Beginners and Beyond


Lawyermom's L.A. Marathon RR (Read 63 times)

    It's been 15 years since my last (and first) marathon.  That was also the LA Marathon.  Short back story on that first one is that I woefully inadequately trained to run it at a 12mm pace, got talked into running it at a 10mm pace (I knew nothing at that point, don't judge me too hard).  It was awful, included the expected death march from 16 to 22, and I was so sick at the end I didn't even get a finishing picture with my medal.


    This was an attempt to overlay that horrific experience, and have it be pleasant enough to perhaps want to do it a third time.


    So race goals were:

    1. Pace it evenly

    2. Don't "race it," but run the whole thing (aside from aid stations)

    3. Finish with a smile on my face and willing to do another one.

    4. Bonus: Beat Oprah (sub 4:29, although I thought it was 4:36).


    Reach goal was to beat P-Diddy, who I thought was about 4:16 (actually 4:14)


    The week/night before:

    I did a good job of sleeping 8-9 hours a night Sunday through Friday nights, and got a nap on Saturday afternoon.  I ate pretty well all week--not too much junk, protein early in the week, more carbs Thurs/Fri/Sat, took a shitton of vitamin C, and was about as healthy as I could be.  I made a couple of lists of things to bring and started setting it out Saturday night after sundown.  The pile looked like I was planning to summit Everest, but I used a lot of it and wasn't worried about wanting something that I didn't have.  I still had not decided what shorts to wear, so I put out my clothes with 2 pairs of shorts.  Got in bed at 8:55.  Woke up every 1-2 hours thereafter, which I expected, and got up at 2:50 to start getting ready.



    I got dressed except for my shirt, which I'd already pinned the bib on to and didn't want to wear to drive.  Picked the shorts (happy with that decision, Rabbit makes some nice shorts!)  Put on a warm sweatshirt.  Drank some coffee, used the bathroom (woot, that worked), looked at food but really didn't want any.


    Got in the car at 3:30 to drive to Santa Monica to park.  Traffic was non-existent (YAY!!), got to the garage (I had pre-paid for my spot), and parked easily on level 3.  Changed into my tanktop with the bib, and last minute decided to check a bag (I never do this).  I had brought food to make my usual pre-race bfast, but it did not look appealing, so I skipped it.  I put a LS shirt on over the top of the tank top, put my flip flops, gels, anti-chafe stuff, and face cleaning wipes in the bag, locked the car, and started down the stairs of the garage.  The next step was to get on the shuttle to Dodger Stadium, my reservation was for a 4:30 shuttle.  (I wanted to be able to miss one or two if they were full and still have plenty of time.  Next time I won't worry, there were a bazillion shuttles.)


    I met a guy walking down the steps of the garage who told me where the shuttles were, then how to skip the line for said shuttles, and I sat with him on the bus.  He was super nice, he's one of the leaders of the Pasadena Pacers club.  This was his 11th LA and 39th marathon.  We chit-chated, he told me that despite the fact that the course is a net downhill, it feels like it's all gradual uphill, so be prepared for that.  He also predicted my time would be 4:16.  I followed him off the bus into the stadium and hung out with him and the Pacers club until about 30 minutes prior to the race.  It was effing cold (47), and he let me use his snuggy until we were all packing up our crap to check the gear bags.  I went to use the POP (successful mission).


    I thought I needed 5 gels, but only saw 4 in the bag I'd brought, so I put 2 in my belt and 2 in the shorts pockets.  I had bought individual use wipes of 2toms Sport Shield, I put 2 of those in the belt (like the size of a wet wipe they give you at restaurants).  I also had a ziploc sandwich bag with TP and 2 bandaids that I put in the belt.  Gave up my LS shirt, put it in the gear bag and checked it.  New-friend guy gave me a plastic poncho at that point, he had brought 2.  Saved me from a lot of shivering, it was also windy.


    I moseyed over to the general corral and wormed my way into the center of the pack penguin-style to keep warm.  There were signs with paces in the corral area, but they didn't seem to have any bearing on anything--basically they just moved all the fencing suddenly and we all swarmed into the starting area when it was our turn.


