Beginners and Beyond

HUGE Sundailies (Read 53 times)


    Last time I was on this site Phil was suffering from a fairly serious side-lining injury, so to read this is really great. WTG Phil, that's a really impressive time.


    And I noticed that other people have definitely progressed (as runners, time-wise, distance-wise, or in other ways) and that also makes me  happy to see.  (FreeSoul - for example -  you are fast now and you've become a runner in the sense in which that word is used).


    But mostly, and most importantly I see how people stick with running regardless of whether they are progressing or maintaining, or whether they are fast, slow, or somewhere in between. I guess it's all about doing it because that's what you do.


    Anyway, hi everyone, it's great to see a lot of you. And nice thread Dave.


      Hi, Namtor.  Good to see you back.  How's the knee?


        Hi, Namtor.  Good to see you back.  How's the knee?


        Zelanie, great to see you! Well, my knee is totally cured from laying off running entirely for about 2 months last summer. How is your knee?

          DaveP MI, thank your for starting today's thread. HAPPY BIRtHDAY! Terrific 13.2.


          cjones1, have a relaxing and refreshing rest day.


          Damaris, I hope that your LR goes well.


          Shari, have a pleasant walk.


          Lily, enjoy your run.


          Lauren, I hope that you enjoyed shopping.


          Phil, congratulations on an awesome race!


          Brava, Ginny!


          Ric-G, sweet six.


          FreeSoul87, congratulations on two HMs!


          HCK2.0, great 6.5. Not too shabby with the 5K. Feel well soon.


          Welcome back, Mr.NamtorSmile


          I did 8.30 miles on the TM in 1:14:59. 9:02 pace.


          Run to live; live to run

            Nice job Phil !


            I thought i posted?  4.2 this am then a shit ton yard yoga. My raised bed thing is 98% or so done. Plants are in. 5 cu yards of fill dirt in, plus the peat moss and top soil so over 7 cu yards of fill. I need to put a few braces in the back, add the trellis that I want and mulch. Attach the top rails over the stones. They are just sitting there but need leveled and attached.


            Let et me go to tiny pics and get a pic for here. I did put a bunch on fb.



            Run to live; live to run

              Top before. After bottom 3 pics. Still some to do but getting there. Plants in and Dh garden in too.  The dog things on the step are solar lights.  Oh the round silver thing is the dog waste disposal thingy



              Former Bad Ass

                It was still 102F when I started my LR, so 16 miles with the last 8 @ MP + 10% on the TM.  Hope Lily is proud!



                  Hey, some tard bumped the earliest thread in this place and it got locked. How can I report the mod who did that?


                    Top before. After bottom 3 pics. Still some to do but getting there. Plants in and Dh garden in too.  The dog things on the step are solar lights.  Oh the round silver thing is the dog waste disposal thingy


                    This is awesome!



                      But mostly, and most importantly I see how people stick with running regardless of whether they are progressing or maintaining, or whether they are fast, slow, or somewhere in between. I guess it's all about doing it because that's what you do.



                      Yeah that's kind of why we're here.

                      Welcome back! Is this permanent, or just a drop-in?



                        It was still 102F when I started my LR, so 16 miles with the last 8 @ MP + 10% on the TM.  Hope Lily is proud!


                        I'm proud of you, my TM sister.  That was one heck of a great run, Damaris! And could you spare about 20*F and send them here, please?


                        I ran 11 miles @ 8:24 pace. I couldn't have gone faster, or longer. I better be fully recovered from my race by tomorrow. Otherwise I'll be very angry...

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        Former Bad Ass


                          I'm proud of you, my TM sister.  That was one heck of a great run, Damaris! And could you spare about 20*F and send them here, please?


                          I ran 11 miles @ 8:24 pace. I couldn't have gone faster, or longer. I better be fully recovered from my race by tomorrow. Otherwise I'll be very angry...


                          I'll send you 30F.  I have a lot to spare. 



                            Marj, you do such lovely work in your garden! The transformation is amazing!

                            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                            Hip Redux

                              Hey, some tard bumped the earliest thread in this place and it got locked. How can I report the mod who did that?


                              This ain't a democracy FFS


                              Feel free to report me, even though I didn't do it, if it makes you feel better.  



                              Run to live; live to run

                                Hey, some tard bumped the earliest thread in this place and it got locked. How can I report the mod who did that?


                                I don't see a locked thread. Must be unlocked now?
