Beginners and Beyond

What the WednesDAILIES (Read 42 times)



    That's a US thing? I was in Wash DC for a conference last August when it was 90+ and 100% humidity outside. I brought sweaters and pants for all the meetings inside!


    Not hardly. I travel in the tropics a lot and if a place has air conditioning, they crank it for all it's worth and make it COLD. I've heard similar comments from many colleagues. I actually don't mind the heat and maybe it's that a/c is so rare where I travel that it just feels cold when they have it.


    We live in a drafty 150 year old farmhouse that heats with fuel oil. In winter we have the thermostat at 57 at night and 63 during the day. Not an issue if you bundle up. Fortunately it doesn't get hot in the summers, so that's nice. The first summer here we never even turned on the a/c.



      LRB, I'm gonna get on that MaT like Donkey Kong.  And I totally agree on the breathing.  I got one of those aerating spout things, it cuts down the time it takes, but it still needs to sit out a bit.  The Prisoner (by the way, really off-putting image on that label) might be better tonight than it was Monday.


      Sorry about the Coppola. They serve it at Carrabba's and it's pretty much the only thing I can tolerate there. They have 3 labels and all are tolerable for me.


      I had an aerator back whenI was a baby wino but didn't really appreciate it then. It would be interesting to have one now that I'm fully certified.


      I'm out of stock coincidentally, so I'll look for that tonight and will be sure to look past the label.



        That's a US thing? I was in Wash DC for a conference last August when it was 90+ and 100% humidity outside. I brought sweaters and pants for all the meetings inside!


        Not sure if it's US only, but around here (Montreal, Toronto), I don't find they keep the inside temperature as cold in the summer. Maybe it's just that I don't get around much. In Europe either.


           Onemile, I'm about to eat my words regarding your 6x 1 speed session being so crazy, that shit's on my schedule two weeks from today   I should have kept my damn mouth shut, lol.


           Good luck!


            I ran 8


              Everyone is different (I think they mentioned something to that effect in the article), but I prefer an inside temp of 70 - 72 in the winter and 68 - 70 in the summer. But that comes with the caveat that I'm only in the office for 2 hours in the morning and 2 in the evening. If I were there all day that might be different, but I can't ever see anything over 75 as being comfortable.


                Everyone is different (I think they mentioned something to that effect in the article), but I prefer an inside temp of 70 - 72 in the winter and 68 - 70 in the summer. But that comes with the caveat that I'm only in the office for 2 hours in the morning and 2 in the evening. If I were there all day that might be different, but I can't ever see anything over 75 as being comfortable.


                Ah! It's in that post, the part that I don't get. Why would you keep it colder inside in the summer, and warmer in the winter? I usually am dressed lightly in the summer, and am dressed more heavily in the winter, so if you are in control of the thermostat, I will be cold in the summer or hot in the winter.


                BTW I did not read the article. I'm just commenting the quoted part.



                  Ah! It's in that post, the part that I don't get. Why would you keep it colder inside in the summer, and warmer in the winter? I usually am dressed lightly in the summer, and am dressed more heavily in the winter, so if you are in control of the thermostat, I will be cold in the summer or hot in the winter.


                  That's an interesting way to look at it!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    That does not help when you have to dress in a suit all day.  It has to be at least comfortable enough for me not to have to work in my underwear...


                    Down here, we have to put the AC colder in the Summer because it's so hot out it never gets to that temperature.  Even in my house, we move it down 3F (cooler) and the ACs can't keep up with the 100s outside.  When it's Winter and only 75-80F it's easier for the AC to get to the right temp so keeping it a bit warmer than the summer works.  Maybe that is why they say that.



                    Super B****

                      4.8 with a couple of tempo-ish miles.  Running with my hair down is weird.  And I think my PureConnect 2s are dead. 

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog


                        That does not help when you have to dress in a suit all day.  It has to be at least comfortable enough for me not to have to work in my underwear...


                        Down here, we have to put the AC colder in the Summer because it's so hot out it never gets to that temperature.  Even in my house, we move it down 3F (cooler) and the ACs can't keep up with the 100s outside.  When it's Winter and only 75-80F it's easier for the AC to get to the right temp so keeping it a bit warmer than the summer works.  Maybe that is why they say that.


                        I don't think you are using the word "only" correctly.


                          Sorry about the Coppola. They serve it at Carrabba's and it's pretty much the only thing I can tolerate there. They have 3 labels and all are tolerable for me.


                          I had an aerator back whenI was a baby wino but didn't really appreciate it then. It would be interesting to have one now that I'm fully certified.


                          I'm out of stock coincidentally, so I'll look for that tonight and will be sure to look past the label.


                          Ehh, the person I gave the Coppola to is an appreciator, so it went to a really good home.  I just need to buy myself a bottle now so I can try it!


                          Don't buy The Prisoner just yet.  I'm still on the fence as to whether it's just a big glass of NOPE.  It has a higher EtOH content compared to reds in general, which may be why I found it so harsh, but I'll try it again and see if it's improved after having been open a few days and report back.


                          Docket, #ditto.


                          And Cy is possibly the only man I've ever heard who understands the logic of the seasonal AC as I do.  I spent my week in New Orleans (in August) standing outside a lot to warm up before going back into whatever store, conference room, restaurant, etc.  It was effing frigid indoors there.  It's the greatest feeling ever right when you walk in all hot and sweaty and the AC is blasting like the Arctic, but after an hour of sitting around, it's just excessively cold and stupid.


                            4.8 with a couple of tempo-ish miles.  Running with my hair down is weird.  And I think my PureConnect 2s are dead. 


                            I personally can't stand running with my hair down--my neck gets hot and then my hair turns into a crazed mess. I know some women who always run with it down, though.


                            I ran a 10k. I wore my new Breakthru 4's. I like them! They are roomier in the toe box than the 3s, and aren't "slappy" like the 3s were. Also they feel more responsive. 

                            Regarding the Ghost 10s (LM), I have only run on partial snow and asphalt and they performed well. Maybe it's because the treads on my other shoes are almost gone, so they feel awesome, ha!


                              That does not help when you have to dress in a suit all day


                              I thought about that after my last post to LRB. I'm a programmer, so unless I am meeting with a client, I can dress almost as I want. There are rules, but the standards are not very high. If I had to dress in a suit all day, winter and summer, then I guess it wouldn't make a difference if it's summer or winter.

                              And for room temperature, I relate to the temp in the room, and not what you put the thermostat at. In Miami, in the summer, maybe you can put the thermostat at 50 but it will never go under 75 because Miami! So it's not 50, but 75.


                              Former Bad Ass


                                I don't think you are using the word "only" correctly.


                                Trust me, I am.   It's rare when we get 75F in Winter, so we say only with gusto!  And they didn't know what to do last week when it dropped to 38F at night.

