Beginners and Beyond

Saturdailies - B-E-A-UTIFUL (Read 30 times)



    Ha! I read that as a 5k time


    Me too, at first, but that time didn't really make sense for LRB, so I checked his log and BOOM! There it was!



      So many people just completely oblivious to their surroundings 


      This morning, three ladies were walking side by side on the sidewalk. I was like 100m away, and they had a clear view of me coming. There was a busy street on one side, and some trees on the other. I'm keeping right as much as possible. They just ignored the fact that I was coming. So I had to either stop, run through them like a bowling ball in bowling pins (although I am the one with the shape of a pin, and they had the shape of the ball, but whatever), or take a step in the street. I had a small opening and managed to side step them with a couple of steps in the street and quickly hopped back on the sidewalk.



        You are really killing this training cycle


        +1. Though I’m still not entirely sure someone hasn’t hacked LRB’s account.



        Former Bad Ass


          And how does it feel to breathe in fresh air?


          Wonderful. I have not coughed since I got here.



            That was just my thinking during my run.


            My thinking is if you can jog 3 miles to the track, then bust out a 5 x 1k session hitting 3:40 for each interval, does it really matter that your splits on the way there were 9:30, 9:15 and 8:55? I'm not sure if it does or does not but I think if you are doing quality work on the regular across all paces and hitting your target paces you should be okay. I don't know.


            Nice run by the way. That was work!


              I ran 14ish including pacing the 1:50 group at a local half


              Was this a part of your marathon pacing duties or something entirely different?


                Awesome run!  Excellent work, my friend.


                Thanks. If i had your fitness I could've run about 24 of them bitches.


                  You are really killing this training cycle


                  I hope I make it to the end!

                  Half Crazy K 2.0


                    This morning, three ladies were walking side by side on the sidewalk. I was like 100m away, and they had a clear view of me coming. There was a busy street on one side, and some trees on the other. I'm keeping right as much as possible. They just ignored the fact that I was coming. So I had to either stop, run through them like a bowling ball in bowling pins (although I am the one with the shape of a pin, and they had the shape of the ball, but whatever), or take a step in the street. I had a small opening and managed to side step them with a couple of steps in the street and quickly hopped back on the sidewalk.


                    I had wanted to do the .8 mile loop around the regional park. There was a huge group (like 15-20 people) wallking the loop when I was coming up. When the ones refused to share the sidewalk, I decided I didn't need to do the loop. There were tons of geese sitting on the baseball field, maybe they attacked them.



                      I've only gone 3 hours once IIRC. Hope you don't have too much lawn mowing, wood chopping or kid moving to do today 


                      I am going to a comedy show tonight. It's easy in, easy out so shouldn't be too bad. Tons of weed smoking there though (it's an open venue). I may need a new lung when I leave that beeyotch. lol


                         Ha! I read that as a 5k time


                        I could see that now! It was a 3 hour run. I didn't want to run a single second past it (officially it was 2:59:59.61) and that just happened to be what the numbers were. My last 3 hour run was 20.1 miles, so a quicker pace this time.


                          Off, big ‘oops’ on my part yesterday, looking back at the numbers I run up the inclines way too fast which is why the ham went nut.


                          lol - Good luck in the pool!


                             +1. Though I’m still not entirely sure someone hasn’t hacked LRB’s account.


                            Nope. It me.


                            Although, there was someone here once who could clone an account way back in the day when this place was a circus. Fun times. Not.



                              My thinking is if you can jog 3 miles to the track, then bust out a 5 x 1k session hitting 3:40 for each interval, does it really matter that your splits on the way there were 9:30, 9:15 and 8:55? I'm not sure if it does or does not but I think if you are doing quality work on the regular across all paces and hitting your target paces you should be okay. I don't know.





                                Was this a part of your marathon pacing duties or something entirely different?

                                Sort of.  Not required but optional free entry to a handful of races if you want to pace (any pace you want- doesn't have to be the marathon pace you're assigned). Just have to wear a pace bib sign declaring the pace.