Beginners and Beyond

Here we go again; it's MonDAILIES! (Read 50 times)



    My marathon preparation long runs are rarely run at easy pace. Even if they were, I do not see how you'd figure a pace from my comment of 2:30-2:40 without a distance


    Anyways, in prep for my first I ran a 18.8 @ 8:14mpm which was 2:34:30 long. That was my longest, in time.

    My longest, in distance was 21 miles @ 7:19, therefore 2:33:30 long. There were 13 miles at MP in there.

    Those are my only non-race runs over 2:30


    Ah. So, it's not that you do LRs so fast, it's that you barely do them at all. Got it. 




      My marathon preparation long runs are rarely run at easy pace. Even if they were, I do not see how you'd figure a pace from my comment of 2:30-2:40 without a distance


      Anyways, in prep for my first I ran a 18.8 @ 8:14mpm which was 2:34:30 long. That was my longest, in time.

      My longest, in distance was 21 miles @ 7:19, therefore 2:33:30 long. There were 13 miles at MP in there.

      Those are my only non-race runs over 2:30


      I wasn't figuring it out from your comment - just pulled that number off the top of my head. So maybe I am off. I did think you ran most of your easy runs faster than 8:14 but I don't pay that close attention.


        I guess I do about half of my long runs at easy pace and half as workouts.


        Anyway, I had 10EZ today and that was a drag.  Addie's not letting me taper just yet. 68 planned for this week.


        Former Bad Ass

          I remember my hair was all neat and stuff until the 40mph gust...LOL




          After.  I do look runover.



            I guess I do about half of my long runs at easy pace and half as workouts.


            Anyway, I had 10EZ today and that was a drag.  Addie's not letting me taper just yet. 68 planned for this week.



            I think McMillan gave me more LR/MPs than Pfitz, but there were fewer MP miles in them - never more than 8. FWIW.


            Don't you know what to expect for taper from her by now, or is it always a surprise?

            I had more or less a 2-week taper, however you define the taper period. Whatever it was, seemed to work out OK.



            Former Bad Ass



              I think McMillan gave me more LR/MPs than Pfitz, but there were fewer MP miles in them - never more than 8. FWIW.


              Don't you know what to expect for taper from her by now, or is it always a surprise?

              I had more or less a 2-week taper, however you define the taper period. Whatever it was, seemed to work out OK.


              Did I misread or didn't you get shorter LRs from McMillan than the normal Pfitz plans?  Pfitz had 20-22 milers, you didn't do those, right?


              I love running 20 (I really do), but I have found similar results with just 18 miles so I tend to prefer 16-18 with quality miles instead of more easy 20s.



                Nice pics D, and that's a helluva medal! They threw everything but the kitchen sink on that medal design. I also like the US/Canada ribbon. Got a pic of the shirt? They gave a really nice one when LRB & I ran.





                  I think McMillan gave me more LR/MPs than Pfitz, but there were fewer MP miles in them - never more than 8. FWIW.


                  Don't you know what to expect for taper from her by now, or is it always a surprise?

                  I had more or less a 2-week taper, however you define the taper period. Whatever it was, seemed to work out OK.


                  Yeah I don't know why I was hoping for less.  This time the last 16 mile workout's a little different  (harder).  And yeah 3 weeks are too much to taper. I just want to be done.


                    Damaris: Nice pics! Like the singlet with matching Mizunos.  Them are Mizunos or Brooks? How did the calves do in the higher drop?


                    WOW!  Just saw that medal! Was wondering, where's the medal? Just saw the pics. Smile Makes Dave's look like a small banana.


                      I developed a headache around 4:00 yesterday that had me in the dumps for most of the evening. Then, this morning, while lying in bed, it dawned on me that I didn't have my coffee yesterday meaning the headache was a result of caffeine withdrawal.




                      This is actually quite tragic. Coming from another coffee drinker.

                        Docket, woah, now that's a medal!!! Love it, thanks for the pic Smile  Nice finisher pics too, you look so happy!  I always look like I'm about to take a crap, or kill someone.  I'm not race-photogenic.  Cool shirt too.


                        We have Cox, and LRB, I also do that thing where I spend an hour of my life trying to negotiate the bill.  I'm not kidding when I tell you: it goes down that month, then the following month, it's MORE than before I made the phone call.  Somehow these bastards are currently charging me $260 a month for cable, internet (and not even the really good internet, just the standard crappy non-heavy streaming kind), and phone.  I looked carefully and realized that the "bundle" discount that makes it look like I'm getting the phone for free is actually costing me--these charlatans separated out the phone fees and taxes to a different page so you don't realize the damn phone is costing you $50, instead of saving you $10, per the lies they ensnared you with.  One of those hour of my life calls about 3 months ago was supposed to have this bill at $213.  Which is still stupid.  I can buy a LOT of running shoes for that.


                        I've had it.  I've been trying to get hubs on this bandwagon for a year or so, and he's finally there.  I pointed out to him that for $200 a month we can go to any one of several nice bars, get hammered, watch whatever game he's simply got to see, uber home, and we still save money at the end of the day.


                        Game. Set. Match.



                          Did I misread or didn't you get shorter LRs from McMillan than the normal Pfitz plans?  Pfitz had 20-22 milers, you didn't do those, right?


                          I love running 20 (I really do), but I have found similar results with just 18 miles so I tend to prefer 16-18 with quality miles instead of more easy 20s.


                          Mainly, fewer of what I'd consider true LRs, 18+.

                          Pfitz: 3x18, 20, 21

                          McMillan: 18, 20, 22


                          But more w/quality.

                          Pfitz: 3 (but nothing within 6 weeks out, wtf?)

                          McMillan: 4...coulda sworn more, but more concentrated in later part of the plan. 3 of final 4 Sundays were FF (including the final Sunday which was only 12 total).



                            Nice finisher pics too, you look so happy!  I always look like I'm about to take a crap, or kill someone.  I'm not race-photogenic. 


                            I have learned to really like 5k pics, where it looks like I'm actually running seriously, vs zombie-shuffle marathon pics. Got some choice ones of the latter for sure.



                              I have learned to really like 5k pics, where it looks like I'm actually running seriously, vs zombie-shuffle marathon pics. Got some choice ones of the latter for sure.


                              Oh lawd, 5K pics would be all pain cave face.  Pain cave face is not my best look, lol!  But I agree, most of my race pics are from 1/2s, and I look like I'm barely moving.  I got a bunch of floater pics from this last race, and I'm tempted by them.  I actually look like I'm legit running in a few.



                                Oh lawd, 5K pics would be all pain cave face.  Pain cave face is not my best look, lol!  But I agree, most of my race pics are from 1/2s, and I look like I'm barely moving.  I got a bunch of floater pics from this last race, and I'm tempted by them.  I actually look like I'm legit running in a few.


                                Got to buy the floaters!  Mine looked so bad and our race was/is featured on Running the USA we-site home page. Sad I'm like right in the first pic, but I just started moving, so it's not too bad.