Beginners and Beyond

Spooktacular Dailies (Read 34 times)


     Have you not seen my pace bands?? They're the ones you ordered. Except I print them out and waterproof them with packing tape.


    Ya, I've done it in the past. I just thought I'd try ordering one and we see what good that did!



      I take a screenshot of the course specific one and print that 🤷‍♀️


      It wouldn't allow it at work but I got it work on my tablet. Off to the printer!


         oh I thought you could only print the even pacing ones


        Samesies. Desperate times call for desperate measures though!



          It is weird to see you post so much about your goal race, and then attach a goal to it.  You usually keep that stuff pretty close to the chest.  In any case, you've got the full power of the B&B rooting for you and virtually pulling you to the finish line.   




          Super B****


            It wouldn't allow it at work but I got it work on my tablet. Off to the printer!


            I think there's a 3:15 pacer in your corral, too, if that's your thing

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog



              I think there's a 3:15 pacer in your corral, too, if that's your thing


              Absolutely not! I can piss my own race away I don't need any help. lol


                Next AG up makes a world of difference for NYCMQ. 


                Getting old has it's benefits. 


                Super B****


                  Getting old has its* benefits. 



                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog



                    Absolutely not! I can piss my own race away I don't need any help. lol


                    Pro tip: if some rando offers to pace you to 3:14, just smile and nod and run your race.




                      Getting old has it's benefits. 


                      That's pretty much it. Next AG in April for me.



                      Super B****

                        I forgot to mention this, but since I have the Race Screen on my watch now, I input the race distance on Sunday. I didn't USE the screen, I just scrolled to it a few times during the race to see what my projected finish time was. And that thing is batshit crazy, because I didn't have the time to examine all the fields in the moment, but it was predicting things that made no sense, like 2:30 made-no-sense. I guess it doesn't work unless you pay attention to the miles on that data field?? I don't see how this will help me in the NYC Half...

                        chasing the impossible


                        because i never shut up ... i blog


                        Go figure


                          Absolutely not! I can piss my own race away I don't need any help. lol


                          The pacer in me cringes at that sentiment...the runner in me says you're damn right.

                          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                          Super B****


                            Pro tip: if some rando offers to pace you to 3:14, just smile and nod and run your race.


                            The rando might not be doing it for altruistic reasons... I remain convinced the only reason I ran NYC as well as I did was because I was "pacing" a teammate, and I worried about screwing up his race, not mine. (We got separated on the Queensboro Bridge and he wound up dropping, but that was not my fault...)

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog






                              Your eye is as sharp as ever! 👍


                              Super B****




                                Your eye is as sharp as ever! 👍


                                I would have concurred with the statement anyway.

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog