Beginners and Beyond


Early Morning Tuesday Penguins (Read 23 times)

Slymoon Runs

race obsessed

    Morning, 4 on the tm this morning and group tonight.


    Yeah buddy!

    Jack K.

    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

      Morning, 4 on the tm this morning and group tonight.


      Sometimes I wish I had a group to run with. Usually I prefer running alone, but some of those runs do get lonely. It's ok, loneliness builds character.

      Slymoon Runs

      race obsessed


        Sometimes I wish I had a group to run with. Usually I prefer running alone, but some of those runs do get lonely. It's ok, loneliness builds character.


        I agree to an extent, it all depends on what the group run is about.



        Group 'Social' runs I am not interested in.  It is not a workout for me and I don't have time to run and be social.  Unless it is with my DW and DD, we go and have a great run and night out.  (yes I realize this makes me sound like a hermit )


        Going for a run with friends or an FE doesn't count. That has its own purpose.


        The group run that PAD and I do is 15% social and 85% OMFG kill me now!  We work and we work hard and we all push each other.  Warm-ups and cool down in group and stay in group.



        Other than that yes I prefer to go out alone and listen to myself and nature.

        Jack K.

        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI


          I agree to an extent, it all depends on what the group run is about.



          Group 'Social' runs I am not interested in.  It is not a workout for me and I don't have time to run and be social.  Unless it is with my DW and DD, we go and have a great run and night out.  (yes I realize this makes me sound like a hermit )


          Going for a run with friends or an FE doesn't count. That has its own purpose.


          The group run that PAD and I do is 15% social and 85% OMFG kill me now!  We work and we work hard and we all push each other.  Warm-ups and cool down in group and stay in group.


           Other than that yes I prefer to go out alone and listen to myself and nature.



          This.  You and I are alike in a lot of ways.

          Singer who runs a smidge

            Just went for a walk with my gladiator brace (I am SO calling it that from now on, Scotty!) and while it didn't slide down, it did slide slightly sideways.  Felt mostly ok, though, less pain than usual.  Sigh, someday I'd like to have NO pain! 

            When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


              Rest day from running. But travel day to the oncologist with my FIL. I'll update later after the appointment .


                Yay sapf! 





                Former Bad Ass

                  Just went for a walk with my gladiator brace (I am SO calling it that from now on, Scotty!) and while it didn't slide down, it did slide slightly sideways.  Felt mostly ok, though, less pain than usual.  Sigh, someday I'd like to have NO pain! 

                  I love the name. Sorry about the pain.


                  sapf,go get it.





                    Other than that yes I prefer to go out alone and listen to myself and nature.


                    I'm glad I saw your post before I headed out today.  I decided to leave my headphones at home and just listen to the birds chirping and the bugs humming. (why yes it's sort of springtime in SoCal).  5.7 done.



                      Sometimes I wish I had a group to run with. Usually I prefer running alone, but some of those runs do get lonely. It's ok, loneliness builds character.


                      At my pace I'm mostly alone except when I'm being lapped (by sly)...

                      Amazonian Princess



                        Busy at work meeting with staff for evals and working with HR regarding my very special employee for whom I wish enlightenment. Oh, so very much enlightenment


                        Saturday I had a lovely run on a very hilly-type terrain: it's a trail with a dozen or so underpasses that I'd done by bike but was previously too intimidated to run. Slower pace to keep it conversational but I'm happy with how the booteus maximus (thank you Traci!), hammies, and quads did. Sunday was a 2.5 mile walk with my-inlaws then 11 miles on the bike with DH. Had it not been so late I would have run 2 more just to see what a duathlon might feel like 


                        Session with the trainer tonight and once I hit the Post button, I'm going to text and ask her to leave enough in the tank for a run afterwards because Pace Bunny is spankin' me HARD!

                        I can. I will. I am. 


                          I ended up with five chilly (30 deg) miles.  I warmed up after about two miles, but then got chilled again when I stopped to help catch a dog that was running loose.  It was on a twisty hilly road where the drivers go very fast though they can't see around the corners. (Not my favorite part of my running route, but unavoidable.)  I know two dogs that have been killed on that street in the past year or so.  Fortunately, a woman stopped her car and she and I sweet talked the German Shepherd/husky mix into letting us catch him and then drag him off the road.  He had a dog license with the County phone number on it, so the other woman called the License Bureau and they were able to give us the dog's address from the tag number.  When we got to the house, just two away from where we found the dog, nobody answered the door, but I spotted a business vehicle outside with a phone number on it, so we called that number and were able to get the owner to come out of the house to collect his dog.  By that time, I was really cold, so I raced the last half mile home, got a hot shower and a cup of tea, and am just starting to thaw out.


                          Baconista - I have a route like that not far from my house.  It took me three years before I ran it, because I was so intimidated by the hills.  Then when I actually did it, I was surprised that it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected.  I've only done it twice since, but you've reminded me that it's time to do it again.


                          Former Bad Ass


                            I'm glad I saw your post before I headed out today.  I decided to leave my headphones at home and just listen to the birds chirping and the bugs humming. (why yes it's sort of springtime in SoCal).  5.7 done.


                            Nice. All I would hear are the sounds of rush hour traffic and men yelling lewed comments at me.



                            Barking Mad To Run


                              Sometimes I wish I had a group to run with. Usually I prefer running alone, but some of those runs do get lonely. It's ok, loneliness builds character.


                              Me too.   Plus, then people don't have to smell me when I sweat..which is a lot! 


                              I ended up going to Fort Sam Houston and did hills...3.8 miles of hills - and these ain't baby hills either!  6 uphills and 3 downhills.   It was QUITE wet and rained on me the whole way.   At one point, I had a funny moment.  I'd just crested one of the hills and had come to a stop sign and there was this Army major sitting in his vehicle at the stop sign, and he had a canoe tied to the top of his SUV.  I walked over and tapped on his window and he rolled it down, and I said to him, "Jeez, Major, just how much rain are you expecting today?"  At which he laughed out loud and said "Thanks very much, I was having a bit of a bad work day and I needed a laugh!"  Glad I could help! I was quite soaked when I got back to the gym and the post-run hot shower felt GREAT.  I actually felt much better after that, so maybe I ran some of the crud out of me.  Got back home and took a short nap too, and that seemed to help also.  Back to work tomorrow.


                              I also got my notice from the military hospital that my annual physical is scheduled for next week (for me, it is always done in my birth month), so if there is anything going on - hopefully not - I guess they will catch it....cuz the military does not screw around...I will have all kinds of blood work, x-ray, MRI, ye olde prostate exam - thankfully, I have a very nice lady doc as my Primary Care Physician and she has small hands - ,  my orthopedic doc will check my hips, knee, and spine, my surgery doc will check my hernia mesh, etc., etc.. yearly physical takes a while....they are very thorough!

                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                              Barking Mad To Run

                                One of my friends got me cresting one of the hills at last Sunday's Super Bowl 7K.....yeah, I don't exactly have what you call 'good running form', lol...but I get where I want to go.


                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