    The Race:

    The start was slow, I walked until I got to the starting mat--no need to peak early, right?  Hit go on Garmin, and off we went like a herd of turtles.  The first mile I was trying to weave through people without getting too worn out, things opened up a bit more on the second mile--which was downhill.  I saw sub 9 on my watch and opted to slow my roll immediately.  Basically, after the first 2 miles, I checked out my pace every so often and if it was 9:08 or less, I slowed a bit, if it was 10:00 or more, I picked it up a tad, but mostly ran this by feel.  Around mile 2, my watch was off the markers by .11 miles--I missed a massive tangent at some early point, so the rest of the race I had to mentally adjust for that.  (My full race distance ended up at 26.39.)


    I had planned to eat a gel right at the start, but forgot, so decided to have it at mile 3, and then ~ every 5 miles thereafter.  I didn't really have a "hydration plan," my only rules were: no Gatorade with gels, and walk the water stations.  I ate that first gel, then got a cup of water at 4.5, slowed to a walk, but literally could not swallow.  I threw out the rest of the water and kept running.  That was the last time I had water, it was just not appealing.


    I pulled out another gel at mile 9 and ate that.  I had some Gatorade around mile 10.5.  I quit walking the water stations.  I just stopped to drink, then started running again.  Walking while drinking was not easier than running while drinking, stopping completely was less frustrating.


    I knew I was about to hit the13.1 mark when I saw the finish chute for the 1/2 they'd done at some point over the weekend, at which point I cursed all the things that I wasn't done yet.  Had another G.A. at 14.5.


    Around mile 15 one of my armpits felt like it was rubbing on my shirt and starting to chafe.  I pulled out a 2toms towel, rubbed that all over both armpits and my thighs for good measure.  (I didn't stop, just did this awkwardly while running.)


    I stopped and had G.A. at 16.5, then almost immediately after I started again, I smelled something horrible.  And I mean turn your stomach horrible.  I was looking around to see if we were passing some POPs or if LA was just gross.  Couldn't see what was making this stench.  And it was NOT going away!  Then I saw him.  A man who's PR or whatever the fuck was so important to him that not only had he shit his pants, but he had not opted to stop in an effort to clean that up.  He was wearing compression shorts and calf sleeves, the right leg of both were completely soaked with shit from his ass to his ankle.  I watched him acquire a bottle of water, which he dumped down the back of his shorts, but it was totally ineffective.  He was running right about my pace, so it took me a while to get past him.   finally got ahead of him so I didn't have to smell him until I stupidly stopped for GA at 17.5.  Then the bastard caught up and passed close to me--like I could have reached out and touched him.  I got really mad then and took off, did not see him again.  I hate that guy.  Every person who was forced to share that bubble of air with him hates him.  His post-race shower was probably excruciatingly painful, and for putting all of us through that, he deserved it.


    Around mile 18 I was feeling a little tired, and now the air was more pleasant, I decided to pull out another gel (this was the 3rd).  I snacked on that for 4 miles or so, never had the 4th, and definitely did not need the 5th that I'd planned to bring.  I got some GA at 19.5, 20.5, at 22.5.


    The elevation profile for the course was hard to figure out from the chart online, but it looked there was a nasty hill at around mile 22-23, then downhill from 24 to the end.  I was being fairly conservative still at 23, because I wanted to have the energy to get up that hill, but it never happened, it was earlier (at 21), not very steep, and I was already over it.  Once I saw the ocean at 23 something, I realized there was no more "up," so I tried to pick up the pace a little.  "Yay," I thought, "downhill from here!"  And it was.  Steeply.  It's a 236 foot loss from 23.5 to the end.  By 24.5 my quads were on fire, and the arch of my right foot was getting pissed off.  But we don't quit when there's only a mile-ish to go, so I kept trying to pick up the pace.


    Then I saw the finish arch, and poured out what I had left (which was hilarious, "sprinting" after 26 miles is a term of art).  I plastered the biggest smile on my face that I could, and ran for those mats.  I knew I was about 7 minutes behind the gun, and crossed at about 4:14 something.  I was smart, and didn't stop my Garmin until I was well past the mats (no one wants a finish line picture where they are looking at their watch), it read 4:07:20.  Still had the big smile plastered on my face, and slowed to a walk.  Official time was 4:07:13.




