Beginners and Beyond


SaturDAILIES (Read 36 times)


    2 hours pool running.  It was my first time trying it (got home too late last night), but it went pretty well, even considering that I forgot to bring music.  It definitely took some focus to keep my heart rate up, but I ended up with an average HR of 130.  Since pool running is supposed to have a 10% lower HR than "real" running, that was just about perfect.


      B v S is tomorrow or next week for us!


      I'm not sure what's up with the critics and the 30% rating this movie is getting on rotten tomatoes. They're either smoking some good ass shit, or need to. (probably the former, as weed and long ass movies usually don't go together. Not that I know a damn thing about that )


      I wouldn't even compare it to nothing Marvel is doing and there is no need to. It's a solid flick on its own, I liked it.



        I'm not sure what's up with the critics and the 30% rating this movie is getting on rotten tomatoes. They're either smoking some good ass shit, or need to. (probably the former, as weed and long ass movies usually don't go together. Not that I know a damn thing about that )


        I wouldn't even compare it to nothing Marvel is doing and there is no need to. It's a solid flick on its own, I liked it.


        The only reason I would bother with that movie is Wonder Woman.



          2 hours pool running.  It was my first time trying it (got home too late last night), but it went pretty well, even considering that I forgot to bring music.  It definitely took some focus to keep my heart rate up, but I ended up with an average HR of 130.  Since pool running is supposed to have a 10% lower HR than "real" running, that was just about perfect.



            Thank you!  My first one I believe!


            Former Bad Ass


              I'm not sure what's up with the critics and the 30% rating this movie is getting on rotten tomatoes. They're either smoking some good ass shit, or need to. (probably the former, as weed and long ass movies usually don't go together. Not that I know a damn thing about that )


              I wouldn't even compare it to nothing Marvel is doing and there is no need to. It's a solid flick on its own, I liked it.

              I don't pay attention to the critics as nothing they like I like. So if  they hate it, it is bound to break records normally, so I don't care what they think.



                 The only reason I would bother with that movie is Wonder Woman.


                Just have a clear schedule on the day that you go, otherwise you won't have the patience for it. And pee before you take your seat, A LOT. lol



                  Just have a clear schedule on the day that you go, otherwise you won't have the patience for it. And pee before you take your seat, A LOT. lol


                  I will not likely see it till it comes to On Demand, if even then.




                    The only reason I would bother with that movie is Wonder Woman.




                    I never understood how such a fight could be fair? Batman is a human with some armor and gadgets whereas Superman is something else. I'll probably see the movie eventually as I have no idea how they managed to make a movie in which Batman stands a chance.

                    It's like Mike Tyson vs Mr. Bean! Or Chuck Norris vs a 105 years old marathoner


                       I will not likely see it till it comes to On Demand, if even then.




                      Former Bad Ass

                        8 TM miles.  Had to wait until hubby got off it so I just finished.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          BTW, last year we hit the TM in April.  We are still in fucking March and we have been on the TM for almost 2 weeks.  FFS.  Long ass Summer, that's why.



                            Ran up and down some mountains. That hurt.



                            You win. Cool
