maurten for my last race, but I"m probably not the best person to ask since I usually don't have GI issues unless I'm not well hydrated well prior to the run. It was also a shitty race, so my results are inconclusive. Big grin


                  What up, good peeps!


                  This week has been craaaaaaaaaazaaaaaaay. So much so that I missed a run on Tuesday, and ended up having to cut today's run short. I'm just grateful I was able to get out for today's run, at all! Anyway, I ran 5 in 26* temps!  With a "feels like" of 19*. it's way too early in the season to be having this cold of weather. My Oiselle Wazzie Wool goodness hasn't arrived yet, so I ran in a pullover, convertible mittens, and ear warmer (and obvi tights). Brr! It's getting to the time of year that it takes forever to get warned up, post-run.


                  LRB, nice antioxidant filled meal and supplements! You're doing everything you can to kick this thing to the curb before your race. I really cannot wait to hear all about it and track you. Are you (or have you already) telling what your goal pace is?



                    Candy corn is just perfect the way it is.  So no.




                    I accidentally bought a bag of the candy corn with brown (instead of yellow) end this week. GROSS



                      Candy corn is just perfect the way it is.  So no.


                      There are two types of people in this world: those who like candy corn, and those who do not. I fall into the latter category.


                      delicate flower


                        There are two types of people in this world: those who like candy corn, and those who do not. I fall into the latter category.


                        It is a polarizing candy.  Facebook people discussing candy corn:





                          It is a polarizing candy.  Facebook people discussing candy corn:



                          LOL Big grin


                            What up, good peeps!


                            This week has been craaaaaaaaaazaaaaaaay. So much so that I missed a run on Tuesday, and ended up having to cut today's run short. I'm just grateful I was able to get out for today's run, at all! Anyway, I ran 5 in 26* temps!  With a "feels like" of 19*. it's way too early in the season to be having this cold of weather. My Oiselle Wazzie Wool goodness hasn't arrived yet, so I ran in a pullover, convertible mittens, and ear warmer (and obvi tights). Brr! It's getting to the time of year that it takes forever to get warned up, post-run.


                            LRB, nice antioxidant filled meal and supplements! You're doing everything you can to kick this thing to the curb before your race. I really cannot wait to hear all about it and track you. Are you (or have you already) telling what your goal pace is?


                            My goal is to qualify for New York with a marathon time (3:14-7:23 per mile).


                            New York has the most aggressive qualifying standards for the American races and I was always in awe of those times. I'm not sure how realistic it is however since I didn't do any the standard race equivalents, in fact, it might be a pipe dream. I targeted 7:15 during training and struggled mightily with it so I'll just see how things feel once the cannon goes off. It doesn't help that I suck at distance but I'm not going there to have a good time, this is business straight up, no chaser.


                            I ordered a course specific pace band (last flippin' Friday!) but it didn't come in today's mail. I'm going to try to figure out an alternative because I really need to be engaged with the race mentally (for 26 miles geezus!) in order to pull it off.


                            In any event, I just want to be able to execute a MF race plan at the marathon distance for once in my wretched life. I've done it at every other distance except this one so that's really what this is all about. Too bad I picked the toughest course of the majors to try it on lmao. 


                            Bib #7075



                              My goal is to qualify for New York with a marathon time (3:14-7:23 per mile).


                              New York has the most aggressive qualifying standards for the American races and I was always in awe of those times. I'm not sure how realistic it is however since I didn't do any the standard race equivalents, in fact, it might be a pipe dream. I targeted 7:15 during training and struggled mightily with it so I'll just see how things feel once the cannon goes off. It doesn't help that I suck at distance but I'm not going there to have a good time, this is business straight up, no chaser.


                              I ordered a course specific pace band (last flippin' Friday!) but it didn't come in today's mail. I'm going to try to figure out an alternative because I really need to be engaged with the race mentally (for 26 miles geezus!) in order to pull it off.


                              In any event, I just want to be able to execute a MF race plan at the marathon distance for once in my wretched life. I've done it at every other distance except this one so that's really what this is all about. Too bad I picked the toughest course of the majors to try it on lmao. 


                              Bib #7075


                              lemme check. I paid for that pacing spreadsheet from maclin last year


                              ok nm, the pace band tab doesn't give mile by mile splits. they must want extra $$ for that


                              but if you want the spreadsheet anyway, let me know



                                My goal is to qualify for New York with a marathon time (3:14-7:23 per mile).


                                New York has the most aggressive qualifying standards for the American races and I was always in awe of those times. I'm not sure how realistic it is however since I didn't do any the standard race equivalents, in fact, it might be a pipe dream. I targeted 7:15 during training and struggled mightily with it so I'll just see how things feel once the cannon goes off. It doesn't help that I suck at distance but I'm not going there to have a good time, this is business straight up, no chaser.


                                I ordered a course specific pace band (last flippin' Friday!) but it didn't come in today's mail. I'm going to try to figure out an alternative because I really need to be engaged with the race mentally (for 26 miles geezus!) in order to pull it off.


                                In any event, I just want to be able to execute a MF race plan at the marathon distance for once in my wretched life. I've done it at every other distance except this one so that's really what this is all about. Too bad I picked the toughest course of the majors to try it on lmao. 


                                Bib #7075


                                You've trained your ass off; whatever ends up happening on race day, I hope you're proud of your effort and can conquer all of your goals. You leave tomorrow, right?