Beginners and Beyond


Mondailies on the 2nd (Read 36 times)



    Good morning!


    I slogged through 3.2 miles.  My legs didn't want to get out of bed.  They put in the hours last week, so I gave them a break this morning.


    Have a great day1

    Runner with a riding problem.


      It's 23 degrees outside. Why?


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I have 7 and weights tonight.  I also have to attend a funeral mass and a doctor's appointment this afternoon, so I won't be at work for long.  It's a work thing, anyway, for a coworker's father.



        Super B****

          8.4 while being stabbed in the eyeballs by snowflakes.  It's official.  This winter is never going to end.

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog


          I lost my rama

            8.4 while being stabbed in the eyeballs by snowflakes.  It's official.  This winter is never going to end.


            Kudos to you for getting out there this morning!  I left my house at 6:30 and it was pretty nasty already.


            Docket - Sorry about your co-worker's father.


            I've got nothin.

            3/17 - NYC Half

            4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

            6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

            8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


            delicate flower

              Hi.  Speaking of snow, it is freakin dumping out there.  We were supposed to get a dusting.  Wtf.


              Anyway, I blew off my swim and slept in this morning.  No regerts.  Maybe I'll swim after work, or maybe not.  I will do my five mile run.



                4 miles.



                  It's 23 degrees outside. Why?




                  Former Bad Ass




                    If that was the case, we would be colder down here (I'm loyal to my friends, yo!)




                      If that was the case, we would be colder down here (I'm loyal to my friends, yo!)


                      Sorry, I don't get it. 


                      We are also experiencing the cold...isn't it supposed to be April?




                        RunningOnFrozenSand might be a better moniker for you.


                          I'm a believer in active recovery versus passive recovery, so I went for a 6 mile jog despite my legs feeling like pulled pork after my climb up the stairway to heaven yesterday (I was deemed riffraff and denied entry). It actually wasn't all that bad. I stopped for some dynamic stretches about a mile before the end and could feel the difference.


                            I'm off work today. I could get used to a life like this...provided I still have some kind of income. lol


                            I lost my rama

                              I'm a believer in active recovery versus passive recovery, so I went for a 6 mile jog despite my legs feeling like pulled pork after my climb up the stairway to heaven yesterday (I was deemed riffraff and denied entry). It actually wasn't all that bad. I stopped for some dynamic stretches about a mile before the end and could feel the difference.


                              Welcome to Appalachia .  At least nobody made you squeal, so that's a positive.

                              3/17 - NYC Half

                              4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                              6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                              8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours

                              Half Crazy K 2.0



                                We are also experiencing the cold...isn't it supposed to be April?


                                The April showers are supposed to be of the rain variety, right? Not very spring like here either.
