Beginners and Beyond


The DAILIES: Follow My Lead (Read 39 times)


                                                     CoolWELCOME TO THE DAILIES THREAD!Cool


    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc.. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners, from injury to running. We're all a little crazy here, too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up, and stay a while (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours here.


      And drink some shit up when you get off work tonight!


      Just B.S.

        Hey LRB! Sup Dude?


        Ran the last 3 days. Today will be a swim in the river, despite the fact it's going to be pouring

        all day cause it really doesn't matter when you are swimming.


        Taking 2 days off running before my half on Sunday.


        The 10th anniversary of my first race, which was a the half marathon. It will be #26 for me.


        My hometown race and looking foward to meeting RSX who is travelling here with family for

        the race, and possibly running it together.


        Have a good weekend all. See you soon RSX Smile

          Hey, hey, hey!


          Rick, thank you for starting today's thread. What's your plan for today?


          Beth, enjoy the swim. Good luck with the HM on Sunday!


          I slept well and awoken without the aid of an alarm clock. I'm off to eat a light breakfast, shower, head to the gym for weights and sixteen quarter-mile repeats, return home for another shower, then, head out for two doctors' appointments. I hope to work a leisurely coffee and some fabric shopping as an early birthday present between the two appointments. (My birthday is tomorrow.)



            Rick, thank you for starting today's thread. What's your plan for today?



            Um, it looks like he told you his plan for today!


            LRB, I will be happy to join you, do I have to wait till then?


            Basya, Happy Birthday! Are you going to tell us how many?


            B.S.: Happy Runniversary!


            Happy Friday everyone else! SRD for me.


            Hip Redux

              I am awake and I am not happy about it.





                7.3 easy in a nice crisp air is in the books.


                I am heading to jail work where I will holla at you then!


                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning!  SRD today.  Once I get home, I will follow LRB's lead.  And I must order cupcakes today!


                  Beth, good luck this weekend.


                  Basya, hope you are feeling better.  Happy Birthday in advance!


                  Dave, enjoy the rest.


                  Oski, thanks for reminding me that I need coffee.  I have been at the office for close to one hour without breakfast or coffee.


                  LRB, nice run.



                  Barking Mad To Run

                    Happy Friday!  Rest day for me today and will pick up my packet after work for my 5K tomorrow. 46th race of the year.


                    Today, August 9th, is National Rice Pudding Day and Worldwide Art Day


                    rice pudding cartoons, rice pudding cartoon, rice pudding picture, rice pudding pictures, rice pudding image, rice pudding images, rice pudding illustration, rice pudding illustrations





                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                    Hip Redux

                      There was a flurry of work emails from 10-midnight last night with an urgent matter.   Nice to log in and get 20 back and forth correspondence that needs my input and try to figure out WTH is going on!   Happy Friday, ugh.



                      delicate flower

                        Whatcha say there, Spanky!  It be RAINING like a mofo!  4 easy treadmill miles done (9:02 pace).  5K tomorrow.  We'll just have to see how that goes!


                        Got to go dump the dog off at the kennel, then we are Martha's Vineyard bound.


                        So long then!



                          Hey LRB! Sup Dude?


                          Waiting on you to join me at the bar tonight, of course!


                          Hey B!  I get cable today, AND I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY I COULD TYPE IT IN ALL CAPS...wait, actually....I AM SUPER ECSTATIC!


                          Yo O!  Just one cup for me a day, but it is some strong shit!


                          Hi D!


                          Supp Dave and Scotty, did you hear?  After six freaking days of darkness, I GET MY CABLE BACK TODAY WOO HOO!

                            DaveP MI, enjoy your SRD. I'll be thirty-five.


                            Oski, I'm a teacher. I don't add anything to my coffee. Why mess with something that works perfectly well as it is? Ick on the e-mails. I hope that work works today.


                            Rick, sweet 7.3.


                            Damaris, enjoy your SRD.


                            scottydawg, enjoy your rest day. Good luck tomorrow.


                            It's raining. So, I decided to use the free weights that I have at homeSad


                              5K tomorrow. 

                              Oh yeah, I forgot about that.  Aw shit, it's on and poppin'!






                                I don't add anything to my coffee. Why mess with something that works perfectly well as it is?


                                Because I like my coffee like I like my women, sweet and creamy.  Don't judge.  Tongue




