Beginners and Beyond


HM without GU'sh stuff, just liquids possible? (Read 110 times)


    OK...I have my 5th HM in June so I am not really new to this (but no pro by any means).  My last one was last April and it ended poorly.  I walked the last 6 miles due to a pulled tendon so I didn't really do any GU.  This time around it seems like I feel more energized, for lack of a better word, with just a gulp or 2 of my accelerade every now and then.  The GU seems to be making me feel 10lbs heavier and sluggish.  Over the years I have tried other GU'ish things and the only one that I could stand the taste of and that did not bother my stomach was GU.  My question you think the accelerade is good enough for a HM to get me through?  I understand that "everyone is different".  But does anyone just use liquids and do just fine or should I keep trying to force something else in me?

    Jack K.

    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

      I don't take any GU during a HM and depending on the weather, I don't take any water. I will drink a lot in the days leading up to one, some the night before, and a little in the morning. Like you said, we're all different.


        I've done some marathons on nothing but water and a few sips of Gatorade, because I felt my stomach was not up for gels on those days. I always managed fine without the GU. And I rarely fuel during my HMs. So I think you will do fine with just liquids.

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          I haven't used a Gu on a HM in quite a while now.


          I sometimes will take Gatorade from a water stop if it sounds good.  Other than that, just water.

          My wildly inconsistent PRs:

          5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

          10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

          HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

          Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 


          Seven Deadly Shins

            You did not mention your HM time, but nobody really needs gels in a half.

              I've never taken Gu during a HM. In fact, I just ran Boston on nothing more than the Gatorade and water on the course. I used to do Gu or Shot Bloks but I almost choked during Twin Cities marathon in 2011 and decided to train to do without.


              I did take a couple Shot Bloks with me to start last Monday but as soon as I put one in my mouth I knew it wasn't happening.





                Thanks Jack & Lilly.  That really makes me feel a lot better.  I feel sometime the whole gel thing gets a little crazy and you feel like you are "supposed" to do it because everyone else is.  I just think that I don't need to if I am getting enough fluids like Jack said.


                I feel better (and a little less crazy)


                  Same here, no fuel for my last two half marathons, and only two cups of water at my last one on Saturday, no fluids at my PR in March (it was cooler).  Part of it depends on how long you're going to be out there, I've seen people quote the 2hr mark as a cutoff for using fuel.  I've gone up to 16 miles (2hr15min) without fuel or water without any issues (in cold weather of course, you'd want to make sure to stay hydrated in the heat).  but you'd also want to train for it, I've been doing all of my runs over the winter without fuel or water.  For my races I make sure to hydrate and eat well in the days leading up to the race.


                  My running blog

                  Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                    Oh...i'm not fast...and now I know I don't need all this crazy GU and gel stuff.  Thanks everyone.


                    PS...I will carry my own fluids because gatorade makes me want to vomit for some reason and that is what is going to be at the stops.  Dead


                    More cowbell!

                      For me, it depends on if I am running a HM or racing it.  If I am just running a HM, then I don't bother with it.  If I am going for a PR, then I take a GU at about 7.5 miles, as I am looking for just a little boost of energy to help keep the hammer down during the last 5K.  So to answer your question...definitely it is possible.

                      STILL HAVING FUN!!!

                        Oh...i'm not fast...and now I know I don't need all this crazy GU and gel stuff.  Thanks everyone.


                        PS...I will carry my own fluids because gatorade makes me want to vomit for some reason and that is what is going to be at the stops.  Dead


                        That's actually a good thing to check out before any race. Make sure you know what they have on the course. I'm o.k. with Gatorade but most races mix it at the water stops from powder. Sometimes its strong and other times its weak so you need to be ready for that as well.




                        YAYpril - B-Plus

                          I'll let you know in a little over a week. Big grin


                          I'm running my next HM on April 28 and I don't plan on taking any gels. My stomach can tolerate them fine; I just hate chewing while running (and I find I need to "chew" GU to help it go down easier). I haven't taken anything other than water on any of my runs this training cycle and I've been fine.


                          I'm planning on finishing in a little over 2 hours and I'll take some Powerade on the course if I feel like it.


                          MTA: This will be my first HM (I've run 4 prior) that I don't plan on taking a gel. They do have Powergels on the course at about mile 8 that I can take if I need to, but I'm hoping I won't.


                            Hi Donna!  ; )


                            Be like me and just drink the sweat from your brow, ha-ha.




                            Depending on "game time" conditions (heat, humidity, etc..), I may or may not take water, but I have never drank Gatorade or taken a gel during a half marathon and did not feel I missed out on anything.  Usually my issues are pace related and have nothing to do with hydration for that distance.


                            Glad to see you're still around, good luck my friend!

                            Slymoon Runs

                            race obsessed

                              You did not mention your HM time, but nobody really needs gels in a half.



                              Agreed, though it definitely does help mentally and the little energy boost is a nice comfort.

                              I have found the more I run, the less of everything I need or feel I need. So I can easily foresee a time when HMs without gels are a standard practice.


                              Not that long ago, I would 'need' a gel in the middle of a 10-12 mile training run. Now, I won't gel until until I get to 16+ mile training runs, just because I *am* getting tired and the energy is nice.

                              Just B.S.

                                Ditto to those who said it's really not necessary if you are properly fueled and hydrated in the day or so

                                prior to the race.


                                I tried using gels a few times on halfs, after I had done about 13 or 14, back a few years ago when it seemed to

                                be the "thing to do", gave it a try and found it didn't make any difference in my 1/2 marathon performance.


                                I sometimes a gel on on training runs over 17 miles or so. But just as often I will bring along a fig newton or

                                two and they seem to do the trick for me as well. I need a little something solid in my stomach on longer runs

                                and in marathons.


                                I experiment a lot during marathon training long runs with fuel and water. This time I've been doing most of

                                my long training runs (16+) with just one 20 oz bottle of water and sometimes fuel/sometimes not.


                                One of my best runs this training cycle was an 18 miler with just 20 oz of water and no fueld, on a cool day.

                                Felt fantastic and hit target paces dead on.
