Beginners and Beyond

WednesDAILIES: If load load created the problem, load will solve it (Read 36 times)


    We're lucky to finally have dropped our deadbeat 0 mileage guy.  He cost us two wins.  Starting 40 miles in the hole each week is hard to overcome.  Why the hell sign up for the game and then not bother to post any miles or respond to any messages?





      We're lucky to finally have dropped our deadbeat 0 mileage guy.  He cost us two wins.  Starting 40 miles in the hole each week is hard to overcome.  Why the hell sign up for the game and then not bother to post any miles or respond to any messages?


      Why, indeed? I really can't understand that.



        We're lucky to finally have dropped our deadbeat 0 mileage guy.  He cost us two wins.  Starting 40 miles in the hole each week is hard to overcome.  Why the hell sign up for the game and then not bother to post any miles or respond to any messages?


        This of course is not completely accurate. He was on target for his 3rd straight zero week, where we could have dropped him. Then hours before the deadline he posted a 0.08 mile run, at a pace of slightly over 1 hour per mile. WTF. That counted as logging a run, so we were stuck with him another week. During which he posted zero. Thankfully.



        Former Bad Ass


          Right? He pays you to read and post in the B&B dailies.


          Joined the treadmill brigade today. I did actually make it to work, I used my wife's 4WD again since she doesn't have to go anywhere today. I am not sure I could have gotten out of our neighborhood without it, although the rest of the roads were fine. The mill was a grind, exacerbated by the fact that I forgot my headphones. I never run with music outside, but it would have been helpful today. Plus my wife's car does not have 19 plastic water bottles left over from races like my car, so I had no water. Which again would have been normal for an outside run, but would have been nice to have today. Although was a good excuse to pause the run for a couple water breaks. Anyway, got my 12 miles done, so it's done.


          You are braver than I am for running on a TM without music.



          Former Bad Ass


            FYI Strava counts stoppage time on a treadmill.  It's annoying.


            Yes, it is!




              You are braver than I am for running on a TM without music.


              It would have been better if I had complete silence; instead I had the shitty music the gym plays.



              Former Bad Ass


                Easy fix: Edit your Strava activity and uncheck "treadmill". Save.


                So, taking that off recalculates it?  I didn't know that!  Been clocking 12+mm for one quick hop off to pee, damn it.

                PS, just tried it and it didn't work.



                Former Bad Ass


                  It would have been better if I had complete silence; instead I had the shitty music the gym plays.


                  At one point, I took off my headphones for some reason (maybe to fix them since they were all wet) and I hear The Time of My Life from Dirty Dancing playing at the gym.  WTF, that's not gym music.




                    So, taking that off recalculates it?  I didn't know that!  Been clocking 12+mm for one quick hop off to pee, damn it.

                    PS, just tried it and it didn't work.


                    Works for everybody else that have tried it  People with foot pods, at least.



                      It would have been better if I had complete silence; instead I had the shitty music the gym plays.


                      Yeah it's just awful when you don't have everything you need. Garmin gives those ridiculous badges for stupid shit and here is a case where you actually earned one!


                      Former Bad Ass


                        Works for everybody else that have tried it  People with foot pods, at least.


                        Mine is an accelerometer so maybe there lies the difference?  The indoor function of the Garmin had the same result when I took off the TM checkmark as well.




                          Mine is an accelerometer so maybe there lies the difference?  The indoor function of the Garmin had the same result when I took off the TM checkmark as well.


                          Sorry, D. Can't help you. I just know of this little trick with foot pods and Strava. Far from a Strava expert.



                            Well spank my ass and call me Sally.






                              Right? He pays you to read and post in the B&B dailies.


                              Joined the treadmill brigade today. I did actually make it to work, I used my wife's 4WD again since she doesn't have to go anywhere today. I am not sure I could have gotten out of our neighborhood without it, although the rest of the roads were fine. The mill was a grind, exacerbated by the fact that I forgot my headphones. I never run with music outside, but it would have been helpful today. Plus my wife's car does not have 19 plastic water bottles left over from races like my car, so I had no water. Which again would have been normal for an outside run, but would have been nice to have today. Although was a good excuse to pause the run for a couple water breaks. Anyway, got my 12 miles done, so it's done.


                              Awesome job. This has happened to me before (arriving at the gym, and then noticing I don't have headphones) and I've then left and not completed the workout (this was like 10 years ago--hoping I'd be able to tough it out more, now!). But seriously. 12 miles. On a gym TM. with no distractions. Nicely done.

                              From the Internet.



                                Busy with work and did 8 million things over the weekend so I'm still trying to catch up on like, normal housework things too, but popping in so y'all know I didn't fall off the face of the earth, lol. I ended up not running for a full week after my mile race to placate my right foot (which is NOT the foot I had PF in before, rude). Running in OTC orthotics and wearing shoes with support most of the time even just around the house, seems to be on the mend now. I ran 13 Sunday, 10 yesterday, abbreviated workout this morning. So far so good. Lots of rolling and stretching of feet and calves to keep everything loose.