Beginners and Beyond


Sunday Penguins Love To Run! (Read 25 times)


    Way to go Awood and P3!  Hard to have to start over after two whole miles.  Yikes.


    Jack - you are a fast runner.  Nice one when it wasn't even a race.


    Pae - how cold was it?  I've seen that when hiking, but I would have thought that with running there would be enough movement to keep the water from freezing.


    Jimmy - sounds like a nice, albeit fattening, weekend.


    Dave - that's a lot of going in circles.  Sounds like some of Bin's runs.


    Scotty - I can't believe it.  Nobody had a race today?  Still, sounds like a nice day, feeding all the pups along your route. Cold though for Texas.


    Zelanie - you are so ready for your race, a few days R&R won't hurt.


    Damaris - do they know what's wrong with Trixie?


    I got 5 miles on the TM before dinner.  Kind of a mix, so I labeled in fartleks, though since it was on the TM, I'm not sure it really counts as one.


    Former Bad Ass

      Not yet.  Initial diagnosis was dehydration but she kept throwing up.  They suspect a blockage in her stomach.  Hoping for dehydration still....


      Way to go Awood and P3!  Hard to have to start over after two whole miles.  Yikes.


      Jack - you are a fast runner.  Nice one when it wasn't even a race.


      Pae - how cold was it?  I've seen that when hiking, but I would have thought that with running there would be enough movement to keep the water from freezing.


      Jimmy - sounds like a nice, albeit fattening, weekend.


      Dave - that's a lot of going in circles.  Sounds like some of Bin's runs.


      Scotty - I can't believe it.  Nobody had a race today?  Still, sounds like a nice day, feeding all the pups along your route. Cold though for Texas.


      Zelanie - you are so ready for your race, a few days R&R won't hurt.


      Damaris - do they know what's wrong with Trixie?


      I got 5 miles on the TM before dinner.  Kind of a mix, so I labeled in fartleks, though since it was on the TM, I'm not sure it really counts as one.


      Bin Running

        Mitch, enjoy the easy miles...

        Damaris, we always have early race.. We have a sundown which starts at midnight though.. Hope trixie get well soon.. What's the diagnosis?

        Ginny, heaty as in feeling a little dry on the thoart and all.. Like you are abt to have a fever but the temp already didn't go up..

        Jimmy, you had a busy weekend!

        Awood, on your condition, I think you did great just be completing it..The bonus is.. you did well.. way to go... Sorry to heard abt P3 race.. but I think that made it even more memorable..

        Dave, no chance to use the track on a permanent basis? Itll come in handy when the weather came in.

        Jack, Congrats on 14miles under 2. you are going to get that sub 1:40..

        Pae, crazy that the tube freeze on you.. and you did 8M @ goal.. The last time I did similar.. it almost killed me..

        Scotty, sound like a challenging run today.. If you can't punch that big guy, use your kick nice time.. Big grin

        Mel, your training is going so great and I am envy.. Take next week as a cutback then..

        2015 Races

        2XU HM - 29 Mar

        Jack K.

        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

          Bin: we'll see... It's a very hilly course. I could really use a headband!

          ginny: Smile


          Former Bad Ass

            We'll know the diagnosis (hopefully) tomorrow.


            Mitch, enjoy the easy miles...

            Damaris, we always have early race.. We have a sundown which starts at midnight though.. Hope trixie get well soon.. What's the diagnosis?

            Ginny, heaty as in feeling a little dry on the thoart and all.. Like you are abt to have a fever but the temp already didn't go up..

            Jimmy, you had a busy weekend!

            Awood, on your condition, I think you did great just be completing it..The bonus is.. you did well.. way to go... Sorry to heard abt P3 race.. but I think that made it even more memorable..

            Dave, no chance to use the track on a permanent basis? Itll come in handy when the weather came in.

            Jack, Congrats on 14miles under 2. you are going to get that sub 1:40..

            Pae, crazy that the tube freeze on you.. and you did 8M @ goal.. The last time I did similar.. it almost killed me..

            Scotty, sound like a challenging run today.. If you can't punch that big guy, use your kick nice time.. Big grin

            Mel, your training is going so great and I am envy.. Take next week as a cutback then..



              Hoping for no blockage and that Trixie is her old self soon!
