Beginners and Beyond

SunDAILIES Zen (Read 29 times)





      I'm currently doing some light stretching on the mat. It's nice not to have to rush out to run or work for a change. Will go for a jog in a bit.


        I like today's thread's opening post Smile


        I'll be running during soccer practice during lunch time. I hate these 11:30 to 1:00 practices, but complaining won't help, so yeah. 8-10 miles, depending on in the moment decisions about if  I'd rather just run it all, or save some time at the end for some skips and maybe even some ab work.

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          6 with 4 at marathon pace.

          From the Internet.

            10 miles with 3-2-1 miles, 1 min rest. Aimed for MP for the 3 mile (roughly on pace but legs felt flat as heck), HMP for the 2 (a little too hard), whatever I had left for the lone mile (survived, felt OK). I blame the other 60 miles I ran this week and the 4:40 AM start for the sluggish feeling, but happy I got it done.



              Got 16 miles done this morning, which gives me 42 for the week.

              I have since decided to ignore the personality in me that is stubborn, bull-headed and super impatient and loves instant gratification.... I will not attempt the Honest Abe marathon.

              I could do it and recover, but it would suck tremendously and I feel like I would be rushing myself, which is not in my best interest.

              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


              Former Bad Ass

                6 or 0 depending on time. We want to test that Monon trail.



                  In the immortal words of Gavin Rossdale: “Everything zen everything zen, I don’t think so.”


                  12 miles, 54.9 for the week.


                    4.25, stopped before anything acted up.  Mentally out of gas, out of optimism😞..


                    but then LRB put “Zen” in the title😀



                      I ended up with 5.5, slow but steady.



                        5 recovery miles along the SD waterfront. HOT and sticky (for here).


                        Petco Park was basically Fenway last night. Looking forward to more of the same today. Hate the black and white uniforms this weekend.


                        Super B****

                          We've reached the time of year when I shiver before races. Isn't August too damn early for that?!


                          Anyway, I went with the Launches, because I was 99.9% sure the course would be short anyway and I wouldn't be expending a full-out effort, and I was right. There was a woman ahead of me so I was resigned to coming in second, but apparently she was doing the 10K and I didn't realize it. The people waiting to hold up the finish line tape thought I was doing the 10K, too, because I guess they assumed I'm too dumb to understand "5K to the right, 10K to the left," so they made me go back and re-enact breaking the tape. That photo won't look fake at all. 


                          5.39 total, and I guess I'm relegated to the AlterG for the rest of the week...

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog

                          Half Crazy K 2.0

                            5 recovery miles along the SD waterfront. HOT and sticky (for here).


                            Petco Park was basically Fenway last night. Looking forward to more of the same today. Hate the black and white uniforms this weekend.

                            That's what happens in Baltimore a lot. Apparently it is cheaper for NY and Boston fans to come here. No one is is going to the games.


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Pending inspection and mortgage WE HAVE A FUCKING HOUSE



                              delicate flower

                                I finally met my coach in person this morning after three years of e-coaching and the breakfast was an added bonus.  We had a good talk.  We're going to shake up the training a bit over the next year and focus on getting the run stronger, and he wants to get it even stronger than it was headed into Boston earlier this year.  That means less swimming.  Hooray!!  I look forward to that.  Speaking of run, I'm fixing to go run six miles.
