Beginners and Beyond

Spooktacular Dailies (Read 34 times)


    kind of related to yesterday's discussion on smiling during your run

    Get more out of your workout by dropping an F-bomb

    From the Internet.

      7 miles. Less than a week ago it was one of the warmest days of the year (95) and this morning was one of the coldest (45). I was wishing I had one of Onemile's wazzie-super-doo wools to keep me warm.


      LOVE trick or treating here compared to my childhood in cold, usually wet PA. Of course, I didn't have to worry about getting THC candy in my basket so gots to check DS's stuff carefully. Honestly, I usually throw out or take into work half of his...and then the rest gets slowly eaten from now until Christmas.


      SIAR-- MrW was sick the first week of October and he is STILL coughing. Just an annoying cough but its still lingering on. Hope yours disappears sooner than later.


      Docket--that didn't take long for your winter introduction. I do not miss driving in snow (it has been over 10 years for me!)


      LRB--safe travels!!


      Also not really a concern now - that shit's expensive, nobody's gonna give it to children for free!



        lemme check. I paid for that pacing spreadsheet from maclin last year


        ok nm, the pace band tab doesn't give mile by mile splits. they must want extra $$ for that


        but if you want the spreadsheet anyway, let me know


        Something else to stare at and obsess over? Send that bitch right on over!



          You've trained your ass off; whatever ends up happening on race day, I hope you're proud of your effort and can conquer all of your goals. You leave tomorrow, right?


          9:30 in the AM.


            kind of related to yesterday's discussion on smiling during your run

            Get more out of your workout by dropping an F-bomb


            I can't recall doing that much during workouts, but I sure have during marathons.




              My goal is to qualify for New York with a marathon time (3:14-7:23 per mile).


              New York has the most aggressive qualifying standards for the American races and I was always in awe of those times. I'm not sure how realistic it is however since I didn't do any the standard race equivalents, in fact, it might be a pipe dream. I targeted 7:15 during training and struggled mightily with it so I'll just see how things feel once the cannon goes off. It doesn't help that I suck at distance but I'm not going there to have a good time, this is business straight up, no chaser.




              Next AG up makes a world of difference for NYCMQ. 



                kind of related to yesterday's discussion on smiling during your run

                Get more out of your workout by dropping an F-bomb


                A catastrophizer, Stephens explained, is someone who might have a tiny wound and think, "Oh, this is life threatening. I'm going to get gangrene, I'm going to die."


                That was me at the dentist for years and years and years. Now I'm like, bring it bitch, ROAAAAR!


                Super B****


                  My goal is to qualify for New York with a marathon time (3:14-7:23 per mile).


                  New York has the most aggressive qualifying standards for the American races and I was always in awe of those times. I'm not sure how realistic it is however since I didn't do any the standard race equivalents, in fact, it might be a pipe dream. I targeted 7:15 during training and struggled mightily with it so I'll just see how things feel once the cannon goes off. It doesn't help that I suck at distance but I'm not going there to have a good time, this is business straight up, no chaser.


                  I ordered a course specific pace band (last flippin' Friday!) but it didn't come in today's mail. I'm going to try to figure out an alternative because I really need to be engaged with the race mentally (for 26 miles geezus!) in order to pull it off.


                  In any event, I just want to be able to execute a MF race plan at the marathon distance for once in my wretched life. I've done it at every other distance except this one so that's really what this is all about. Too bad I picked the toughest course of the majors to try it on lmao. 


                  Bib #7075


                  Have you not seen my pace bands?? They're the ones you ordered. Except I print them out and waterproof them with packing tape.

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog



                    Have you not seen my pace bands?? They're the ones you ordered. Except I print them out and waterproof them with packing tape.


                    I think he's talking about one that has splits specific to the NYC course (factoring in the hills)


                      it's blizzarding out right now 


                        NYC weather forecast is BEAUTIFUL.



                        Super B****


                          I think he's talking about one that has splits specific to the NYC course (factoring in the hills)


                          Yep. That's what I'm talking about.

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog



                            Yep. That's what I'm talking about.


                            oh I thought you could only print the even pacing ones


                            Super B****


                              oh I thought you could only print the even pacing ones


                              I take a screenshot of the course specific one and print that 🤷‍♀️

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                              delicate flower


                                My goal is to qualify for New York with a marathon time (3:14-7:23 per mile).


                                It is weird to see you post so much about your goal race, and then attach a goal to it.  You usually keep that stuff pretty close to the chest.  In any case, you've got the full power of the B&B rooting for you and virtually pulling you to the finish line.   