    Suddenly, I about started crying.  Not sure what that was all about, but I damn near lost it.  Then I realized that walking was fucking HARD and all I wanted to do was sit, but there was no place to sit and it appeared to be approximately one thousand miles to get to a place I could.  I hobbled over to get my medal, then hobbled past the food table (could not even deal with bananas or bagels, hobbled right on by), took a bottle of water and a bottle of chocolate muscle milk (did not drink either).  Those lovely people with the space blankets were up ahead, so I forced myself to get there (I had started to shake and my teeth were chattering--it was 58 degrees at that point).  Kept shuffling and finally made it to the gear trucks.  Went to the wrong truck because I could not count or understand numbers at that point, but eventually found my truck and got my bag.


    Found a patch of grass, thank all that is holy, and spent about 5 minutes trying to sit down.  This was incredibly hard, my legs wouldn't bend and my quads were wrecked, I would get almost down, then almost fall, and have to start over.  A man was watching and laughing his ass off at me, fair enough.  Finally got butt to grass, and took my shoes off to survey the damage.  None.  No blisters, no chafing, no black toenails!  Flip flops were amazing at that moment.  Pulled out my LS shirt and switched it for the tank top (which was wring-it-out soaking), and the dry LS helped me feel a lot warmer.   Texted hubs, posted the pic Docket saw on insta, then sat there trying to figure out how to stand up and walk to my car.


    I finally stood up and started the shuffle again, but walking sucked so much.  So. Much.  I had to GPS the walk to the parking garage (I had the wristband for the free beer, but was shaking uncontrollably--I have beer at home and have to drink it before Passover, so FTS, I just wanted to go home).  It took a good 30 minutes for me to walk the .6 miles to the garage, then I had to go up 3 flights of stairs....  owwwwww.


    But, I had some wonderful things in the trunk of my car.  Like compression socks, and slippers, and velour sweatpants, and clean undies.  I managed to use the space blanket to change out of my shorts and into dry clothes, which was heaven.  I also had the big warm sweatshirt from the morning to put on.  And heated seats.  And a 750 ml of Gatorade.  And a bag of chips. 


    Driving home was horrible, my hips were killing me.  I drive a stick shift, which was kind of challenging at that point.  But I snacked on the chips, sang really loud to the radio (I was having a hard time staying awake by then), cranked the heated seats up to 11, ate my chips, and sipped on my G'aid.


    Got home and ate an amazing lunch of tatertots and hot dogs with rye bread (thank you hubs!), showered (the test of chafing--result: NO CHAFING!!!!), and took a 2 hour nap for 3 hours.  Not a typo, it took an hour to find a position I could fall asleep, my hips hurt SO MUCH no matter how I tried to lay in bed.  Around 7 pm hubs made the brilliant suggestion that I take some Advil, so last night I was able to sleep better.


    The day after:

    Not bad.  I don't know how you people can go and walk all over Epcot or whatever after this shit, that's a big cup of NOPE, but I'm not broken.  Slow, sore, awkward, hate stairs with a passion, but I'm not hurt.  By Wednesday, I think I'll be pretty much fine.  And likely idiotic enough to start planning for the next one.  Which means I hit my goal out of the park   (And bonus, I beat Oprah and P Diddy Wink ).  Officially I believe this is a one hour 11 minute PR.



    Elevation gain: 806 feet

    Elevation loss: 1,197 feet

    Avg pace (Garmin) 9:23

    Avg pace (official) 9:30

    Official time: 4:07:13



    1 10:07

    2 8:56

    3 9:12

    4 9:23

    5 9:43

    6 9:23

    7 8:58

    8 9:28

    9 9:15

    10 9:19

    11 9:16

    12 9:11

    13 9:17

    14 9:19

    15 9:25

    16 9:13

    17 9:33

    18 9:39

    19 9:33

    20 9:20

    21 9:30

    22 9:21

    23 9:32

    24 9:38

    25 9:26

    26 8:58

    27 (pace) 8:23 / (time) 3:15

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      You really did a great job pacing! I cannot believe you had to run near a guy who shit himself. Unless you are winning prize money, just no.

