Beginners and Beyond

All Hallows Eve DAILIES (Read 37 times)




    It's easy for people to assume that it must come easier to the people who are running higher mileage. Or the people who are running fast times are just genetically gifted with speed.  And that they didn't have to work hard for years to build up to that.  But unless we're talking about the elites, I simply don't think it's true.


    Congrats on hitting your goal though.


    Oh no, I know you guys work your asses off.... I could never, will never do intervals, speed training and all that other weird, coachy, track stuff you guys do. I just.... that shit just confuses me when you guys start talking about it, I just stare in complete bewilderment as I read, it's almost like reading German, or French, or some forgotten language like Latin   

    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


      It's easy for people to take those things for granted or roll their eyes to these things when it comes so easy for them to reach those numbers 


      Comes easy? Everyone who runs 200 miles per month has to run each and everyone of those miles: on the treadmill, in the heat, in the cold, on the track, in the rain, just like you. It does not come easy to anyone. I don't think it is easier for PleasantRidge, for Jay, for D2 than it is for you or me. They just put more dedication to their running than we do.


      And about running and racing, it's ok that different people have different opinions and different objectives. You wanted to hit 200, you have hit 200, you're happy with that, so all is cool 



        It's easy for people to assume that it must come easier to the people who are running higher mileage. Or the people who are running fast times are just genetically gifted with speed.  And that they didn't have to work hard for years to build up to that.  But unless we're talking about the elites, I simply don't think it's true.



        I wonder where one's limit is, though. I am M45 and you're W-much younger. For both of us 2:45 is far from elite level. So we probably could reach that. But can you imagine the kind of additional effort we'd have to put in?


        MTA: Or could I?




          Comes easy? Everyone who runs 200 miles per month has to run each and everyone of those miles: on the treadmill, in the heat, in the cold, on the track, in the rain, just like you. It does not come easy to anyone. I don't think it is easier for PleasantRidge, for Jay, for D2 than it is for you or me. They just put more dedication to their running than we do.


          And about running and racing, it's ok that different people have different opinions and different objectives. You wanted to hit 200, you have hit 200, you're happy with that, so all is cool 


          But you made my obsession sound petty 

          *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


          5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

          10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

          15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

          13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

           26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



            There's a fine line between dedication and obsession and sheer stupidity.

            That wasn't aimed at your post FS. It was speaking for me personally.

            Runner with a riding problem.


              There's a fine line between dedication and obsession and sheer stupidity.


              Just think how many hours of TV viewing we have all missed.




                Just think how many hours of TV viewing we have all missed.

                If it wasn't for the DVR and being able to watch an hour long episode in 44 minutes starting at 6PM, I wouldn't be able to see any shows I like.

                Runner with a riding problem.


                  There's a fine line between dedication and obsession and sheer stupidity.


                  Just wait, you will experience the latter in all its glory while training for your marathon. lol



                    I wonder where one's limit is, though. I am M45 and you're W-much younger. For both of us 2:45 is far from elite level. So we probably could reach that. But can you imagine the kind of additional effort we'd have to put in?


                    MTA: Or could I?


                    Why not? You're on a roll right now. Might as well see where it takes you.


                    For me it's laughable, I'll be lucky to run a half at a 6:17 pace per mile, let alone 26 of them bitches.




                      Just wait, you will experience the latter in all its glory while training for your marathon. lol


                      If you are trying to instill confidence, well...

                      Runner with a riding problem.


                      Former Bad Ass


                        It's easy for people to assume that it must come easier to the people who are running higher mileage. Or the people who are running fast times are just genetically gifted with speed.  And that they didn't have to work hard for years to build up to that.  But unless we're talking about the elites, I simply don't think it's true.




                           If you are trying to instill confidence, well...


                          You know me, I'm just keeping it real. Marathon race training is not easy.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            And FYI, I am not fast and might never be fast due to some physical limitations.  But I work like I could be.  I work between 50-80 hours a week, depending on my cases and I still try to do at least 50mpw.  I cannot wake up early like most of you do because I am working while you guys are running, but I sacrifice certain things to do my miles every day.  My husband has eaten dinner late whenever I need to put in the miles.  And now that he runs, he gets it.  Before, he whined.




                              I wonder where one's limit is, though. I am M45 and you're W-much younger. For both of us 2:45 is far from elite level. So we probably could reach that. But can you imagine the kind of additional effort we'd have to put in?


                              MTA: Or could I?


                              I know that I don't have the motivation or dedication to train to my limit.  I don't actually have the motivation to do much more than I am doing right now actually.


                                I'll be lucky to run a 5k at a 6:17 pace per mile, let alone 26 of them bitches.