Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #5 (Read 36 times)



    I kind of agree but I feel stupid driving somewhere for a training run... which is probably why I do so many races. And while I might not like the variation of routes it gives me, I do like the convenience of starting and ending at my front door!


    Of course, it's what puts the stupid in feeling stupid to drive somewhere to do stupid, sometimes to run for shorter than it took to drive there. lol



      I went through a phase of trying to do this, and then I realized that I ended up running myself anyway, so I just stopped.


      Yeah this happened a couple times when I was doing the Friday runs, but my own fault for not making an effort to partner up before the run started. With this group I’m pretty sure I could find people.




        I must enjoy punishing myself because I have always run solo, with no music, on roughly the same routes every day. When I’m in the routine and running is going well, none of that bothers me; when the running sucks, there’s no amount of spicing it up that makes it suck less.


        However I’m thinking about trying to make group runs a regular thing. Just to do something social. I’ve generally had fun whenever I’ve done it. There’s a very large, very active, very friendly group here that has scheduled runs every day (some days twice). There are enough who show up at each run to be able to hook up with people in your pace range. Several months ago I started running with them occasionally on Friday mornings, but that stopped being convenient since it was 6AM near where I used to work. And in fact they are mainly based close to where I worked which is not close to where I live. I might drive to a run but not going to fight weekday traffic for it. So the best bet in my current situation is Saturday mornings. It’s a 30 min drive with no traffic for a 7AM run. If it works out I may just my LR from Sunday to Saturday, since those are the best runs to have company on. We’ll see.


        Yes, I go through periods when I can zone out and just get to the business of WORK. Then there are times when the thought of running anywhere hurts my head!


        Super B****


          Of course, it's what puts the stupid in feeling stupid to drive somewhere to do stupid, sometimes to run for shorter than it took to drive there. lol


          I pretty much do that every single time I go climbing, but I don't really have a choice in that!

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog


            I have done the group runs too and it seems like everyone just pairs up with their friends and runs with them anyway, so if you don't know anyone you just end up running by yourself anyway.  But the water tables are nice in the summer.


            Having RPs for easy runs is nice but having them for workout runs and long runs is the best and I will happily drive 20-30 minutes for that


              Everyone is different but if I didn't drive to run I would bash my face in with boredom running the same variation of routes from my front door. Running is monotonous in and of itself, so I need something different from time to time to break that up. Not to mention that running trails is an entirely different stimulus, so it's mentally refreshing...or can be.


              I need to switch up my routes. I get so bored because I can only go one of two ways really for shorter runs from my house, and in the winter it’s worse. Longer runs aren’t bad because at least it’s different scenery after awhile. I don’t run with music either. I’m excited for vacation to run somewhere different


              UM 45 Ohio 23


                I need to switch up my routes. I get so bored because I can only go one of two ways really for shorter runs from my house, and in the winter it’s worse. Longer runs aren’t bad because at least it’s different scenery after awhile. I don’t run with music either. I’m excited for vacation to run somewhere different





                  Regarding group runs,  I'm too slow to run with them but I will start with them and run my own thing and then meet for food and/or drinks after. I run better solo anyway but I like the camaraderie afterward. I also like mixing up my routes so as not to get bored. Running from my front door is fine for shorter runs.


                  *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                   **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                  Barking Mad To Run


                    I kind of agree but I feel stupid driving somewhere for a training run... which is probably why I do so many races. And while I might not like the variation of routes it gives me, I do like the convenience of starting and ending at my front door!


                    I tend to run a lot of different routes over the week. But then, I am primarily an after-work runner, so I take my gear and then change before leaving work, and then stop somewhere along the way home to get a run in.  Luckily, San Antonio has pretty darn mild winter weather for the most part and we have a ton of greenway parks to choose from to run in, and also the San Antonio Riverwalk.  So I am very lucky in having a variety of pretty safe running routes to choose from.

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                      Any sticker you guys recognize?



                      Former Bad Ass

                        Done with my 10. I am wondering if I should even taper because as of now, Disney will have record heat and might shortened the courses or black flag the race. And people wonder why I moved. Highs of 85F for both days which means 90s heat indexes and humid.


                        Good thing I have all those parks to enjoy!



                          Any sticker you guys recognize?




                          Les Habs?


                          I am afraid to put my Boston sticker on anything, because it feels like too much of a commitment.



                            I have done the group runs too and it seems like everyone just pairs up with their friends and runs with them anyway, so if you don't know anyone you just end up running by yourself anyway.  But the water tables are nice in the summer.


                            Truth. Knowing this I'll still almost always go at least until I learn the route, some of which can get confusing. Took me forever to learn the Hansons route despite it only being like 7 turns. 


                              Any sticker you guys recognize?



                              Shrek, of course. 



                                I need to switch up my routes. I get so bored because I can only go one of two ways really for shorter runs from my house, and in the winter it’s worse. Longer runs aren’t bad because at least it’s different scenery after awhile. I don’t run with music either. I’m excited for vacation to run somewhere different



                                Indeed. Both the desert in Vegas (Red Rock Canyon) and Spooner Lake in Lake Tahoe were amazing runs for me. I've also had adventurous runs in Ohio and West Virginia among others.