Beginners and Beyond


SaturDAILIES: The Gift (Read 29 times)


    I ran 5 miles.


    At about 4 minutes in, I looked to the western sky and saw the most magnificent view of the moon that I can remember. It was like a pearl in the universe. Spectacular!


    I didn't have my phone so I was hoping it would still be there when I got back to get a picture of it but it was long gone.


    That's how these things work. You only have the moment. Nothing else is promised...


      Raining outside. Cat kept me awake since like 4. We closed a door and of course it was scratching on it and meowing to go there. I don't feel like running extra long, and since I'm most probably going to register in a HM after my run, it is just smart I don't run a 20 miler one week before my goal half. I have nothing else planned, so it will be my goal half 

      Chances I register have risen to 95%. So unless I hurt myself on my run today, it's pretty much a done deal.


        Chances I register have risen to 95%. 


        That's funny. Get off the fence already!


        delicate flower



          I ran 5 miles.


          At about 4 minutes in.


          I, too, ran 5 miles.  At about 4 minutes in, I thought "This sucks and I don't want to be here."  So, my two hour run was changed to five miles because I felt like it.  I'll do the two hour run tomorrow.  Today can count as bonus miles.


          From the Internet.

            I woke up too late to run with friends - stayed up too late knitting because that's how I do, lol. Leisurely breakfast and some light house cleaning, working on my sweater for a bit while I finish my coffee and then I'll head out for an easy hour sometime before lunch. 20+ on the schedule tomorrow and I HAVE to wake up for that or I don't get to do it - a nap might also be on the agenda for today just to make sure I get up early tomorrow!



              5.6 miles this morning.

              64 degrees and not much humidity, Jetta was happy to finally be out for a run after this past week of awful heat.

              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


              delicate flower

                Speaking of The Gift, today is New Car Day.  Meet the new car, same as the old car!  Only newer.



                  Well, that sucked. Figured I'd throw in some HMP in there to get the hang of it, and it's just too hard. I have no fight left in me. I kept changing the workout and ended up doing 3 x 2km (roughly 3 x 1.25 miles) and it was a struggle.


                    Well, that sucked. Figured I'd throw in some HMP in there to get the hang of it, and it's just too hard. I have no fight left in me. I kept changing the workout and ended up doing 3 x 2km (roughly 3 x 1.25 miles) and it was a struggle.


                    HMP is one of the most erratic paces of them all. I either have it or I don't, there doesn't ever seem to be a middle ground with the stupid thing.


                      Speaking of The Gift, today is New Car Day.  Meet the new car, same as the old car!  Only newer.


                      Saweet. Soob?


                        I woke up too late to run with friends - stayed up too late knitting because that's how I do, lol. Leisurely breakfast and some light house cleaning, working on my sweater for a bit while I finish my coffee and then I'll head out for an easy hour sometime before lunch. 20+ on the schedule tomorrow and I HAVE to wake up for that or I don't get to do it - a nap might also be on the agenda for today just to make sure I get up early tomorrow!


                        You mean fastest easy don't you? 


                          Speaking of The Gift, today is New Car Day.  Meet the new car, same as the old car!  Only newer.


                          Did you post a picture and I am just not seeing it? Or perhaps you did not post a picture, which is why I cannot see it. Big grin



                            HMP is one of the most erratic paces of them all. I either have it or I don't, there doesn't ever seem to be a middle ground with the stupid thing.


                            Truer words have never been spoken. Or, written. Big grin


                              I slept in today, and had my daughter not had a party to get up for, I would have slept in way, way longer. I didn't get as early a bedtime as I had wanted last night, b/c some neighbor (kids?) started LOUDLY playing music outdoors at like, 10:15pm. Woke me up!



                              Anyway, I'm all loaded up with pancakes w/pb (no syrup or anything else), and am about to go out for a run. The length remains TBD.



                                HMP is one of the most erratic paces of them all. I either have it or I don't, there doesn't ever seem to be a middle ground with the stupid thing.


                                Especially while running an actual HM. 

