Beginners and Beyond

Deep in snow TuesDAILIES (Read 34 times)



    I currently only run in ~$10 shorts from Kohls and many in my current rotation are getting pretty worn. When I picked up my bib this past weekend at the LRS, I bought 2 pairs of more expensive shorts (like $40) to try. Even though both are 5", they both do what I hate about most running shorts--ride up in my crouch so its just skin on skin of my non-thigh gap legs rubbing each other. Ugh. I have a whole drawer full of shorts that do this and I only use them for strength training. So either I stick with Kohls, or try the next tier of super expensive but I don't have hope they will be different.


    Surely, I'm not the only slightly overweight woman that's had kids who is trying to run? Any recommendations? I'd like pocket(s) but doesn't need to hold a phone.


    Me! My faves are:


    InkNBurn's 4" shorts (they also have 6" shorts)


    Lululemon's Tracker shorts


    Hotty Hot Short, Long


    But really, my favorites are the InkNBurn's compression shorts. They've got big side pockets that I use for alllllll the gels for a marathon, plus my iPhone. And they don't chafe or ride up. I really can't say enough good things about them.



      and then only $100 running shirts will do. 


      But it's still a better deal over the long term because they last longer.  At least that's my justification.


        6.2 miles of "running" (we'll call it that, although it felt like more of a shuffle). I pulled out my Lululemon jacket that I've run in, for super cold runs, for years. It had been my favorite piece that I'd always raved about. And then I realized that the forearms and back of my jacket were wet, afterwards, which is totally different from the Wazzie Wool experience. Sigh. I have a Saucony jacket that is a great wind barrier--I'll try that with the Wazzie Wool tomorrow. It sucks when you get such an amazing product, that it ruins your experience of your other gear.


        I’ve always had this issue with my lulumon jacket, even if I wear a super thin layer underneath my arms are soaked afterwards. It probably doesn’t help that I’m short and so the sleeves are long on me



          But it's still a better deal over the long term because they last longer.  At least that's my justification.


          I actually agree with this. Plus they perform way better.



            I’ve always had this issue with my lulumon jacket, even if I wear a super thin layer underneath my arms are soaked afterwards. It probably doesn’t help that I’m short and so the sleeves are long on me


            Yes! And I honestly didn't know that other brands didn't do this, and Lululemon is so expensive.  I'm becoming more and more of a Oiselle fan.


            Former Bad Ass


              I also have a drawer full of shorts I can't wear because of this.  In real life, I don't wear a lot of skirts, but in running, I have switched to InB skirts with the compression style (though not that tight) shorts underneath and they don't ride up.  And they have 2 good pockets.


              ^ This.

              They also have the 4" and 6" shorts that are compressive in nature and don't move at all.  Like the one in my profile picture (that one is the 6").  I run marathons in both their skirts and these without issue or movement.




                I also have a drawer full of shorts I can't wear because of this.  In real life, I don't wear a lot of skirts, but in running, I have switched to InB skirts with the compression style (though not that tight) shorts underneath and they don't ride up.  And they have 2 good pockets.

                Sorry you deal with this too.


                These are what I currently wear:

                Kohls shorts


                The shape isn't awesome but zero chafing. I have probably 8 pairs (different colors and minor style changes) and they've lasted several years of constant wearing, as it's shorts year round for me here. Tbh, compression shorts make me feel super fat but I'd imagine they shouldn't ride up so maybe worth a try. Not sure how I feel about running in shorts + skirt.



                  If you can find a clear road to run on. Everything is terrible here. Maybe by tomorrow it will be better though.


                  I drove through the neighborhood I had in mind today, and it wasn't bad except there's one small section that I'm sure will slow me down..I thought about moving the workout to Thursday because of the cold tomorrow morning, but it's supposed to snow overnight tomorrow 


                  Former Bad Ass


                    Me! My faves are:


                    InkNBurn's 4" shorts (they also have 6" shorts)


                    Lululemon's Tracker shorts


                    Hotty Hot Short, Long


                    But really, my favorites are the InkNBurn's compression shorts. They've got big side pockets that I use for alllllll the gels for a marathon, plus my iPhone. And they don't chafe or ride up. I really can't say enough good things about them.


                    I put 5 gels and my keys in one pocket, the phone and the iPod in the other (for marathons).  I am sure I could fit more, ha.



                       Tbh, compression shorts make me feel super fat but I'd imagine they shouldn't ride up so maybe worth a try. 


                      They make men's shorts with a compression short liner. Not sure if they make those for women too.




                        Yes! And I honestly didn't know that other brands didn't do this, and Lululemon is so expensive.  I'm becoming more and more of a Oiselle fan.


                        you can't beat the pockets in lulu shorts though.  They fit my phone. I'm not a huge fan of how the roga shorts fit and the pocket is too small.  same for their tights.


                          Sorry you deal with this too.


                          These are what I currently wear:

                          Kohls shorts


                          The shape isn't awesome but zero chafing. I have probably 8 pairs (different colors and minor style changes) and they've lasted several years of constant wearing, as it's shorts year round for me here. Tbh, compression shorts make me feel super fat but I'd imagine they shouldn't ride up so maybe worth a try. Not sure how I feel about running in shorts + skirt.


                          I wasn't sure at first either, but I was sold pretty quickly once I wore one, it was so comfortable.  You can also try just their 4" or 6" shorts.  They are comfortable, not tight like compression, it's just that similar style, so you won't feel super fat.  And they are pretty designs so you'll get lots of compliments.  Order a pair on sale and see what you think.


                          Former Bad Ass


                            I wasn't sure at first either, but I was sold pretty quickly once I wore one, it was so comfortable.  You can also try just their 4" or 6" shorts.  They are comfortable, not tight like compression, it's just that similar style, so you won't feel super fat.  And they are pretty designs so you'll get lots of compliments.  Order a pair on sale and see what you think.


                            My work here is done. Big grin




                              My work here is done. Big grin


                              LOL, it really is all your fault.  I'd never heard of them until I joined this group and saw your posts!


                              In other running news, I went to the gym this afternoon and ran 5 easy on the treadmill.


                              Are we there, yet?

                                I keep expecting some snow.  I even ran this morning instead of the afternoon as I normally do.  Still waiting.  All it's done is drop the temperature 20 degrees.

                                 2024 Races:

                                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.