Beginners and Beyond

Frosted ThursDAILIES, they're magically delicious! (Read 32 times)



    I ate a bowl of Honeycomb cereal not too long ago. It was DELICIOUS!


    "Come to the Honeycomb hideout, a scarecrow!"


    Love it. 👍


      Huh...16 weeks until my next marathon.


      +1, probably maybe. Current plans in pencil, HM on 10/13 & Seattle Marathon on 12/1. IDK about all this training bullshit though.




        "Why am I doing this again?"


         it's a bit ridiculous, isn't it?


        I’ve stopped asking myself the first question, because there’s no good answer, and I just do it. And to the second part - yes, more than a bit.




          +1, probably maybe. Current plans in pencil, HM on 10/13 & Seattle Marathon on 12/1. IDK about all this training bullshit though.


          are you racing this weekend? 5k or 10k?

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            Do plans count if they are in pencil and no races have been registered for? Asking for a friend......


              Do plans count if they are in pencil and no races have been registered for? Asking for a friend......


              only if you declare your plan in the B&B


                I ran a sleepy 9.3 on the AlterG, sleepy thanks to the heart palpitations that kept me awake for a couple of hours from 1-3 AM. Today was supposed to be a broken tempo workout but I'm pushing it off to tomorrow so that I can combine it with my long run. Cue terror.





                  that's weird. I thought ferritin was your iron "stores" that fills up after your blood iron is full. ? (or something like that)


                  when I had mine rechecked, he only did the ferritin test and not the full iron test


                  This is what I had thought, too. I am thoroughly confused...and still waiting for a call back.




                  That IS weird. But they're all within normal ranges still.


                  Yes, true, and



                  From what I read, 'normal range' doesn't mean it won't affect you as a runner. Above 8 is considered within range for ferritin but from what I've read, women should get it up to 30 (or higher if possible) in order to not have negative impact on performance


                  Half Crazy K 2.0


                    only if you declare your plan in the B&B


                    I'm safe then.


                      A thought that crossed my mind while taking my shower after my run this morning:


                      "Why am I doing this again?"


                      I could just run commute and gain the health benefits of running. Why race? Why want to be faster? Why train and suffer all the time? I really don't know. I'll probably still keep training and racing and try to become faster, but it's a bit ridiculous, isn't it?


                      This totally hit home! Yes!


                      And of course the voice of reason:


                      No, someone has been saying for years that runners are lost without goals. Sure, you could just jog for the rest of your life and be totally fine, but goals gives our runs purpose, and it's that purpose that gives us the will to run in the dark when the temps are in the teens or when we're tired or hungover. The race is the carrot, or in the case of my avatar, the slice of pizza, and that is what keeps us going. Take away the desire to race your best at X event and you've effectively taken away the "need" to run a single step. Indeed, some people walk away from the sport because there's nothing left for them to accomplish in it in their eyes.


                      I do sometimes wonder if I took away any races, and if I just started running easy mileage, if I would even run anymore. Or maybe I would.


                      UM 45 Ohio 23

                        I've found that most things that were deliciously yummy as a kid, taste absolutely awful as an adult. That said I wouldn't mind knocking off a big ass Jethro Bodine size bowl of Apple Jacks right about now. 


                        Apple Jacks are my ATF


                        Super B****


                          This is what I had thought, too. I am thoroughly confused...and still waiting for a call back.




                          Yes, true, and




                          Apparently quoting a quoting post doesn't work, but -- my point was that had you only had your ferritin tested the second time, the way onemile did, you'd have thought everything was copacetic.

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                          Super B****




                            Oh, believe me... it's not funny.

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog



                              I'm beginning to doubt my being able to pull off that trail marathon next month, so much shit just keeps getting in the way of my fucking running.

                              Life of course, home and motherhood and work, deaths in the family and my being in charge of the video memoir and getting pics together and not being to get up in the morning and my son had a fever last night and this morning, dropped him off at school hoping i could get a run in before picking him up BUT had to go get him early due to a fever and him not feeling good.


                              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                                Apparently quoting a quoting post doesn't work, but -- my point was that had you only had your ferritin tested the second time, the way onemile did, you'd have thought everything was copacetic.


                                Ah--I had totally missed that--thanks for the clarification! Totally true. I actually wonder if that's all that my doctor was looking at.


                                And sorry if I seemed unsympathetic towards your run of terror...I can relate (in my own painful way). Hoping it goes better than you could imagine.