Beginners and Beyond

Status Quo ThursDAILIES (Read 46 times)



    Me neither, it's awesome.


    I'm really happy to see my 7 day mileage total drop below 60 for the first time in ages though. At 3.5 weeks, it was the longest I've ever gone.


    Do I get a cookie? Big grin

    My mileage has fluctuated more this cycle but the average is slightly higher than my last few marathons.  I'm not sure if my lack of feeling beat down has to do with not doing high week after high week or the fact that I have taken fewer rest days.  My workouts have been harder but my easy runs slower.


    Are you doing any more long runs?


    Since when do you not just stuff it in your mouth?


      Sorry to hear about your cat Scotty..... These things are not easy.


      Mr. Higdon says hills today.  In training cycles past, I'd always taken those annotations on training plans as suggestions and then gone an run on the beach. Not so  this time.  i understand that the LA marathon course is somewhat hilly, so I found a hill and I'm going to run over it this evening after work.  Should be about three miles.


      If the weather there the past couple of years is any indication, you may wanna dress head to toe in a huge plastic bag, and wear a winter hat and gloves to simulate race day conditions!


        My mileage has fluctuated more this cycle but the average is slightly higher than my last few marathons.  I'm not sure if my lack of feeling beat down has to do with not doing high week after high week or the fact that I have taken fewer rest days.  My workouts have been harder but my easy runs slower.


        Are you doing any more long runs?


        Since when do you not just stuff it in your mouth?


        I'm done with long runs FFS. Everything left has quality.


        And now I need to find me a big and chunky cookie to gobble up, just 'cuz...



          This happened to me yesterday. I ate lunch and an hour later I was hungry again. 


          I pretty much have to eat something every hour regardless whether one of them is a meal. And I'm not even in heavy training. I just eat like I am.





            Do you ever do strides? Sometimes that helps wake my legs up to run faster.

            I have thrown in a few the last couple of days. I've tried to run easy with 20secs of strides every mile after my 2 warmup miles.  Not sure if it was correct, but seemed like a good idea at the time.

            Runner with a riding problem.




              I would focus on eating yummy nutritious food, and getting good sleep. Let the body take care of everything else.


              I am eating like I'm still running 80 a week. As for sleep, I'm good at that for the first 3-4 hours a night.  Then it's toss n turn time. That's not running related though.

              Runner with a riding problem.



                I pretty much have to eat something every hour regardless whether one of them is a meal. And I'm not even in heavy training. I just eat like I am.


                I would make that 2 hours but I can't seem to make it through an hour long meeting without something to drink. And if I forget, I am SO THIRSTY.


                  I have thrown in a few the last couple of days. I've tried to run easy with 20secs of strides every mile after my 2 warmup miles.  Not sure if it was correct, but seemed like a good idea at the time.


                  I don't know if there's a correct way. I usually do a bunch of them in the last mile or two of an easy run.  Or during my warm up before a race.



                    PR, you've got the whole dailies rooting for you now.  Go and get it!  


                    That's sweet Zel. No damn way i can blow it now.

                    Runner with a riding problem.



                      I would make that 2 hours but I can't seem to make it through an hour long meeting without something to drink. And if I forget, I am SO THIRSTY.


                      My co-workers show up to meetings with legal pads and pens, I show up with a bottle of water. Yet I can run 2 hours without anything. 


                      Former Bad Ass

                        I have been eating too much chocolate today...AND I DON'T LIKE CHOCOLATE.  Maybe I should work from home again. These coworkers are making me fat.




                          I am eating like I'm still running 80 a week. As for sleep, I'm good at that for the first 3-4 hours a night.  Then it's toss n turn time. That's not running related though.


                          For me, the most important night of sleep is two nights before the race. Anything above and beyond that is gravy.


                          And don't let this thing get too big for you, it's still only running. The difference is people are cheering for you and handing you stuff to drink, it's awesome. Cool


                            5 x (3 mins T w/ 3mins jg) 



                              Feeling pretty good Cyberic?



                                Hey guys.

                                Sad news, IMM won't be happening.  Just too much stress right now. Sad

                                Anyways, my current plan is to just aim for 40-45 mpw for the rest of the year.

                                I ran 6.2 miles this morning, aiming for another 4 tonight.

                                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)