Beginners and Beyond

The DAILIES: Sunday Edition (Read 32 times)


Super B****


    You do, apparently!


    NO THANK YOU. Just running a marathon is pressure enough!

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog



      Not to sound too corny but the female B&B marathon performances lately are inspiring and motivating.






        NO THANK YOU. Just running a marathon is pressure enough!


        You're the people's champ!  #blue 🥊🥊




          Now we have the men's turn to step it up.  LRB up first at NYC and then you and DaveP!


          I’m feeling pretty good about our chances. 


          Perfect marathoning weather here today - 42 at the start, 52 at the finish, no wind, clear skies. And a solid run: 20 miles at 8:05; last 6 miles all sub-8. Same distance, same route, same effort last Sunday was 8:18. A good way to cap off a 72-mile week.


          From the Internet.

            My daughter's game was at an indoors stadium 


            LUCKY!! We don't move indoors until January (though there's a break before then - just a few more weeks left in the fall season!)


              Perfect marathoning weather here today - 42 at the start, 52 at the finish, no wind, clear skies. And a solid run: 20 miles at 8:05; last 6 miles all sub-8. Same distance, same route, same effort last Sunday was 8:18. A good way to cap off a 72-mile week.


              Boosh! #killeditdead


              delicate flower


                Perfect marathoning weather here today - 42 at the start, 52 at the finish, no wind, clear skies. And a solid run: 20 miles at 8:05; last 6 miles all sub-8. Same distance, same route, same effort last Sunday was 8:18. A good way to cap off a 72-mile week.






                  Love the Half isn't that active here anymore, but he has a 2:59:42 from 2013.


                  Listen right here, if we are including those not recently active, any discussion of the fastest folks on the forum has to start with our man Jay and his 2:39 a few years ago. And should include Fuzzy; I don’t see his log being public anymore, but IIRC he ran something in the 2:40s at age 50+.


                  Anyone know how Jay is doing? It was reported here a while back that he was diagnosed with cancer. 



                  Super B****


                    I’m feeling pretty good about our chances. 


                    Perfect marathoning weather here today - 42 at the start, 52 at the finish, no wind, clear skies. And a solid run: 20 miles at 8:05; last 6 miles all sub-8. Same distance, same route, same effort last Sunday was 8:18. A good way to cap off a 72-mile week.


                    I'd say you don't want to waste your perfect marathon weather on training runs, but I did an 18-miler before Boston 2018 in a deluge, so never mind that.

                    chasing the impossible


                    because i never shut up ... i blog



                      Listen right here, if we are including those not recently active, any discussion of the fastest folks on the forum has to start with our man Jay and his 2:39 a few years ago. And should include Fuzzy; I don’t see his log being public anymore, but IIRC he ran something in the 2:40s at age 50+.


                      Anyone know how Jay is doing? It was reported here a while back that he was diagnosed with cancer. 


                      Fuzzy dropped something stupid like a 6:20 26th mile after running 7:05s for 25 miles or something redunkulous like that.


                      Yes, we've had a couple of outstanding performances the past week, no sense trying to compare them to others. They stand on their own.


                      Jay is living his best life as far as I can tell. I don't spend much time on the Face of Book but he's posting happy pics so I guess he's happy.




                        Yes, we've had a couple of outstanding performances the past week, no sense trying to compare them to others. They stand on their own.


                        Oh I’m not comparing, just taking a trip in the way back machine. Can’t forget B-plus, he was a speedy mofo. Checked his log, he ran a 2:53 at Boston a few years ago. I met him once, at the Victoria Marathon. I was on my way to the start, and saw someone who I thought might be him, and sure enough it was. He had just finished the 8k. At a 5:43 pace. .



                        Super B****



                          I have to say that I just watched this entire gif and I laughed and laughed and laughed. Mostly because he's hugging everyone and I am SO not a hugger, which somehow makes it even funnier.

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                             Oh I’m not comparing, 


                            I wasn't speaking of you, Sir.



                              I have to say that I just watched this entire gif and I laughed and laughed and laughed. Mostly because he's hugging everyone and I am SO not a hugger, which somehow makes it even funnier.


                              I was good until he deep throated the dude, TWICE. lol


                                Oh I’m not comparing, just taking a trip in the way back machine. Can’t forget B-plus, he was a speedy mofo. Checked his log, he ran a 2:53 at Boston a few years ago. I met him once, at the Victoria Marathon. I was on my way to the start, and saw someone who I thought might be him, and sure enough it was. He had just finished the 8k. At a 5:43 pace. .


                                B-plus' Chicago marathon was legendary. He basically ran the last 10k at 10k pace. It too was stupid!