Beginners and Beyond


Mondailies on the 2nd (Read 36 times)


Super B****

    A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine who is also running Boston was complaining that it would probably be 80 degrees and sunny, and I said not to worry because at the rate we're going, it might snow.  I was joking!!  Looks like the joke's on me.

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog

    From the Internet.

      My students are driving me FUCKING. NUTS. and I am regretting not waking up to get to the pool this morning because I am excessively cranky. Hoping to get in a short run and rage-lift this afternoon.


        7 easy miles this morning. One of those runs where the weather is perfect and the running feels effortless! Probably helps that I have off today so didn't feel the usual stress of hurry-up-run-then-get-to-work-on-time. It's 60 and cloudy which is perfect for running but not perfect for the rest of my day. Hello, sun? But this maybe isn't the group to be complaining about 60 degrees to ...


        Heading to one of my favorite San Diego places today...the zoo! My brother is visiting so we have some touristy things on tap for the week.


          A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine who is also running Boston was complaining that it would probably be 80 degrees and sunny, and I said not to worry because at the rate we're going, it might snow.  I was joking!!  Looks like the joke's on me.


          Yikes! Has it ever been snowy for Boston before?


          Super B****


            Yikes! Has it ever been snowy for Boston before?


            Google tells me that it has, but not since the 60s.

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog


              I have my Monday night group run tonight.  They're usually good for 3ish miles.  I'll try to get there early and get a couple of extra miles on my own.



                Yikes! Has it ever been snowy for Boston before?


                I have to believe that if a weather condition exists, it has happened for Boston.



                delicate flower

                  Speaking of Boston, I was noticing yesterday that there are still plenty of great seats available for the Red Sox Friday night home game before the Monday marathon.  That is good to know for next year....Friday packet pickup followed by the night game, perhaps.  Catch up on sleep over the weekend before the Monday jog.



                    Speaking of Boston, I was noticing yesterday that there are still plenty of great seats available for the Red Sox Friday night home game before the Monday marathon.  That is good to know for next year....Friday packet pickup followed by the night game, perhaps.  Catch up on sleep over the weekend before the Monday jog.



                    I had only planned to stay the night before & after. But it would be wicked awesome to catch a Sawx game too. Although not sure how many hotel nights I can afford.


                    MTA: I guess logistics will be tough for me any way you look at it, considering it's a 6-hr flight and 3 time zones. It will be challenging to do this without a 3-night stay.





                      I had only planned to stay the night before & after. But it would be wicked awesome to catch a Sawx game too. Although not sure how many hotel nights I can afford.


                      Four! If you start planning and saving now...



                        Yikes! Has it ever been snowy for Boston before?


                        I asked about the possibility of snow on the Boston Training FB page and was given this link:



                        delicate flower



                          I had only planned to stay the night before & after. But it would be wicked awesome to catch a Sawx game too. Although not sure how many hotel nights I can afford.


                          MTA: I guess logistics will be tough for me any way you look at it, considering it's a 6-hr flight and 3 time zones. It will be challenging to do this without a 3-night stay.


                          It'll be two day trips for me.  Friday packet pickup/possible game, then Monday race.  Part of me would love to be in Boston for the entire weekend to soak it all in and just be around it, but I'll sleep like a champ in my own bed.



                            Four! If you start planning and saving now...


                            I flew in Saturday morning and flew out Monday evening. It's not for everyone but worked fine for me. My only regret was not partaking in the spirits as many others were the night before the race. I generally do not drink the week of a race and sometimes two weeks before it. Oh, but I more than made up for it post-race, pouring 5 pints of Boston's finest brew down the hatch like it was vitamin water. 



                              I flew in Saturday morning and flew out Monday evening. It's not for everyone but worked fine for me. My only regret was not partaking in the spirits as many others were the night before the race. I generally do not drink the week of a race and sometimes two weeks before it. Oh, but I more than made up for it post-race, pouring 5 pints of Boston's finest brew down the hatch like it was vitamin water. 


                              Looks like the earliest I can get in is 3:20 PM (unless I want to take the redeye and arrive at 6AM, but eff that), which would make things an awful tight squeeze if I arrived on Sunday. And the latest I can depart is 6 PM, which would make it a tight squeeze to leave on Monday. So it appears I will need 3 nights minimum (Sat, Sun, Mon). And yeah, 4 would make it more fun, but the dollars just get redonculous



                                I flew in Saturday morning and flew out on Tuesday. I don't like to fly the day before a race or have to rush to make a flight after
