Beginners and Beyond

SUNDAILIES Be Like (Read 40 times)



    If there are any left when I'm done, then by all means, immerse yourself. lol


    Gotta follow the seniority rules I guess. 



      Thanks. I needed that. Now I can get up from my chair and get on with my day wearing a nice smile.


      I need to do that, for reals.


        4 miles this morning and having a large coffee from McD now...haven't had one of those in a while. football and soccer on tap later today (watching and playing some)...have a great sunday all!

        marathon pr - 3:16


           I need to do that, for reals.


          30 minutes on the elliptical, my first real workout since my marathon fail. It was nice to sweat again, I did not realize how much I missed that until it started pouring out.


          Although I'm far from 100%, I felt no pain anywhere and that was a bonus.

          Hip Redux


            True.  But I read somewhere that, setting aside chronic conditions like GERD or things like car sickness, nearly all cases of an upset stomach/vomiting in adults is due entirely to something they ate, rather than what we think of as a flu virus.   With kids it's different, but a true stomach flu is rare in adults.   Food poisoning can be very unpleasant as well, but at least you don't have to worry about infecting others, and it seems to pass more quickly and a real flu.


            Well...again, there's really no such thing as stomach influenza.  People call it that, but it's a misnomer.   Kids can be more vulnerable to various viruses but adults can get them as well - the elderly, sick, etc.  And "food poisoning" can infect others, depending on what the virus/bacteria/parasite is.  You have bugs that are spread person-to-food-to-person (and these can also transmit person to person) and you have bugs that are not killed during processing/cooking (E coli, etc)  If you have ever been on a cruise ship dealing with norovirus, you will greatly appreciate the first route of transmission.


            I had a microbiology professor who was very excited to teach us the various ways we can get stomach bugs. And why it was really important to wash your hands after using the bathroom.


            And that ends our diarrhea lesson for the day.   Tomorrow's lesson: Foot fungus and causes.


            Half Crazy K 2.0


              Well...again, there's really no such thing as stomach influenza.  People call it that, but it's a misnomer.   Kids can be more vulnerable to various viruses but adults can get them as well - the elderly, sick, etc.  And "food poisoning" can infect others, depending on what the virus/bacteria/parasite is.  You have bugs that are spread person-to-food-to-person (and these can also transmit person to person) and you have bugs that are not killed during processing/cooking (E coli, etc)  If you have ever been on a cruise ship dealing with norovirus, you will greatly appreciate the first route of transmission.


              I had a microbiology professor who was very excited to teach us the various ways we can get stomach bugs. And why it was really important to wash your hands after using the bathroom.


              And that ends our diarrhea lesson for the day.   Tomorrow's lesson: Foot fungus and causes.


              And this is why the post-race food spread skeeves me out. If you have the "higher quality" POPs, you get hand sanitizer. Who knows if everyone uses it. And then everyone grabs a bagel. 

              Jack K.

              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                8 miles in 31 degrees. I like running in the cold.


                  4 miles this morning and having a large coffee from McD now...haven't had one of those in a while. football and soccer on tap later today (watching and playing some)...have a great sunday all!


                  Are you watching Oakland v Detroit?



                    Well...again, there's really no such thing as stomach influenza.  People call it that, but it's a misnomer.   Kids can be more vulnerable to various viruses but adults can get them as well - the elderly, sick, etc.  And "food poisoning" can infect others, depending on what the virus/bacteria/parasite is.  You have bugs that are spread person-to-food-to-person (and these can also transmit person to person) and you have bugs that are not killed during processing/cooking (E coli, etc)  If you have ever been on a cruise ship dealing with norovirus, you will greatly appreciate the first route of transmission.


                    I had a microbiology professor who was very excited to teach us the various ways we can get stomach bugs. And why it was really important to wash your hands after using the bathroom.


                    And that ends our diarrhea lesson for the day.   Tomorrow's lesson: Foot fungus and causes.


                    I think that is a lesson we can all get behind.

                    Life is good.


                    Super B****

                      1:11:07 on the trainer (fail again), 60 minutes (+4 seconds) on the AlterG. 20/20/20, walk/run/walk.  I don't think my foot is thrilled.

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog

                      Hip Redux

                        I am still so shocked and grossed out when I see people leaving the restroom withput washing their hands OR my favorite... the quick water rinse and go.  Ughhjj.



                        I think that is a lesson we can all get behind.



                          Congrats HCK!



                          Why do you keep hugging the Detroit boy all the time? What about the Montreal boy? Don't I deserve hugs too?


                          Anyone living in Detroit needs as many hugs as they can get.


                          12 miles in 32 degrees. Which sounds almost like winter, but no snow & no wind. So it's all good, and still in shorts ffs.

                          54 for the week.



                          Former Bad Ass


                   poisoning is a virus (or bacteria).


                            It's a bacteria, not a virus, at least most of the time.



                              Congrats HCK!



                              Anyone living in Detroit needs as many hugs as they can get.


                              12 miles in 32 degrees. Which sounds almost like winter, but no snow & no wind. So it's all good, and still in shorts ffs.

                              54 for the week.


                              And prayer. lol


                              Former Bad Ass


                                Well...again, there's really no such thing as stomach influenza.  People call it that, but it's a misnomer.   Kids can be more vulnerable to various viruses but adults can get them as well - the elderly, sick, etc.  And "food poisoning" can infect others, depending on what the virus/bacteria/parasite is.  You have bugs that are spread person-to-food-to-person (and these can also transmit person to person) and you have bugs that are not killed during processing/cooking (E coli, etc)  If you have ever been on a cruise ship dealing with norovirus, you will greatly appreciate the first route of transmission.


                                I had a microbiology professor who was very excited to teach us the various ways we can get stomach bugs. And why it was really important to wash your hands after using the bathroom.


                                And that ends our diarrhea lesson for the day.   Tomorrow's lesson: Foot fungus and causes.


                                Can I pass on the fungus one?
