Beginners and Beyond


TuesDAILIES on a Tuesday (Read 33 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Cy, yay!  Ready to go?



      Cy, yay!  Ready to go?


      Ready, yes. I trained the way I wanted, I do not have a cold or nothing, my Achilles is under control (probably fragile, but no pain at all at the moment). I expect temps to be about 55 at the start, and sunny, and like 62 at the end. Late start (9AM) so the sun will be pretty high by the end of the race. If nothing changes in these conditions, I'll head out the gate at a 2:59 pace, and adjust after 3-4 miles if necessary. It was 32 degrees during my fall marathon when I ran a sub3 on a cheater's course. Pulling off a sub 3 this time will be a bigger challenge. Nothing in the previous months indicates that I can go sub3. But I've done it before, so there's that.


      So I'm ready for a tough race. I'll try to enjoy it for as long as I can Smile



        Afternoon folks, here's to hoping this week goes as planned... unlike last week.

        I just discovered that photobucket has an app, which is great.

        Anyways, this morning I got to the shop and got some things done. I then headed out the door to get an easy 5 in while DH is still over at one of our big customers' plant. Well hungry hubs calls requesting some nourishment so I had to cut my run at 1.2 miles and go get him some food. Then I headed all the way out to the house to get the dogs to go for a beautiful scenic run out along the roads of the Bluegrass Fish & Wildlife Refuge.

        I am always reminded why I don't take Rocky anymore...... poor Sausage will be 10 years old this October, those short little legs..... he struggles to keep up with Jetta and me at our easy pace.  He does better in cooler/colder weather, not so much if the temp is above 50 and/or it is sunny outside. We made plenty stops and walk breaks and I let them cool off in the water whenever we'd get to one. We ran 4.6 miles so for me that is 5.7 miles total for today.

        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


          Freesoul- what cuties!


          i have 400s and 200s to do. Going to wait til it’s a little cooler, in the 70s right now. I’m doing a ragnar relay this year and it’s supposed to be 50s and rain 



            Ready, yes. I trained the way I wanted, I do not have a cold or nothing, my Achilles is under control (probably fragile, but no pain at all at the moment). I expect temps to be about 55 at the start, and sunny, and like 62 at the end. Late start (9AM) so the sun will be pretty high by the end of the race. If nothing changes in these conditions, I'll head out the gate at a 2:59 pace, and adjust after 3-4 miles if necessary. It was 32 degrees during my fall marathon when I ran a sub3 on a cheater's course. Pulling off a sub 3 this time will be a bigger challenge. Nothing in the previous months indicates that I can go sub3. But I've done it before, so there's that.


            So I'm ready for a tough race. I'll try to enjoy it for as long as I can Smile


            It's nice you won't have that big of a temperature shift. Do you run better in colder temps (like your fall marathon) or in these warmer temps? Hoping you have a great race.


            My forecast changes daily. So far the forecast has ranged from a high of 59* (current forecast) to a high of 70* (yesterday's forecast). I'm sure it'll change several more times until race day. I'm hoping it stays on the cooler end. My race starts at 7am, so I'll hopefully be done by 10:30/11am.



              It's nice you won't have that big of a temperature shift. Do you run better in colder temps (like your fall marathon) or in these warmer temps? Hoping you have a great race.


              My forecast changes daily. So far the forecast has ranged from a high of 59* (current forecast) to a high of 70* (yesterday's forecast). I'm sure it'll change several more times until race day. I'm hoping it stays on the cooler end. My race starts at 7am, so I'll hopefully be done by 10:30/11am.


              Temps will probably change from this forecast, but I was pretty good to wait until today before checking. Yes, I prefer racing in cooler temps. Definitely. The day's high will be higher than 62, more like 68, but since I'll be done at around 12, that's why I think the temps will not have reached the day's high.


              Do you prefer warmer temps?


                It seems that I am not the only one who will not F around when mountain lions or cougars are in the discussion.


                  That close an encounter would be scary. I've seen a couple of bobcats while hiking and lots of bears, but no mountain lions. I'd love to see one, but not close up.


                  I ran 6 on a dark windy afternoon. I got sprinkled on, but not enough to get wet.



                    Temps will probably change from this forecast, but I was pretty good to wait until today before checking. Yes, I prefer racing in cooler temps. Definitely. The day's high will be higher than 62, more like 68, but since I'll be done at around 12, that's why I think the temps will not have reached the day's high.


                    Do you prefer warmer temps?

                    Our weather has also not been hitting the daily high until mid to late afternoon. Although it seems like this week that is is getting warmer earlier on in the day (:thumbsdownSmile, but I am hoping that it reverts back to getting warmer later in the day, by Sunday. Big grin And nope. I'd say 40s would be my ideal! I think it also depends on whether the sun is out--that can make a big impact on the overall feel.


                      It seems that I am not the only one who will not F around when mountain lions or cougars are in the discussion.


                      Oh wow. I hadn't heard of that! That's crazy it was out in broad daylight, at a construction site! 


                        It seems that I am not the only one who will not F around when mountain lions or cougars are in the discussion.


                        Make yourself big. Ok, but we all know what will happen if smaller lion attacks big human.
