Beginners and Beyond

Spooktacular Dailies (Read 34 times)



    My goal is to qualify for New York with a marathon time (3:14-7:23 per mile).


    New York has the most aggressive qualifying standards for the American races and I was always in awe of those times. I'm not sure how realistic it is however since I didn't do any the standard race equivalents, in fact, it might be a pipe dream. I targeted 7:15 during training and struggled mightily with it so I'll just see how things feel once the cannon goes off. It doesn't help that I suck at distance but I'm not going there to have a good time, this is business straight up, no chaser.


    I ordered a course specific pace band (last flippin' Friday!) but it didn't come in today's mail. I'm going to try to figure out an alternative because I really need to be engaged with the race mentally (for 26 miles geezus!) in order to pull it off.


    In any event, I just want to be able to execute a MF race plan at the marathon distance for once in my wretched life. I've done it at every other distance except this one so that's really what this is all about. Too bad I picked the toughest course of the majors to try it on lmao. 


    Bib #7075


    You deserve to qualify. Hopefully you'll get what you deserve!


    delicate flower




      Cross functional.



      This lady on my conference call just loves using the corporate buzzwords.  I almost can't take this any more.



        kind of related to yesterday's discussion on smiling during your run

        Get more out of your workout by dropping an F-bomb


        When I'm really mad or I hurt myself very much, I'll chain swear words until I'm out of ideas, and by that time I'm less mad or it hurts less (it seems).

        But I guess just grunting and/or screaming/yelling would achieve the same thing.


        Former Bad Ass

          I'm home!  It is windy and snow is falling in Indy.  The drive wasn't too bad at all.  Drivers behave here better.



            kind of related to yesterday's discussion on smiling during your run

            Get more out of your workout by dropping an F-bomb


            My cursing is reserved for a-hole drivers who try to kill me.





              Cross functional.



              This lady on my conference call just loves using the corporate buzzwords.  I almost can't take this any more.


              Synergy/Synergize are the ones that makes me start shaking.


              Go figure




                Cross functional.



                This lady on my conference call just loves using the corporate buzzwords.  I almost can't take this any more.


                "Pain point" is the one that gets me. How about we not talk about our "pain points" and just focus on where you're screwing up?

                Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn



                  When I'm really mad or I hurt myself very much, I'll chain swear words until I'm out of ideas, and by that time I'm less mad or it hurts less (it seems).

                  But I guess just grunting and/or screaming/yelling would achieve the same thing.


                  Nope. Really nothing beats a good f-bomb.



                    kind of related to yesterday's discussion on smiling during your run

                    Get more out of your workout by dropping an F-bomb


                    Ha! I love this. I have definitely dropped the F-bomb during training runs! And races. And in life.



                      So ummm..... after posting my October miles, it started to bug me, 148.3 wasn't good enough.... aches and pains or not.

                      So I decided to go for another easy run, even if it only ended up being 1.7 miles.

                      This time I chose a pair of my Richocets instead of the Levitate 2s.  My legs barely complained the entire 3.2 miles 😳🥳

                      Maybe the ibuprofen I took at 5:30 this morning is in my system.... I'm not getting my hopes up.

                      But those Levitate 2s are most likely going back.

                      *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                      5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                      10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                      15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                      13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                       26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                        So ummm..... after posting my October miles, it started to bug me, 148.3 wasn't good enough.... aches and pains or not.

                        So I decided to go for another easy run, even if it only ended up being 1.7 miles.

                        This time I chose a pair of my Richocets instead of the Levitate 2s.  My legs barely complained the entire 3.2 miles 😳🥳

                        Maybe the ibuprofen I took at 5:30 this morning is in my system.... I'm not getting my hopes up.

                        But those Levitate 2s are most likely going back.


                        FWIW, I didn't like the Levitates either. I know Blue likes them, though.


                          LRB - I hope you achieve your stretch goal this weekend, and that you manage to have fun while doing so.


                          I ran 7 on the TM. Another dreary wet day here. Folks are freaking out because their kids will melt in the rain, so I doubt we'll get any trick or treaters tonight. More chocolate for me.




                            FWIW, I didn't like the Levitates either. I know Blue likes them, though.


                            I liked the cushion, I really wanted them to work damn it 😔

                            FYI, it hurt my tired brain to figure out what FWIW means 

                            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                              I liked the cushion, I really wanted them to work damn it 😔

                              FYI, it hurt my tired brain to figure out what FWIW means 


                              This is awesome. lol



                                I liked the cushion, I really wanted them to work damn it 😔

                                FYI, it hurt my tired brain to figure out what FWIW means 


                                LOL, sorry Big grin "For What It's Worth" Big grin