Beginners and Beyond


FriDAILIES - Do something stupid (Read 39 times)


Former Bad Ass


    Feelin' the Bern! WA Dem caucus is tomorrow, I am planning to go. Pretty curious about the process as I've never caucused before. But will probably go for Hillary. Bernie will probably win here, WA is totally his base, and he does better in caucuses anyway.


    So after a pretty miserable & disheartening run yesterday, and feeling tired, sore, and generally beat up, I was seriously considering taking a URD today. But set the alarm for 4:15 anyway, figured I'd see how it went. Had also thought about cutting it short, but went the full 12 miles the schedule calls for. (The actual  Pfitz schedule, not the onemile post-race week schedule.) Somehow, ended up being a pretty decent run. Most of the things that have been feeling sore felt OK during the run.


    My lingering issue: At some point in the last week or two, I started feeling pain in my right foot. It is at the top of the first metatarsal, behind the big toe. Kind of a sharp pain, can be sensitive to the touch. But inconsistent as to when it hurts. Sometimes I can feel it just walking or sitting around. During a run, sometimes hurts for a while, and then OK for a while. I think if it were anything like a stress fracture, it would be more painful & more consistent. And hopping doesn't aggravate it. Dr. Google's best guess seems to be extensor tendonitis. I assume resting it is always a good idea, but I'd rather not if I don't have to. It is more an annoyance than anything, but certainly I want to avoid making it worse. Maybe it will be fine, until it isn't. Any thoughts or similar experiences?

    Oh, I would like to go to one to see how they work.  In here, we voted early and no one else was even there!


    Ugh at the foot pain.



       So after a pretty miserable & disheartening run yesterday, and feeling tired, sore, and generally beat up, I was seriously considering taking a URD today. But set the alarm for 4:15 anyway, figured I'd see how it went. Had also thought about cutting it short, but went the full 12 miles the schedule calls for. (The actual  Pfitz schedule, not the onemile post-race week schedule.) Somehow, ended up being a pretty decent run. Most of the things that have been feeling sore felt OK during the run.


      My lingering issue: At some point in the last week or two, I started feeling pain in my right foot. It is at the top of the first metatarsal, behind the big toe. Kind of a sharp pain, can be sensitive to the touch. But inconsistent as to when it hurts. Sometimes I can feel it just walking or sitting around. During a run, sometimes hurts for a while, and then OK for a while. I think if it were anything like a stress fracture, it would be more painful & more consistent. And hopping doesn't aggravate it. Dr. Google's best guess seems to be extensor tendonitis. I assume resting it is always a good idea, but I'd rather not if I don't have to. It is more an annoyance than anything, but certainly I want to avoid making it worse. Maybe it will be fine, until it isn't. Any thoughts or similar experiences?


      There was a reason the onemile schedule had fewer miles and that was so you could recover from your race.  But proceed as you wish...but you will not be getting a gold star for this.



        ...but you will not be getting a gold star for this.

        I lol'd.  onemile does not fuck around on star dispensing since Cy chastised her.

        Runner with a riding problem.


          I lol'd.  onemile does not fuck around on star dispensing since Cy chastised her.

          Is that what I did? I don't regret a thing


             "Sensitivity" =/= "allergy"




            Former Bad Ass


              There was a reason the onemile schedule had fewer miles and that was so you could recover from your race.  But proceed as you wish...but you will not be getting a gold star for this.


              It is Do Something Stupid dailies, though.



                Any thoughts or similar experiences?


                I went through something similar a couple of months ago. I traced it to a pair of boots that I wore on consecutive days (they were brand new). I didn't wear them the third or any subsequent days and the problem went away.


                That was way too easy so it was likely coincidence, but I didn't need confirmation. I just needed that shit to go away, and luckily, it did.


                  Dave, this won't help you, but for a long time my left leg was a wreck ( groin, butt, hip ), and now it is my right foot. The Achilles is the worse, but there's also the arch of the foot, the mound of the big toe, and the ankle sometimes. I'm crossing my fingers I can handle another 10ish days of this. This Sunday is my last real long run (over 18 miles). I'm doing a 3 weeks taper.


                  Barking Mad To Run

                    Yesterday was Thursday Hill Day!  After work, I picked up my packet for my 5K on Saturday and then I went and ran the neighborhood around the running store where packet pickup was.  GIANT hills.  I started out to do 3 miles but, like a curious doggie, I saw roads I hadn't been down before and had to go explore.  Ended up with 4 miles instead of 3 and some damn big hills too. It's all good.  Today I had the day off for a physical exam.  Don't know how the bloodwork will come back, but my BP was 104/72 and my resting heart rate was 52.  The nurse taking my vitals said "You must be a runner."  lol.

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                       I guarantee you will not regret it.


                      "I WANT ALL THE GUNS!"


                         "I WANT ALL THE GUNS!"


                        There were several lol moments. Probably my favorite was when he rubbed Blind Al's face with his newly growing hand. lmao

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          8 with 2 x 2 miles at HM pace. Very windy out, it sucked.


                          Scottydawg, nice vitals.


                            I am supposed to do this workout today:


                            3 x 600m/500m/400m/300m/200m - 100m jog between each interval, 3 minutes between each set. Start the 600 a little faster than 5k pace. Then cut down just a little bit each consecutive interval.


                            Is there any method for running this on a track without getting lost? I think I'm going to have to program it and just run it on the road...


                            I ended up running it on the road. The argument against wasting time driving to the track won.


                            Tough workout. 9.5 miles total.



                              There was a reason the onemile schedule had fewer miles and that was so you could recover from your race.  But proceed as you wish...but you will not be getting a gold star for this.


                              OK, FTR, the foot pain started before any of this. And I have in fact been using your schedule as a guideline.


                                Pfitz onemile actual
                              Tue 10w6x1000 8 10
                              Wed 15 10 7
                              Thu 6am/4pm 10w6x1000 10w6x1000
                              Fri 12 9 12


                              Flipped Tues/Wed based on time available due to travel schedule. Bumped it up today as I was feeling pretty good.

                              And, I'm not doing any of it for the gold stars -- just for the pure joy of dragging my ass out of bed at 4AM to run 2 hrs before work.




                                OK, FTR, the foot pain started before any of this. And I have in fact been using your schedule as a guideline.


                                  Pfitz onemile actual
                                Tue 10w6x1000 8 10
                                Wed 15 10 7
                                Thu 6am/4pm 10w6x1000 10w6x1000
                                Fri 12 9 12


                                Flipped Tues/Wed based on time available due to travel schedule. Bumped it up today as I was feeling pretty good.

                                And, I'm not doing any of it for the gold stars -- just for the pure joy of dragging my ass out of bed at 4AM to run 2 hrs before work.


                                Okay fine but you didn't mention your foot when I wrote this and did you really HAVE to do 12 today?? 
