Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #135 (Read 28 times)


    D - I'm sorry about your grandmother. Did you know she was ill?


    Cy - good luck with the job prospect.


    I ran 7.3.


      Sorry about your grandmother D.


      Good luck on the job Cy. Is it something that you think you'll enjoy more than programming?


      I ran 8 with Mona


      How did Chris do??


      Former Bad Ass

        D - I'm sorry about your grandmother. Did you know she was ill?


        Cy - good luck with the job prospect.


        I ran 7.3.


        She wasn't ill except for her normal stuff. She was on dialysis for more than 5 years but died of respiratory issues. Not confirmed COVID but likely. I've been trying to get a hold of her for the last month because I'd not talked to her for 8 months and now I'm like gah. 



        Super B****


          It does not. But like most things running, it's probably viewed as a challenge to the person who is doing it.

          I think it’s more about the “I can’t sit with these feelings so I’ll run instead” here. Which I understand. But my body would fall apart after a day and a half and then I’d REALLY have problems

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog



            How did Chris do??


            Both of them kicked my butt today 


              I think it’s more about the “I can’t sit with these feelings so I’ll run instead” here. Which I understand. But my body would fall apart after a day and a half and then I’d REALLY have problems


              As you probably know don't know, I was in a similar boat for years. Keep building, keep growing, keep getting running strong. Do that, and the levels of stupid you can achieve will be off the charts. lol


                 Both of them kicked my butt today 


                Well, after six weeks of pure brilliance, Venus is waning so that explains that!



                  Well, after six weeks of pure brilliance, Venus is waning so that explains that!


                  I think both of them are better suited to this workout than I am. I tend to do better on longer stuff and suuuck and accelerating fast



                    10.1 miles in an hour this afternoon/evening,  fuck id love to actually RUN that 😁

                    Legs are feeling a lot better, shins and calves feel 100%. Quad is feeling pretty good, both adductors feel like I focused 10 straight minutes on that naughty girl - nice girl machine at a moderate weight, which for me was 60-70 lbs.

                    Other than that, I am feeling very hopeful that next week I can do a little running, cutting back on my skating just a bit.


                    Sorry to hear about your grandmother, D ☹ I still think "ugh " when I think of my dad passing away March 15, 2019... the last I had spoke to him was more than a year before his death. He actually left a voice-mail on my phone 2 weeks before his death, I hadn't recognized the number. Didn't hear it until that Thursday, March 14 and didn't think I needed to call him.... the next morning I received the news  it sucks.

                    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                      I think both of them are better suited to this workout than I am. I tend to do better on longer stuff and suuuck and accelerating fast


                      You definitely can go the distance!



                        I think both of them are better suited to this workout than I am. I tend to do better on longer stuff and suuuck and accelerating fast


                        They are simply faster than you. My 17yo son who does NOTHING is faster than me over 200m. Does that mean I suck at running fast? I don't think I suck, just that I'm not fast. I'm good at tranferring whatever speed I have over distance, and so do you, whereas not that many people can do it as well as us.


                        You can work on your speed and will get faster but it is very possible much less trained people than you will be faster, whatever you do.


                        Ok, maybe that is what "I suck" means after all, 😀


                        Super B****


                          As you probably know don't know, I was in a similar boat for years. Keep building, keep growing, keep getting running strong. Do that, and the levels of stupid you can achieve will be off the charts. lol


                          That’s not just highly unlikely, it’s basically impossible. Even perfectly healthy people start losing bone density with age

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog



                            They are simply faster than you. My 17yo son who does NOTHING is faster than me over 200m. Does that mean I suck at running fast? I don't think I suck, just that I'm not fast. I'm good at tranferring whatever speed I have over distance, and so do you, whereas not that many people can do it as well as us.


                            You can work on your speed and will get faster but it is very possible much less trained people than you will be faster, whatever you do.


                            Ok, maybe that is what "I suck" means after all, 😀


                            My 7 yo is faster than me over 200m  but then he falls apart rather quickly and spectacularly



                              Both of them kicked my butt today 


                              Are you running like normal together? Or trying to keep a little distance? Not judging, just curious what seems to be acceptable there. I ran with my RP last weekend but it felt wrong.



                                Are you running like normal together? Or trying to keep a little distance? Not judging, just curious what seems to be acceptable there. I ran with my RP last weekend but it felt wrong.

                                Trying to keep more distance than usual and no hugs or high 5's. Not running on opposite sides of the street or anything though and if we are on a trail and passing people the distance is less than 6ft.  RP will move to the grass if possible.  Things might be different here though.  Majority of people still aren't wearing masks to the grocery stores even
