Beginners and Beyond

The DAILIES: Sunday Edition (Read 32 times)


    So on the topic of today's workouts, the raincoat I bought for Boston that BAA said was going to be needed but wasn't, finally got used today.  It was great.  I bought well.  It's very light and kept the cold rain off me.  I was still wet under it from all the sweat, but it was warm body-heated sweat, so it wasn't an issue.


    Is this the Brooks one? The equivalent of Des's epic Boston one?


    If so, I have the same one!


    ETA: I ran 6 and they didn't suck. Woot!




      Okay, that's longest gif I've ever seen lmao



        Okay, that's longest gif I've ever seen lmao


        LOL. I thought about reposting your favorite from yesterday, but his sheer exuberance one out. Big grin


        delicate flower


          Is this the Brooks one? The equivalent of Des's epic Boston one?


          If so, I have the same one!


          ETA: I ran 6 and they didn't suck. Woot!


          I bought this one.


          I went for the combination of not expensive-as-ass, and good reviews.  I paid $120.  I just wanted something that would get me through Boston.




            Okay, that's longest gif I've ever seen lmao


            Holy cow, like 3 times longer than the runner up


              LOL. I thought about reposting your favorite from yesterday, but his sheer exuberance one out. Big grin


              You're the gif Queen! 👑



                I bought this one.


                I went for the combination of not expensive-as-ass, and good reviews.  I paid $120.  I just wanted something that would get me through Boston.


                I have to admit that although I always preach that waterproof and breathable is incompatible, I still would have gone with waterproof today given the shitty temp


                Super B****

                  Thanks, people! Remember how I said one day I'd run a marathon and finish with functional knees? I am sad to say that today is not that day. Holy ow.



                  Bluerun beat the 2nd place woman by 19 minutes.


                  You guys really are up on things, I didn't know that until I read it here! I'm really shocked about that, actually. I mean, I passed the only other woman I saw on the full course at mile 8 and that was that, but I wouldn't have expected there to be such an enormous gap. I guess I'm not the only one who wasn't thrilled about the forecast.


                  Congratulations Bluerun! I hope you'll write a RR.


                  Thanks! I always write one because I feel like it helps me to read how a race has gone in the past if I run it again, I just don't usually post them. But I can if you want




                  All that whining for nothing!


                  The whining is an important part of race prep... but seriously, I do think I lost a couple of minutes at least because of the wind




                  If she doesn't have anything to fret bout going into a race, she'd fall down. lol


                  I WORRY ABOUT THAT TOO

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog



                    I WORRY ABOUT THAT TOO


                    Well, you won't have to worry about running New York next year, seeing as how you have a title to defend! #tko🥊🥊

                    From the Internet.

                      I KNEW YOU WERE GONNA CRUSH IT BLUE!! Excellent job!!

                      From the Internet.

                        Oof my run was great but I'm still thawing out from the child's soccer game today, lol. Cold and rainy is hard when you're standing still.


                        Super B****


                          Well, you won't have to worry about running New York next year, seeing as how you have a title to defend! #tko🥊🥊


                          IDK, still think I’m going to do NYC... there was this whole article in Newsday about how last year’s female winner was coming back to defend her title and she wound up finishing seventh. Who needs that pressure??

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                          Super B****

                            I KNEW YOU WERE GONNA CRUSH IT BLUE!! Excellent job!!


                            That made one of us  Thanks!

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog


                              Oof my run was great but I'm still thawing out from the child's soccer game today, lol. Cold and rainy is hard when you're standing still.

                              My daughter's game was at an indoors stadium 



                                IDK, still think I’m going to do NYC... there was this whole article is Newsday about how last year’s female winner was coming back to defend her title and she wound up finishing seventh. Who needs that pressure??


                                You do, apparently!