Beginners and Beyond

Frosted ThursDAILIES, they're magically delicious! (Read 32 times)


Super B****

    So, riddle me this:


    I was looking more closely at my iron levels from 6/3 and 8/1. I called my doctor's office and am waiting for a call back, but check it out:



    Iron, total: 125

    F Iron Capacity: 371

    F % Saturation 34

    Ferritin: 10



    Iron, Total: 69 (?????)

    F Iron Binding Capacity 314

    F % Saturation: 22

    Ferritin: 26


    So everything except the ferritin went down. Am I missing something here? It seems like I'm not improving, except my ferritin?? 


    Oh and I ran 3.5.


    That IS weird. But they're all within normal ranges still.

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog


      But they're all within normal ranges still.


      From what I read, 'normal range' doesn't mean it won't affect you as a runner. Above 8 is considered within range for ferritin but from what I've read, women should get it up to 30 (or higher if possible) in order to not have negative impact on performance


      UM 45 Ohio 23

        a slow, very tired, 9 this morning. Yesterday's workout took a lot out of me. Also noticed that, with a different rest day last week, trailing 7 days total was 70 miles (a big number for me) which may also figure into the tiredness this am.


        Have an out-of-town (Chicago burbs) family wedding tomorrow afternoon and family party Saturday afternoon, that requires travel tomorrow morning and shuttling my wife and daughter to the airport early Saturday morning (so they can head home early). So, I may get two rest days, or very short run days, whether I want them or not. I think that might be a good thing right now.  Then, hopefully, a long run Sunday morning (maybe with my much younger, much faster nephew) before I head back home.


        Hope everyone else had/has more energy in their workout than I did! If I don't manage to post Friday or this weekend, everyone have a good end of the week and weekend!


        delicate flower

          Huh...16 weeks until my next marathon.



            I'm eating Honey Nut Cheerios at my desk right now, which is as close to Lucky Charms as I get. I have a coworker who actually does eat Lucky Charms most mornings; he adds some granola to it


            I didn't run this morning and now I feel all out of sorts. The plan is to do something after work.


              Huh...16 weeks until my next marathon.


              A marathon preceded by a little warmup of cross-training


              MTA: Iron Man Tremblant is in 10 days. I thought you were racing that one. 


              MTA 2: Ok, I just checked your log. Space Coast Marathon



                Hope everyone else had/has more energy in their workout than I did! 


                You've been on quite the stretch training-wise. Recovery pace has a way of asserting itself when necessary. Enjoy the trip!


                delicate flower


                  A marathon preceded by a little warmup of cross-training


                  MTA: Iron Man Tremblant is in 10 days. I thought you were racing that one. 


                  I am.  Goal race!  I was just looking ahead.  Looks like it'll be 10-12 week marathon cycle.



                    A thought that crossed my mind while taking my shower after my run this morning:


                    "Why am I doing this again?"


                    I could just run commute and gain the health benefits of running. Why race? Why want to be faster? Why train and suffer all the time? I really don't know. I'll probably still keep training and racing and try to become faster, but it's a bit ridiculous, isn't it?


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Baboon, I have to say I am not sure if we are still going to be at Space Coast.  It all depend on when we get to move out of here.



                      delicate flower

                        Baboon, I have to say I am not sure if we are still going to be at Space Coast.  It all depend on when we get to move out of here.


                        This is bullshit.



                          I've found that most things that were deliciously yummy as a kid, taste absolutely awful as an adult. That said I wouldn't mind knocking off a big ass Jethro Bodine size bowl of Apple Jacks right about now. 


                            I've found that most things that were deliciously yummy as a kid, taste absolutely awful as an adult. That said I wouldn't mind knocking off a big ass Jethro Bodine size bowl of Apple Jacks right about now. 


                            I ate a bowl of Honeycomb cereal not too long ago. It was DELICIOUS!



                              I am.  Goal race!  I was just looking ahead.  Looks like it'll be 10-12 week marathon cycle.


                              You're on another level of mental strength than I am.


                                A thought that crossed my mind while taking my shower after my run this morning:


                                "Why am I doing this again?"


                                I could just run commute and gain the health benefits of running. Why race? Why want to be faster? Why train and suffer all the time? I really don't know. I'll probably still keep training and racing and try to become faster, but it's a bit ridiculous, isn't it?


                                No, someone has been saying for years that runners are lost without goals. Sure, you could just jog for the rest of your life and be totally fine, but goals gives our runs purpose, and it's that purpose that gives us the will to run in the dark when the temps are in the teens or when we're tired or hungover. The race is the carrot, or in the case of my avatar, the slice of pizza, and that is what keeps us going. Take away the desire to race your best at X event and you've effectively taken away the "need" to run a single step. Indeed, some people walk away from the sport because there's nothing left for them to accomplish in it in their eyes.