        You really did a great job pacing! I cannot believe you had to run near a guy who shit himself. Unless you are winning prize money, just no.


        Thank you!!!  And yes.  There's a special stinky spot in hell for that guy.


          Awesome job pacing!! Reading about you trying to sit down brings back memories to my marathon. Walking had never hurt so much in my life.


          unless I was in a position to win prize money, not running with shit in my shorts. Just no


            AWESOME job, Nikki!  Congrats on a wonderful 2nd marathon and a HUGE PR!


            I also don't understand why someone not in the running (ha!) for prize money wouldn't take the time to use a POP, or at least stay away from all the other people.


            Former Bad Ass

              Congrats!!!Told you that shit w as not downhill.


              ugh at that dude.


              Great job!!



              Super B****

                That's a big PR.  Congrats!

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog


                  I am going to pretend I didn't read about the guy who shit himself.

                  So you didn't eat any breakfast prior?  That was a gamble. But you ran well anyway.

                  Very nice, consistent splits. Well done!


                    Congratulations on the huge PR. Your story of sitting down afterwards made me laugh since it reminds me of my first marathon. I sat down and couldn't get up afterwards. In my case it took a week before I could do stairs. I'm glad your race went so well - aside from poop guy. Will he be the next internet sensation?


                    The Latecomer

                      Having tracked you, thanks to Kliuch on the FB page, I knew you crushed both of those celebrity PRs, and your previous one.   And maybe Mr. Shitty Pants was a good incentive to keep a solid enough pace to pass him (not that you needed it).  Ick!

                      Loved your RR!  And your description of trying to sit down reminded me SO MUCH of my 1st 2 HMs!! Great job, all around. I feel certain that this won't be your last.



                        That was a very entertaining RR.  You should write more of them.

                        You are a faster marathoner than I was.

                        Runner with a riding problem.


                        I lost my rama

                          Awesome RR and huge Congrats on your race!!!  Even though not everything went as planned (what, you didn't expect shit man to be your pacer?), you nailed it.  After the race, you'd never thought you'd be in a simultaneous state of excruciating pain and joy, right?  Great job beating Oprah and P-Diddy.  You can add Tiki Barber to the list too.  And a stick shift in So Cal?  You're a woman after my own heart.  Rest well.

                          3/17 - NYC Half

                          4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                          6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                          8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                          delicate flower

                            Great job, Lawyermom!  That was a really well executed race.  Talk about knocking the crap out of your goal.  I like your pre-race planning details.  You really had everything lined up and ready to go.


                            I agree with onemile's comment about the breakfast.  Honestly, nobody feels like eating breakfast before a marathon but you should force it down.  Same goes for immediate post-race nutrition.  Grab something immediately after the race (like, finish chute immediately) and force it down.  It helps recovery and prevents you from feeling sick.


                              It was effing cold (47)


                            LOL that is so cute.  Smile  For the record, statistically that is just about ideal marathon temperature.



                              Great race, you really crushed it, that's gotta feel good. Redemption at last! And sounds like you were appropriately destroyed afterwards, good indicator that you left it all out on the course. Bonus of finishing chafe-free, a huge victory in itself.


                              The Grand Rapids Marathon actually has pace groups named for celebrities correlating to their actual race times - Oprah & P Diddy included, as well as George W. Bush, Will Ferrell, and others.


                              So, when's the next one?




                                I agree with onemile's comment about the breakfast.  Honestly, nobody feels like eating breakfast before a marathon but you should force it down.  Same goes for immediate post-race nutrition.  Grab something immediately after the race (like, finish chute immediately) and force it down.  It helps recovery and prevents you from feeling sick.


                                For the record, statistically that is just about ideal marathon temperature.


                                +1 to all this stuff too. (Except, I always feel like eating breakfast. It's post-race that I don't want to eat anything right away.) You got really lucky with the weather, by LA standards.


                                And, not wanting water confounds me. I take a cup virtually every aid station, later on sometimes 2, or maybe 1 water/1 Gatorade. And when done, I generally suck down 2 x 16 oz bottles pretty easily.

