Beginners and Beyond


Up and At 'Em Saturdailies (Read 26 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0

    3.6 miles and some strength training. It was nice for August. Trying to decide if I want to do a local 5k tomorrow. Every other time I've done it, it's been hot and the full sun on the hills is miserable. Definitely not a PR course.


    Former Bad Ass

      Is it going to have better weather than normally?


      I have 6 tonight.


      Half Crazy K 2.0

        Is it going to have better weather than normally?


        I have 6 tonight.


        Yes. Instead of the usual 70+ dewpoint, it is supposed to be right around 70 degrees/55 dewpoint.


        delicate flower

          Hey.  Ran my five mile race at tempo effort.  Won my AG and got a medal for it.  Cool.  It was nice to run a race again.



          Go figure

            16ish done. Took the training wheels off a bit and did a little over 750ft of climbing. I’m weak as a cat on the hills right now, so there’s only one way to fix that!


            halfcrazy...I say take advantage of the weather. Might be a great day for a course pr


            docket...hope you have a good day - enjoy your 6


            baboon - well done! Nice reward for keeping the pace from going crazy.

            Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn



              When I got home from my run, the woman asked me "weren't you cold in a singlet?" . She's not a runner, obviously. It was awesome running weather for August.

              But I'm tired af, so I only did the 2 hours needed to be called a LR. Not a minute extra. Did a 5K portion of weird improvised tempo, I guess, between 7:00 and 6:25. MP does not feel natural at all right now.


              Congrats on the AG win , baboon.


                3.6 miles  <-------


                Trying to decide if I want to do a local 5k tomorrow.


                Looks to me that the decision has been made.


                You could try an inverse run. That is, miles at HMP, 10k and then 5k since going out at 5k effort seems to drain you during the summer months. That takes focus and discipline though, so maybe not a good idea until the off season.


                  I ran 9.1


                  It was pretty much an unscripted ladder workout with varying distances and paces on a whim. It included a mile a perceived tempo effort and that bitch hurt. lol


                  Anyway, not everything has to be structured and executed to the T. Work is work, and I've put in a decent amount this week so I'm good.


                    Hey.  Ran my five mile race at tempo effort.  Won my AG and got a medal for it.  Cool.  It was nice to run a race again.




                      I should go run but I have a dog sleeping on my lap. What can you do.




                        Anyway, not everything has to be structured and executed to the T. Work is work, and I've put in a decent amount this week so I'm good.


                        Thank you! lol

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          Baboon, congrats on the AG win! Are you still having leg issues?


                          LRB, the course is not really conducive to that type of workout. It's an out and back course. It starts at a playground & on the top of a short hill. Then it is slightly uphill for about 1/2 mile, then downhill for the next 1/2. Mile 2 is down a steep ass hill, then up the other side, turnaround and do it again. The hill curves slightly--when you are at the top, you can see across to the top but not to the bottom! Mile 3 is rough. The slight hill at the end of mile 1 is just cruel after the huge hill. The 1/10 mile uphill to the finish line is just the ultimate in cruelty. This is the "new and improved" course. I'm not sure which course is crueler. The first 2 years, it was also an out and back, but you went the opposite direction when leaving the playground. It was also an out and back. The first half was all downhill. The back part is tough.


                          I timed my run well. There was a police chase that ended on my route. Saw pictures of lots of city & county police cars in the neighborhood right behind me.

                            Off.  I’m sure the PT helped release more of the hams-adductor adhesions, but unsure he made progress with the seam between the inside and middle ham.  Hams feel really out of sorts this morning.  Knock on wood run tomorrow.


                              The day after I registered for tomorrow’s 10k, I saw a FB post for a 5k that’s 1.5 miles from home. Dammit, I’d never heard anything about it before. It was some consolation that it was pouring rain this morning.


                              Anyway the rain let up by the time the dog on my lap woke up, and I went for 5 miles.



                                This just showed up in my inbox 

