Beginners and Beyond

Suffering Sassafras Sundailies (Read 49 times)


    I got Strava for the chance of free shoes at CIM.  If bluerun has Strava, she just earned herself shoes today!  It just syncs from Garmin, easy peasy.


    blue is on basically every running site in the world, so my guess is yes. lol


      Glad to hear!  I'm sorry you've been having back issues.


      Why, thank you.  I don't think you'd have this attitude if you had to put up with my constant whining about it.


      Being old hurts.  Just letting everyone know now.


        I got Strava for the chance of free shoes at CIM.  If bluerun has Strava, she just earned herself shoes today!  It just syncs from Garmin, easy peasy.


        I like the segments on it because it does get me a chance to compare how I ran segments on some of my quality runs to how I ran them the week before on a similar run.  Plus it turns out that a couple of local runners who I'm friends with are on it, so that's fun too.


        Garmin has segments, I never understood what that meant.



          Garmin has segments, I never understood what that meant.


          There are different pieces of the map that people have put into it and then everybody's time through that segment from point A to point B is counted.  For example, my usual course takes me through two parks, and the path from one to the other is a segment.  If I'm also running strength intervals through that park, it's handy to know how my times on those segments compare to my times on the same segments last week.  Yes, I know I could just look at splits, but it's just another fun bit of data for comparison purposes.


          You also get to compare yourself to every other strava runner in the area through those segments.  For me, it's like sometimes I'm not last, but the faster runners compete for bragging rights over who has the fastest time through certain segments.

          Hip Redux


            I couldn't read the article coz I'd need to subscribe and am too lazy, but from the first few lines it doesn't seem like it's comparing an Iron Man to a marathon, but an Olympic triathlon?


            Yes, it's not comparing a marathon to a marathon+cycling+swimming lol   It's talking about equivalent times racing - i.e. on your feet running vs. time for a triathlon.




              There are different pieces of the map that people have put into it and then everybody's time through that segment from point A to point B is counted.  For example, my usual course takes me through two parks, and the path from one to the other is a segment.  If I'm also running strength intervals through that park, it's handy to know how my times on those segments compare to my times on the same segments last week.  Yes, I know I could just look at splits, but it's just another fun bit of data for comparison purposes.


              You also get to compare yourself to every other strava runner in the area through those segments.  For me, it's like sometimes I'm not last, but the faster runners compete for bragging rights over who has the fastest time through certain segments.


              I get it now, thanks.


              That really wouldn't appeal to me because I slog for most of my runs, so none of it would matter. It would've back in the day when every run was a race, but I have long since left that life.


              Former Bad Ass

                Woohoo!  So glad for you, bluerun!!!!


                Hip Redux


                  I get it now, thanks.


                  That really wouldn't appeal to me because I slog for most of my runs, so none of it would matter. It would've back in the day when every run was a race, but I have long since left that life.


                  Why wear a watch at all then?   

                  The point is to see progress over a period of time - so I can look at my "easy" runs in the neighborhood and see how I have progressed, or I can look at hilly segments, etc. etc.   The premium will also get you a boat load of HR and pace analysis.  It's a data junkies dream lol


                  It charts your regular routes like this, as well (yes, I'm trending slower lol):




                    Why wear a watch at all then?   


                    Exactly, which explains why I don't ever look at it; it doesn't matter. I use it to track the distance, and mostly laugh out loud at the splits and times.


                    My quality work is done at the track, and cannot be compared one workout to the next because each one has its own purpose and target pace.



                      There are different pieces of the map that people have put into it and then everybody's time through that segment from point A to point B is counted.  For example, my usual course takes me through two parks, and the path from one to the other is a segment.  If I'm also running strength intervals through that park, it's handy to know how my times on those segments compare to my times on the same segments last week.  Yes, I know I could just look at splits, but it's just another fun bit of data for comparison purposes.


                      You also get to compare yourself to every other strava runner in the area through those segments.  For me, it's like sometimes I'm not last, but the faster runners compete for bragging rights over who has the fastest time through certain segments.


                      My eyes sort of glazed over as I started to read this. And Oski's post. I guess that means I'm not a fit for Strava.

                      I do enjoy getting kudos from Baboon periodically. And Oski once in a great while. (The only 2 RA people I am connected to there, because they found me.)


                      Hip Redux


                        My eyes sort of glazed over as I started to read this. And Oski's post. I guess that means I'm not a fit for Strava.

                        I do enjoy getting kudos from Baboon periodically. And Oski once in a great while. (The only 2 RA people I am connected to there, because they stalked me.)




                        So no hill work outs or anything other than easy on the road, LRB?   Huh.   OK, well, I like seeing my normal routes and would recommend strava to those who like poking around on routes and whatnot, and if you are on strava, let me know so I can stalk you too.  Big grin




                          Why hasn't she checked in with us ffs?


                          It's probably taking her this long to find something to be miserable about, before she can post here.



                            My training is too structured for segments. My coworker sometimes tells me oh you can beat this guy on that segment, and I tell him that it would not make sense to run that fast in that place as it would ruin my workout as a whole. But I do look at them once in a while, just for the kicks.


                            Super B****

                              I'M ALIVE!!  And I'm not going to address anything at all right now because I need to ESU because of a lovely little snafu to be described later, but YES I have Strava and YES I got free shoes, which is probably to what I owe my negative split.  For real.


                              Nah, I don't think I'm gonna kill anyone today.

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                                But there is a segment on which I'm 3rd overall as I happened to do my 45 seconds repeats on a segment, but not quite. Next time I'll check where the segment starts and ends and do my reps exactly there. Or not.