Beginners and Beyond


FriDAILIES - Do something stupid (Read 39 times)



    Okay fine but you didn't mention your foot when I wrote this and did you really HAVE to do 12 today?? 


    Yes, I have been concealing this from the official B&B injury report for a couple weeks, because I didn't want to get put on the bench.

    And no, but it WAS do something stupid day.

    I am only doing 5 tomorrow, before The Big One on Sunday.



      I am only doing 5 tomorrow, before The Big One on Sunday.


      I would run those super slow.

      Jack K.

      uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

        3 miles recovery and 4 strides. By the way, I like being on vacation.


        Former Bad Ass


          Yes, I have been concealing this from the official B&B injury report for a couple weeks, because I didn't want to get put on the bench.

          And no, but it WAS do something stupid day.

          I am only doing 5 tomorrow, before The Big One on Sunday.


          ON THE BENCH NOW!



          Former Bad Ass

            Well, with the big one on Sunday, I would rest.


            Half Crazy K 2.0



              My lingering issue: At some point in the last week or two, I started feeling pain in my right foot. It is at the top of the first metatarsal, behind the big toe. Kind of a sharp pain, can be sensitive to the touch. But inconsistent as to when it hurts. Sometimes I can feel it just walking or sitting around. During a run, sometimes hurts for a while, and then OK for a while. I think if it were anything like a stress fracture, it would be more painful & more consistent. And hopping doesn't aggravate it. Dr. Google's best guess seems to be extensor tendonitis. I assume resting it is always a good idea, but I'd rather not if I don't have to. It is more an annoyance than anything, but certainly I want to avoid making it worse. Maybe it will be fine, until it isn't. Any thoughts or similar experiences?

              I've had big toe pain in the past. For me, it was 100% not running related, although once it would get sore, running bothered it Cause was the shoes I was wearing to work. I have since banned heels and any shoes that rub at the big toe joint. Might not be the most fashionable choice, but my feet are happier. When it would hurt, even the blankets in bed hurt it. So, don't wear heels or other really narrow shoes.



                My massage was very achy and touchy.... she focused 2 hours on my legs so hopefully I'll notice a BIG difference by Sunday, hopefully I didn't do anything stupid Wednesday night.....

                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                  I didn't do anthing stupid today. In fact, I didn't do anything: I was not working, it was running rest day, I didn't even go outside. I read, I watched a few episodes of Hell on Wheels, and not much more than that.




                  The woman does not approve though. She has a deeply rooted contempt for laziness.


                    My massage was very achy and touchy.... she focused 2 hours on my legs so hopefully I'll notice a BIG difference by Sunday, hopefully I didn't do anything stupid Wednesday night.....


                    2 hours of massage is quite a lot


                      I didn't do anthing stupid today. In fact, I didn't do anything: I was not working, it was running rest day, I didn't even go outside. I read, I watched a few episodes of Hell on Wheels, and not much more than that.

                      I am awarding you DaveP's star.



                        I am awarding you DaveP's star.


                        Really? Gee, thanks!


                          How many hours in the pool does it take to earn a gold star?


                            I am awarding you DaveP's star.



                            Had to go somewhere I guess. Law of Conservation of Gold Stars.



                              How many hours in the pool does it take to earn a gold star?


                              Based on the way they are being awarded today, you would only get one for parking your ass on a lounge chair by the pool, while sucking down a daiquiri.



                                How many hours in the pool does it take to earn a gold star?


                                90 minutes, but that is only for aqua jogging and not for swimming laps.
