Beginners and Beyond


Penguins Can Eat What They Want Mondailies (Read 25 times)




    Still trying to breath


    Excellent Job! WTG!


    Former Bad Ass



      Still trying to breath





      Former Bad Ass

        No labs. upper and lower gi scope. Prep is awfully similar to the high carbs of marathon training.


        I forgot.  My husband did this a few years ago.


        Singer who runs a smidge



          Still trying to breath



          When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


          Barking Mad To Run

            Not yet but closer.  I had to stop a lot to sniffle and blow my nose yesterday.


            Stop?  What the heck for?  Just blow out some snot rockets while on the run!

            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


              Brilliant - great job!  What was the race?


              I ended up doing 5 on the TM.  Jim wasn't feeling well, so he didn't want to go out in the heat for a hike today.  Can't blame him.  It was already hot and humid when we walked Ben this morning.  I decided to do my tempo interval run for the week as long as I had the treadmill to keep me on pace.  It's the fastest I've run for a long time, even though I was just doing HM pace.  Felt good to be able to do it.


              Penguin Power!



                Still trying to breath


                Yep - I knew that your PR was soft =D  Excellent job speedy!!

                Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                  Zel - I think you should do it.  You have done some awesome training lately, considering you aren't training for anything!


                  Yep, Jill, you were right! Big grin  I'm pretty happy with the results.  The 5k was a lunchtime race put on once a month for Boeing employees, by their recreation staff.  I just put up a RR.

                  Amazonian Princess

                    Belated congrats to PAD!


                    Congrats to Brilliant, too!


                    Enjoy the weight training circuit, scotty; 24 races so far this year is impressive!


                    Hope the sniffles are better soon, Docket.


                    Lauren - did you mention fundraising for Ronald McDonald house for a race you're doing?


                    Jerry - I heart Hostess Cupcakes, too. Cutting back for another race?


                    Hi, Kathleen, I hope the rest is helping.


                    Hello and hugs to everyone else because my ride just got here (my eye is better but no driving yet)


                    Home for a sunset run/walk around the neighborhood to enjoy sunny breezy weather

                    I can. I will. I am. 

                    From the Internet.

                      Bacon - yes, my running club is affiliated with the House in our city Smile

                      Amazonian Princess

                        Bacon - yes, my running club is affiliated with the House in our city Smile


                        Please send me the donation info (PM if you'd like)

                        I can. I will. I am. 


                        Former Bad Ass


                          Stop?  What the heck for?  Just blow out some snot rockets while on the run!

                          Ahem, I was on my TM at home!!!!



                          Former Bad Ass

                            7 done.  5 on the TM until the feels like went down to 86F and finished 2 outside. Sweat more in the 2 than in the 5.



                              Zel, do it!


                              Brill, woohoo!


                              Pad, grats again!


                              RD for me! Working nights sucks this week, just as much as it sucked last week.


                                Do it Zel!



