Beginners and Beyond

HUGE Sundailies (Read 53 times)



    My Pacioretty jersey is hanging on the wall at my office desk. The wife was laughing at DS and I as we were on the edge of our seats for the last 5 minutes of the game, eyes wide open, jumpy as deers in a lion filled savannah!



    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


      JFHC I go for a run and the forum exploded.




      I am laughing more than ever today. lol

      Hip Redux

        Holy hell you are all chatty.  where are you when I have nothing to do and am bored??



        Former Bad Ass


          Marathons are like crack, and the people who run them are crackheads. lol


          Yeap, you cannot just run only one!



            Hip Redux

              Today my husband and I were talking about him trying to BQ this fall.... and I said "If you get in, maybe I'll go the charity route."  And about 30 seconds later, I said "Wait, no that's a horrible idea.  There's no way I want to run a marathon."   He said "Shortest goal ever."  lol


              Hip Redux

                Oh sure, I get time to post and now you all go quiet.   Figures.



                Are we there, yet?

                  Hey, I just got home from work and have barely had time to make hot chocolate. That's really odd because I had heat issues on my run. It was a little too cool for me to go short sleeve, and having a senior moment didn't think to dig out a long sleeve shirt. So I wore my jacket and overheated. Barely made it through my shift despite all the fluids I drank afterwards. Just a reminder that heat can have a debilitating effect even if you are hydrated.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                    Oh sure, I get time to post and now you all go quiet.   Figures.




                    Former Bad Ass



                      Oski, if he BQs, get in through charity!  You will not regret it!


                      Hip Redux



                        Oski, if he BQs, get in through charity!  You will not regret it!


                        My back, hip and knees may though lol



                          Thank you  BasyaSpiliakos!      


                          DaveP - Thanks, and I don't know if I will regularly comment here or not but it does feel  good to be back.


                          Oh and congratulation to everyone who ran today.


                            Dave we have been north of 150 quite a few times but I cannot recall many over 170.


                            Pages?! I thought it wasn't chore to read the first 7 pages that happened before I posted today. I didn't read them.


                              Namtor- Not to jinx anything, but I haven't heard one complaint out of the knee in almost two years now.


                              running is bad for you


                                My back, hip and knees may though lol


                                Bike volunteer?