Beginners and Beyond

Tuesday, February 2 (Read 45 times)



    That hurts just reading it, but it's small potatoes for you and those of your ilk.


    No, I'm pretty terrified, even if I don't run the 10k. I pretty much capped LR's at 18 my last cycle; I have not run a 20-miler since Sept 2014. There are 4 runs of 20+ in this plan, including a 22.  But it's sort of one of the things that drew me to the plan, in a sick twisted sort of way. Again with the marathon-training-as-punishment philosophy.



      My last 20 before Indy was in 2013, which resulted in a DNS. I declared then that I would never run another and ran Detroit in 2014 on three 18 milers and was fine. I went against my word and ran a 20 in 2015, and scored a DNF.


      Of course it was just coincidence, but one can race a marathon effectively with 18 mile runs no question.


        I ran 21 (with a bunch of crazy shit) last fall after having done nothing more than 18 since 2010.  It wasn't really any worse than 18. But, it was not an easy run. 21 easy? 


        Former Bad Ass

          Pilates went well, except two bouts of coughing up my lungs.  Then 4 with hubby, no coughing up a lung, then 3 with 8 X 100m.  Of course, I have no lungs left after that.  And it was hot and fucking humid.  Next time, use the TM, jackass.



            Next time, use the TM, jackass.

